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Topic: Working Online  (Read 6554 times)


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Working Online
« on: April 05, 2018, 05:51:29 am »
I hear so many people say "oh I work online".  I wonder if there are really any legit jobs where you can work online and from home and get paid.  And I mean a real job.  Not I draw a check off the government and that pays my bills so I do surveys and call that my job to have some extra spending money.

I have a full time job but would love to quit and be able to work online.  Most of the things I have found thru google searches seem to be nothing but scams.  Or they are just flat out lies.  Kind of like sites like this one that say you can make thousands of dollars a day working for 20 minutes.  ::)


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2018, 05:58:18 am »
i would love to work online..but like many are legit...
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Re: Working Online
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2018, 06:07:37 am »
I have a friend in Scottsdale AZ who sits at home and plays games and makes 80K a year working from home for CVS , as a system admin. And watchdog.  But he has worked for them for 20 plus years now. He used to be at a office but I guess its more cost effective to have some of their people work at home.


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2018, 06:08:16 am »
You really have to check out those ads thoroughly as most of them ae scams.  There are more and more legitimate companies that will allow you to work from home.


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2018, 07:32:52 am »
Have to agree with you countrygirl, most work at home jobs are scams,  or you can make money, but no where near enough to live on.
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Re: Working Online
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2018, 08:31:57 am »
I work at a huge financial entity, fraud and money laundering investigation, that allows us to work from home two days a week. Thirty percent of our staff works from home every day, attends meetings via Skype, and communicates via instant messaging and e-mails. I have the option to work from home every day but there are tasks, related to my job, that are conducted more safely from the mother ship (lol). My second job is done completely from the confines of home. I put in thirty five to fifty hours a week underwriting tranches of mortgage loans for prospective buyers. Working from home loses it's glory after awhile but I find myself to be much more productive with out the seemingly constant intrusions from people who want to talk about sports or Holiday parties. I save time by not driving/getting cleaned up as well.


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2018, 09:38:10 am »
I have a friend in Scottsdale AZ who sits at home and plays games and makes 80K a year working from home for CVS , as a system admin. And watchdog.  But he has worked for them for 20 plus years now. He used to be at a office but I guess its more cost effective to have some of their people work at home.

Jobs like that are hard to get.  There was someone local who got a job doing medical transcription from home but I found out she had worked in the ER for over 20 years.  And I live in a small town so there are not an abundance of medical transcription jobs.  Actually pretty near none.  No doctors carry around tape recorders any more. I saw one that one time he was doing that.  Now they carry their laptop around with them and enter the into in right then and it goes into the BIG system that is accessed every where in the US.


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2018, 09:44:27 am »
I have a friend in Scottsdale AZ who sits at home and plays games and makes 80K a year working from home for CVS , as a system admin. And watchdog.  But he has worked for them for 20 plus years now. He used to be at a office but I guess its more cost effective to have some of their people work at home.

Jobs like that are hard to get.  There was someone local who got a job doing medical transcription from home but I found out she had worked in the ER for over 20 years.  And I live in a small town so there are not an abundance of medical transcription jobs.  Actually pretty near none.  No doctors carry around tape recorders any more. I saw one that one time he was doing that.  Now they carry their laptop around with them and enter the into in right then and it goes into the BIG system that is accessed every where in the US.

To be honest I think he is a huge flirt, but a great worker and the company is better off with him at home rather than getting sued. I take it you'd love to work from home but just have not found the right deal to keep you there.  Would be great if we got the real money our panels get for us doing the surveys !


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2018, 09:48:13 am »
You really have to check out those ads thoroughly as most of them are scams.  There are more and more legitimate companies that will allow you to work from home.

I do not know how to find those companies.  I know companies like ATT have remote operators for tech support.  I know a girl that use to do that.  There was a company I saw online advertised recently but you had to be available weekends, nights, and holidays.  Yeah you work from home but you still cannot enjoy that time with your family.

Have to agree with you countrygirl, most work at home jobs are scams,  or you can make money, but no where near enough to live on.

Right.  I can do decent doing stuff like this site online or testing that pays fairly well but I could not live on it.  Usually the only people who get rich on those things are the ones hosting the scam.  There are people who have quit their job and started their own business and been really successful but I would have no idea what to do.  And where I live people are extremely jealous and will do every thing they can do cause others problems or if you do start something and you are the only one doing it 10 more people will copy you and then you can't get enough business.

