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Topic: Inbox Dollar's - A survey company?  (Read 5357 times)


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Inbox Dollar's - A survey company?
« on: October 04, 2016, 05:41:47 am »
I am on Inbox Dollars and have been an active member for a while now and what I see is that there survey's are not easy to complete. Your not rewarded with a $0.01 bonus for trying and what they require you to do is spin a wheel to hop to win a $0.25 bonus which you may/may not get.

Here is the question - If your on Inbox Dollars or not I want to know your experiences with Inbox Dollars, How you rate them as far as payment and if you think there a good company to be apart of!

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Re: Inbox Dollar's - A survey company?
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2016, 01:07:54 pm »
Their payout threshold is too high at $30. I like their site only for the paid emails, but it's slow at 2 cents per email. The surveys pay lower than other sites for the same survey - not worth it. I watch videos, click on emails, and redeem coupons from there.


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Re: Inbox Dollar's - A survey company?
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2016, 02:00:05 pm »
I am on Inbox Dollars and have been an active member for a while now and what I see is that there survey's are not easy to complete. Your not rewarded with a $0.01 bonus for trying and what they require you to do is spin a wheel to hop to win a $0.25 bonus which you may/may not get.

Here is the question - If your on Inbox Dollars or not I want to know your experiences with Inbox Dollars, How you rate them as far as payment and if you think there a good company to be apart of!

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I've been with them for a few years.  At one time, they were pretty awesome.  I was able to cash out every month to month and a half.  I rarely go these days, they've changed THAT much!  Used to be I'd get plenty of surveys from them and the "Spin and Win" wheel actually rewarded you with something, like that 25 cent token.  Now, horrible surveys, horrible PAYING surveys that are way too long, and the Spin & Win sux.  I basically go now once a month just for the emails.  I haven't cashed out since last FEBRUARY.  This will probably be my "last hurrah" with them.  I'll keep going 'til I can cash out again and then I'll probably just say "goodbye."


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Re: Inbox Dollar's - A survey company?
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2016, 02:30:23 pm »
I am on Inbox Dollars and have been an active member for a while now and what I see is that there survey's are not easy to complete. Your not rewarded with a $0.01 bonus for trying and what they require you to do is spin a wheel to hop to win a $0.25 bonus which you may/may not get.

Here is the question - If your on Inbox Dollars or not I want to know your experiences with Inbox Dollars, How you rate them as far as payment and if you think there a good company to be apart of!

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I've been with them for a few years.  At one time, they were pretty awesome.  I was able to cash out every month to month and a half.  I rarely go these days, they've changed THAT much!  Used to be I'd get plenty of surveys from them and the "Spin and Win" wheel actually rewarded you with something, like that 25 cent token.  Now, horrible surveys, horrible PAYING surveys that are way too long, and the Spin & Win sux.  I basically go now once a month just for the emails.  I haven't cashed out since last FEBRUARY.  This will probably be my "last hurrah" with them.  I'll keep going 'til I can cash out again and then I'll probably just say "goodbye."

I agree


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Re: Inbox Dollar's - A survey company?
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2016, 06:01:16 am »
I've been a member of their site for 4 months and as of last night, cashed out three times. I agree about their surveys being difficult. I mostly do the offers but then again there are only so many of them too.


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Re: Inbox Dollar's - A survey company?
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2016, 05:18:26 am »
I have been with both Inbox Dollars and the sister site, Send Earnings, for years. I cash out about once a year for each site.

I consider them secondary sites and do not spend a lot of time on either site. For whatever reason, it takes a long time to earn on these sites but they are legit.


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Re: Inbox Dollar's - A survey company?
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2016, 05:24:42 am »
I agree it takes too long to cash out at Inbox Dollars, but they are legit.


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Re: Inbox Dollar's - A survey company?
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2016, 05:28:39 am »
they are all legit.

I am gonna have to say even getting surveys here is harder than my other site.

i get kicked out here go to my other site and get the survey and complete it.

I have to say its because the other site is smaller and run by one admin so the quota isnt filled as fast so easier to get the survey.

alot of members here and as soon as quota filled the surveys dont last long.

i like fusioncash tho and gonna cash out once a month for grocery money,
as the problem with cashing out instantly on smaller sites is you spend the money everyday.

even if i just make $3 dollars that day i cant help it and go get a liter of soda a t gas station lol.

so i kinda like the fact that i can save up for groceries once a month here. :D


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Re: Inbox Dollar's - A survey company?
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2016, 03:09:54 pm »
I have been with Inbox Dollars for years and years. I like them better than the other people who have responded to you on FC. It is true that their surveys don't pay very much and take a lot of time sometimes, but it is easy to rack up cents by
just clicking on their emails which takes two seconds of your time and add up fast. They are definitely a legit site and do
pay up promptly when you hit the $30 mark. But you won't hit it very often in the course of a year.


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Re: Inbox Dollar's - A survey company?
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2016, 09:25:40 pm »
i have inbox dollars they are good i did their surveys with them and hot a few of the suveys. i also like the daily emailstoo


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Re: Inbox Dollar's - A survey company?
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2016, 10:45:10 pm »
I definitely agree with the other people. It's not the greatest site out there but it is legit. They don't have as many good ways to make money like FC does. I think they're a lot slower in making money.


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Re: Inbox Dollar's - A survey company?
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2016, 06:31:15 am »
I am not much for surveys anywhere, just to difficult to qualify for, can spend way to much time for nothing or a penny.  Anyway I can pickup a few cents there once or twice a week from the e-mails and videos and it doesn't matter how long it takes to get there since it never expires. 


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Re: Inbox Dollar's - A survey company?
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2016, 09:54:46 am »
I've been using Inbox Dollars for almost five years.  In that time, I haven't made NEARLY the same as I have made in just over a year on Fusion Cash; but Inbox IS legit.  I rarely do their surveys and I no longer get the daily emails (not sure why).  I mostly just do occasional searches and my balance grows slowly over time.  I then always go on a survey binge over there once I hit the minimum $30 cash out mark because they always run a deal where if you earn an extra $10 over one month they then waive the $3 processing fee they charge for cash outs.  In fact, I am in the home stretch RIGHT NOW for one of those $10 survey binges.  Most of their surveys are only 25 - 50¢ and they are usually tough to qualify for - which is why I don't normally put in the effort.  My time is better spent at FC!

Earlier today I was doing a simple survey at Inbox which would have put me over the top of my additional $10 goal. I got to the end and was denied payment for rushing through.  I'll admit I was excited at the prospect of being done with my binge, but the entire survey was very simple and easy to read and answer.  *I* know that all of my answers were legitimately and truthfully given and that I read all of the questions and multiple choice responses, but I guess finishing a 10 minute survey in 8 minutes was flagged.   :-\

All in all Inbox is worth a cash out about every 15 - 18 months for me.  Hardly seems worth it, but it IS slow and STEADY earning with absolute minimal effort...


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Re: Inbox Dollar's - A survey company?
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2016, 05:21:41 am »
Nice information, did not know we could talk about other sites here.


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Re: Inbox Dollar's - A survey company?
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2016, 08:30:15 am »
I also do Inbox, it's not one of my favorites and I rarely even attempt the surveys because the amount they pay for the time needed doesn't seem worth it.  I do the emails and occasionally watch a few videos.  I don't concern myself with it much at all but eventually I reach the payout level.   

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