Again, only 0.8% of abortions are because of risks to the health of the mother. That's the extent that it is a woman's health issue.
Until men can get pregnant, it is a health issue that applies to women ONLY.
Her choice is not your business. Her reasons are not so simple.
Not really relevant that men can't pregnant and it wouldn't be a men's health issue either if that were the case.
Using less than 1% of abortions to justify all abortions is the flaw in logic. Especially since most pro-life people don't oppose abortions when there is risk to mothers health. In contrast, 100% of abortions affect the health of the baby. Woman give many reasons for abortions, but the overwhelming majority of them boil down to a baby being an inconvenience in their life.
I agree.
It's inconvenient to have a child to feed when you can't feed yourself.
It's inconvenient to have a child when you're homeless, living in your car.
It's inconvenient to have a child when you're fleeing from a man that beats you.
It's inconvenient to have a child when you're raped, and have to drop out of college. While you're rapist not only continues his education, but the state gives him visitation rights to the child.
It's inconvenient to die in childbirth, but what the heck-women do it every day.
It is a woman's right to determine the course of her own life. Without justifying her choices to anyone else.
Because when it's all said and done, she is the one who will bear the burden of her choice.
There's a baby that will bear the burden of that choice, but it isn't the only choice available.
You can choose abstinence.
You can choose to use protection or any methods of birth control readily available to prevent pregnancy.
You can choose to put the baby up for adoption. There are 36 couples waiting to adopt for every one baby put up for adoption.
Yes, woman die in childbirth. Health risks to the mother account for 0.8% of all abortions. This the fourth time I've acknowledged that. Cases of rape account for 0.3% of abortions. Various other reasons including incest, mental health of the woman, and health of the baby account for 0.6%. That leaves 98.3% of abortions occur when there are (a) two consenting partners, (b) healthy mother
and (c) healthy baby. Given that there are couples out there that would love to raise your child if you choose not do, how is killing the baby even an option? For as much progress as society has made, we are behind the times in this area.