I work at a huge financial entity, fraud and money laundering investigation, that allows us to work from home two days a week. Thirty percent of our staff works from home every day, attends meetings via Skype, and communicates via instant messaging and e-mails. I have the option to work from home every day but there are tasks, related to my job, that are conducted more safely from the mother ship (lol). My second job is done completely from the confines of home. I put in thirty five to fifty hours a week underwriting tranches of mortgage loans for prospective buyers. Working from home loses it's glory after awhile but I find myself to be much more productive with out the seemingly constant intrusions from people who want to talk about sports or Holiday parties. I save time by not driving/getting cleaned up as well.

I do not think I would ever get tired of working from home. The more I am in public the more I dislike people and being around them.  I would love to do something where I could do live chat.  lol.  I do not have too much of a problem with people wanting to talk sports or holiday parties.  I have more of an issue of feeling like I am in prison working in a building with NO windows and a tenth of a mile walk to even be able to look outside.  Then you have the gossip and people who do things solely to try to make me mad or irritate me.  Constant tattling and people who are so jealous it is sickening.  And the truth of the matter is there is absolutely nothing there to be jealous of.


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2018, 10:46:44 am »
There are legitimate work at home jobs that are mostly customer service\call center type of things for major companies. Some of them are full time with benefits. I hate talking on the phone and am not guaranteed a quiet home environment so I couldn't do them anyway. The nonphone options are harder to get


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2018, 12:19:40 pm »
I agree with you, you can't be to careful with what they offer online as a job.


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2018, 12:24:47 pm »
Most are scams and the rest don't pay a living wage, just pocket change.


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2018, 12:25:18 pm »
I have a friend in Scottsdale AZ who sits at home and plays games and makes 80K a year working from home for CVS , as a system admin. And watchdog.  But he has worked for them for 20 plus years now. He used to be at a office but I guess its more cost effective to have some of their people work at home.

Jobs like that are hard to get.  There was someone local who got a job doing medical transcription from home but I found out she had worked in the ER for over 20 years.  And I live in a small town so there are not an abundance of medical transcription jobs.  Actually pretty near none.  No doctors carry around tape recorders any more. I saw one that one time he was doing that.  Now they carry their laptop around with them and enter the into in right then and it goes into the BIG system that is accessed every where in the US.

To be honest I think he is a huge flirt, but a great worker and the company is better off with him at home rather than getting sued. I take it you'd love to work from home but just have not found the right deal to keep you there.  Would be great if we got the real money our panels get for us doing the surveys !

That or just a way to make money on my own.  Work for myself.  I would absolutely love that.  I am really unhappy at my current job.  It is close to home and the pay is pretty good but I do not like it.  Sometimes I do really good on these sites but not enough to pay my bills. haha

I met a woman at the vet's office a while back and she said oh I work from home.  Next time somebody says that I am gonna ask a bunch of questions and if they can't give me real answers I may call them on their BS. haha


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2018, 12:29:28 pm »
There are legitimate work at home jobs that are mostly customer service\call center type of things for major companies. Some of them are full time with benefits. I hate talking on the phone and am not guaranteed a quiet home environment so I couldn't do them anyway. The nonphone options are harder to get

I have seen that a lot.  One that I saw the other day you had to be available for nights, weekends, and holidays.  I like things like this because I can do what I need to do and go about my day and do this in my spare time.  I have been off this week and it is awesome.

I have dedicated quite space in my home but I don't want to talk on the phone all day and I am not going to be good and being nice to people who call me cursing because something doesn't work.  It is not the fault of the person answering the phone.  And for the record you can get a lot farther if you are nice.  I contacted customer service with a company a couple days ago because I had a question about an order I had just placed.  I mentioned something I done that was a mistake on my part totally.  I was really nice and he was too. I had just placed the order and he went in and changed my shipping status to ONE day FREE shipping.  He didn't have to do that.  But being nice helped me.

I use to work in a customer service job and we had the ability to discount some things.  You are a huge butt to me I won't do anything to help you.  But if you are nice you may get a discount just for being nice. lol


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2018, 12:30:15 pm »
Most are scams and the rest don't pay a living wage, just pocket change.

I don't understand that with so many people claiming to work "online".  What the heck are they all doing?

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