Hillary has been very naughty and lying about her emails and server. She said she asked about using private email and server and was approved to use it...yet she wasn't. She said she didn't send classified emails, yet she did. There were attempts on her server and email account by hackers at least twice.
The dems point out that other SOS's used personal email accounts and that may be true, but the rules were changed before Hillary became SOS and she signed a document stating she knew the rules and regulations regarding personal emails, which she didn't, or she wouldn't have gone that route. The private server was also a large part of the problem.
A staff member who raised issues was told that their mission was “to support the Secretary, and instructed the staff never to speak of the Secretary’s personal email system again" so evidently, they ALL knew she was in the wrong but did nothing about it.
There is no excuse for putting this country's security at risk by her disregard of the rules and then to still lie about it for how long? They haven't even said anything about her breaking the rules when she signed the outgoing document stating the State Dept. had ALL her emails (which they didn't). Will she be indicted?
If she is, Obama will probably pardon her before he leaves office, leaving her scott free once more.