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Topic: Do you belive in obama?  (Read 14361 times)


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Re: Do you belive in obama?
« Reply #60 on: September 07, 2009, 06:24:48 pm »
I don't hate President Obama. He's a very good speaker. He just needs to go to another country to be the leader. I recommend Cuba or North Korea. I would recommend the USSR, but they had a rather bad run-in with the fact that socialism kills countries.

Quote from: EvelynnAzelja
America is falling because of it's own ignorance.

Agreed. A big part of that is that the media has been paid off, so the Americans who kinda care have no clue what's actually happening. A lot of other Americans don't care at all. My neighbor knows nothing about politics. She thinks that the Health Care bill is a good thing and that it won't cost the people anything because the government will pay for it. She has no clue how our government runs, and I don't think she knows that her taxes fund the government. Neither do a lot of Americans.

There's this smaller, thankfully growing group of Americans who actually do care about what's happening. They're looking into politics, through the internet, mostly, and they don't like what they're seeing. A big problem is that the people who kinda care and the people who don't care don't really understand just how bad socialism is. They don't think that America is on the way to socialism with these new policies of Health Care and Cap-And-Trade, and it's really bad for our country because their vote counts for just as much as an informed, caring American's.

So many Americans just listened to President Obama's promises without stopping to think if it's actually possible to spend nearly a trillion dollars without taxing 95% of the people. That's an actual statistic. Obama wants to pay for everything by taxing the top 5% wealthy.

I'm glad you mentioned ignorance Evelynn.


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Re: Do you belive in obama?
« Reply #61 on: September 07, 2009, 06:41:31 pm »
i dont hate obama but i dont like him nither


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Re: Do you belive in obama?
« Reply #62 on: September 07, 2009, 08:43:05 pm »
No ... too date he just does not seem to be working towards the things he said he would. Anyone else think it should have been Hilary?!


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Re: Do you belive in obama?
« Reply #63 on: September 07, 2009, 10:06:30 pm »
I don't hate President Obama. He's a very good speaker. He just needs to go to another country to be the leader. I recommend Cuba or North Korea. I would recommend the USSR, but they had a rather bad run-in with the fact that socialism kills countries.

Quote from: EvelynnAzelja
America is falling because of it's own ignorance.

Agreed. A big part of that is that the media has been paid off, so the Americans who kinda care have no clue what's actually happening. A lot of other Americans don't care at all. My neighbor knows nothing about politics. She thinks that the Health Care bill is a good thing and that it won't cost the people anything because the government will pay for it. She has no clue how our government runs, and I don't think she knows that her taxes fund the government. Neither do a lot of Americans.

There's this smaller, thankfully growing group of Americans who actually do care about what's happening. They're looking into politics, through the internet, mostly, and they don't like what they're seeing. A big problem is that the people who kinda care and the people who don't care don't really understand just how bad socialism is. They don't think that America is on the way to socialism with these new policies of Health Care and Cap-And-Trade, and it's really bad for our country because their vote counts for just as much as an informed, caring American's.

For all that is good in this world, take it down a notch....we are NO WHERE NEAR a command economy and we never will be.  Please knock off the ridiculous propaganda and fear mongering at least a little bit for the sake of rational discussion. 

Adding a public option, as a number of developed countries have (the majority of which are ranked better than the US in quality, cost per capita, and cost relative to GDP), is not a gigantic slippery slope to the this evil, dominating government that rations toilet paper and tells you what careers you can or cannot have.

Adding a public option, forcing private health care companies to lower their costs so 25-45% of workers aren't stuck in jobs they hate simply to get health care and millions upon millions of people can actually go see a doctor is not implementing a command style economy and government akin to NK.  It's not.  It's not.  Let me repeat:  It's not.  No matter how much Sean Hannity and Bill O's not.

So many Americans just listened to President Obama's promises without stopping to think if it's actually possible to spend nearly a trillion dollars without taxing 95% of the people. That's an actual statistic. Obama wants to pay for everything by taxing the top 5% wealthy.

If I recall correctly, he said 95% of people would not see an increase in their tax rates.  Not that 95% of people would no longer be required to pay taxes.  I'm certain he didn't say 95% of people would no longer have to pay taxes.


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Re: Do you belive in obama?
« Reply #64 on: September 11, 2009, 05:58:00 pm »
I apologize for disappearing for a week... School started, and I've been busy.

Quote from: liljp617
and we never will be.

That bothers me. Here's an old and exceptionally cliched quote: "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it." Or maybe "A journey of the thousand miles begins with a single step." One step towards government control of businesses, health care, or anything else like that is a step in the wrong direction.

You and I obviously agree that competition is the solution to the health care problems, but the government should not be the insurance provider. That's what the private sector's for. All it takes is removing the law that says you have to buy health insurance from the state you live in... I understand that Alabama almost has a monopoly running their health care, but, if the people could buy across state borders, it wouldn't be a monopoly, and it wouldn't take any government intervention.

The problem is, government is full of inefficiency, corruption, and the like. Special interests, "pork," and so on are in everything they run.

