I would suggest a 2nd job if you really wanted to make extra money
That will also help to bring the unemployment rate down even further! LOL
Google Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and her thoughts on the nation's unemployment rate for a real 'education' on the subject!
The "Unemployment RATE" is a joke. And very inaccurate. First off, people who have been unemployed for a certain amount of time or have exhausted their benefits are no longer counted in the numbers.
Well, in case my point was missed, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez is a former Bernie Sanders staffer and a current socialist candidate for U.S. Congress and she recently said that the reason why unemployment rates have been falling under President Trump is because people are being forced to go out and get a second job in order to survive.
So she is basically saying that people who are already employed (therefore are not even a factor in the unemployment rate) and then get a second job are bringing down the unemployment rate by taking on that second job.
(Apparently her math and logical reasoning skills are not quite on par with that of your average sixth grader).
That is completely foolish. The dumorats are going to say anything to try to make Trump look bad.
First off the UNEMPLOYMENT rates are based off people who are UNEMPLOYED. So if you are employed and go get a second job then you never counted in the unemployment rate anyway. People are too stupid.
Another thing they do now is say you have exhausted your benefits then you fall off the charts. YOU are no longer counted in the numbers as "unemployed and looking for work". It is a way to manipulate the numbers.
I don't see too many people working a full time job and then a part time job as well. I do see people trying to work more than one part time job.
I don't know about any where else but at least in my area people who are drawing unemployment or even welfare make more money on that than if they get a job. WHY? All that seems to be available is part time and min wage. Nobody is going to take a job that pays LESS than they make sitting at home.