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Topic: whats your opionon  (Read 593 times)


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whats your opionon
« on: November 21, 2017, 09:21:41 am »
I used to have a learning disability from having eplilepsy. in the court yesterday the defense lawyer was supposed to ask about the case at hand. when I was asked to testify he asked Mrs Ford are you dumb? and are you hard of hearing? asked very little if anything to pertaining to the case. would you say this is slander? we are filing a no contact order on him with the police on Friday.  the questions are on court record public record. should I put this in our no contact we file with the police on friday?


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Re: whats your opionon
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2017, 09:56:54 am »
Hard of hearing can be relevant to the case depending on what it is but asking if you’re dumb is very inappropriate


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Re: whats your opionon
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2017, 10:19:42 am »
he asked that impying that in my medicial records I used to have epilepsy and a learning disability was directing that when asking the questions instead of about us being witnesses to our electric meter being tampered with. the witness account was seeing not hearing. a photo of her doing it that the D.a refused to allow us to use. it showed her face doing it in broad daylight the date and time matched the police report account


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Re: whats your opionon
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2017, 01:20:19 pm »
I used to have a learning disability from having eplilepsy. in the court yesterday the defense lawyer was supposed to ask about the case at hand. when I was asked to testify he asked Mrs Ford are you dumb? and are you hard of hearing? asked very little if anything to pertaining to the case. would you say this is slander? we are filing a no contact order on him with the police on Friday.  the questions are on court record public record. should I put this in our no contact we file with the police on friday?

You seem to have started in the middle of the story here. Why were you in court and what part did you play in the situation? When he asked if you were dumb you should have said well since when I open my mouth and words come out it is obvious I am not "dumb". And continue on - you do know the def of dumb don't you? Someone who cannot speak. It is apparent I am capable of speaking. Hard of hearing? Why would he say that?

No it is not slander. Slander is when you say things about someone to damage their reputation. They usually are not there. Kind of like gossip.  At the same time he should not have said that and should have been held in contempt of court. Unless it is the judge who said it and then they can talk to you how ever they want unless you go to a higher judge.

Not understanding who you are filing a restraining order against or again why you were in court to start with.  Too many details left out. The police may ask for a reason for filing the paper. I don't know. I would assume they will. If that is the ONLY reason I am not sure they will do it. You can't file restraining orders because people are verbally jerks.  That kind of reminds me of how judge judy talks to people on her show. I think she is a b*tch and needs her mouth mashed but everybody thinks she is funny.  She talks down to people, insults them, is verbally abusive, and on and on. I am surprised somebody has not punched her in the face by now. haha


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Re: whats your opionon
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2017, 01:21:21 pm »
Hard of hearing can be relevant to the case depending on what it is but asking if you’re dumb is very inappropriate

No I am not hard of hearing.  I just wasn't listening to you.  haha.  I don't think that would be appropriate either.  Sounds like the asking person was being a jerk.


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Re: whats your opionon
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2017, 01:24:49 pm »
he asked that impying that in my medicial records I used to have epilepsy and a learning disability was directing that when asking the questions instead of about us being witnesses to our electric meter being tampered with. the witness account was seeing not hearing. a photo of her doing it that the D.a refused to allow us to use. it showed her face doing it in broad daylight the date and time matched the police report account

You need a better lawyer.  It is not illegal to video or take pics on your property or any where in public.  Why was the picture not allowed to be used?  We had video of a butt stealing stuff from our property and we didn't even have to go to court.  Submitted the video and he went to jail  For a LONG time.  And having epilepsy and a learning disability have nothing to do with pressing charges against someone for messing around on you property.  Sounds like "she" has friends in high places. grrrr


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Re: whats your opionon
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2017, 04:37:23 am »
First of all, I am a court official and that is NO way for a Judge to speak to anyone in an open court room on the record or not! I would report that judge for judicial misconduct to the bar. They think they can get away with everything and they are not too bright when they say ignorant things like that on the record. I hope everything turns out okay for you.
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Re: whats your opionon
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2017, 06:30:23 am »
he asked that impying that in my medicial records I used to have epilepsy and a learning disability was directing that when asking the questions instead of about us being witnesses to our electric meter being tampered with. the witness account was seeing not hearing. a photo of her doing it that the D.a refused to allow us to use. it showed her face doing it in broad daylight the date and time matched the police report account

I am pretty sure it would be illegal for anything to do with your medical records to be brought out in court unless it was specifically about the case.  And how did he even get access to your medical records?

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