Congrats on your huge cash out! That is fantastic! Much continued success!
Please share some of your secrets with us!
While I'm writing or editing I have my other computer connected to FC. The only time I with the former is when I'm actually taking a survey, which usually isn't too often. A lot of my earnings is from videos, the daily PTC and more videos.
Congrats! I'm envious, especially since you made that mostly from videos and PTC. At least some people can cash out and a whopping $100 yet. My highest cashout was $41 and that was a long time ago and it took 2 months!
Today is the FIRST day in over a month that I could do the 50x video and it worked! But, when I tried the next video, it didn't credit. I only tried that one twice, and went on to another one that only worked twice because it ran out of videos.
I still won't make cash out again this month because I never qualify for surveys and the videos didn't work so I couldn't even do the PTC. I've only been able to cash out once this year at the minimum.!