Quote from: liljp617
I'm certain he didn't say 95% of people would no longer have to pay taxes.

I apologize. My phrasing was off. See, that 95% is, according to him, not going to be taxed more. He's going to pay for all of his socialism by taxing 5% more. All of the taxes that everybody already pays are paying for other government functions... good and bad.

He's not going to be able to pay for all of the change by taxing that 5%. He's also not going to be able to eliminate a bunch of corruption in government programs. If there were corruption, and it were known, then it would already be removed, unless somebody somewhere were protecting it, but it's not like it'll get removed if it's already set aside for somebody's special interests... He's going to pay for all of his change by taxing everybody more. Lots more.


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Re: Do you belive in obama?
« Reply #65 on: September 12, 2009, 10:23:37 pm »
bump  :BangHead:


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Re: Do you belive in obama?
« Reply #66 on: September 22, 2009, 05:41:33 pm »
No.  I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt in the beginning, but now I believe he is just going to get us deeper in debt and cost us even more by the end of his term.  I could be wrong, but as of right now I don't think he knows what he is doing. :dontknow:

Government debt has little bearing on anything.  Consumer debt is the problem.  The government has the capability to get itself out of debt fairly easily if it chooses that course of action; consumers do not have this capability.

Never mind that the US government has been in debt almost its entire existence, and we've accomplished plenty in the past decades or centuries we've been in debt.

The deeper in debt the government gets the deeper in debt we get.  Where do you think that the government gets its money from, us the taxpayers, in which almost every dollar that they have taken from us has been wasted.


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Re: Do you belive in obama?
« Reply #67 on: September 24, 2009, 04:07:52 pm »
Oh no no no, I never did and it looks like I never will. Can't wait for it to end.


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Re: Do you belive in obama?
« Reply #68 on: September 24, 2009, 05:55:00 pm »
yes i do without a doubt. I voted for obama and i do not regret it. He is doing a good job at fixing the big mess that was left previously. he is a great man who is trying to accomplish great things and i appreciate him doing that for this country.


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Re: Do you belive in obama?
« Reply #69 on: September 24, 2009, 06:06:01 pm »
I'm sorry I don't, What has he done so far???

 :)  I believe that all Presidents will have victories and failures throughout their tenure. Not one president has been totally successful at running the country in a way that has been pleasing to all. So Obama is not going to come up with a fix-it plan for America and he should not be expected to do so.


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Re: Do you belive in obama?
« Reply #70 on: September 24, 2009, 08:01:34 pm »
I apologize. My phrasing was off. See, that 95% is, according to him, not going to be taxed more. He's going to pay for all of his socialism by taxing 5% more. All of the taxes that everybody already pays are paying for other government functions... good and bad.

He's not going to be able to pay for all of the change by taxing that 5%. He's also not going to be able to eliminate a bunch of corruption in government programs. If there were corruption, and it were known, then it would already be removed, unless somebody somewhere were protecting it, but it's not like it'll get removed if it's already set aside for somebody's special interests... He's going to pay for all of his change by taxing everybody more. Lots more.

He's going to bring back the taxes that the upper 5% had prior to the Bush Admin. He's not randomly pulling things out of thin air. The upper echelon of earners had an 8 year vacation tax-wise. And even if he were to increase the taxes past that? He'd hardly be the first President to go after the richest in a time of economic strife. Hell, in comparison to FDR, Obama's being nice. It makes sense: You need the money for various federal entities (not just the new Obama change stuff), and taxing the middle and lower classes is akin to fishing in a shallow bucket. He'd be a fool to overlook the untapped potential of the "rich". Not to mention, he'd be falling into that tax bracket, as well. So it's not as if he'd be sitting in a see of money à la Scrooge McDuck laughing at everyone.


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Re: Do you belive in obama?
« Reply #71 on: September 25, 2009, 06:21:07 am »
So far he has not impressed me but there is time.  Hopefully he will do soemthing.


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Re: Do you belive in obama?
« Reply #72 on: November 02, 2009, 12:52:21 am »
there is proven documents proving bush had prior knowledge of 9/11 he is a traitor and should be in jail his whole familyshould be in jail and now obama the man who decideds to try and fix things by throwing more money around who do thinks going to pay for all these stimulus money our kids our grandchildren our grandchildrens children think about it you cant fix a money crisis by jsut throwing more money that we dont have at it obama is 10 times worst then any president that has ever stepped in office he is a traitor a puppet and an illegal president go look up copenhagen treaty yeah see how much yu like your good ole obama then man hasnt done *bleep* but put us deeper in a recession WAKE UP we are on the verge of the worst depression known to man


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Re: Do you belive in obama?
« Reply #73 on: November 02, 2009, 06:00:13 am »
I think that he is a joke to this country but what president hasn't been? he has sucked since his first day as president when the swine flu came about again, and made stupid decision reguarding the mexican borders and make the dumbest comments. He is not in the interest of this country, he favors the foreign countries more and that sucks.


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Re: Do you belive in obama?
« Reply #74 on: November 02, 2009, 09:04:49 am »
He is a mere mortal, no more and no less than you or I. 

You said it perfectly  :)

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