Ok, so as many of you probably know, I'm supposed to be moving from New Jersey to Massachusetts next January. Last week I had the talk with my parents, but haven't had a chance to really sit down and explain everything to my two sisters, but they have a general idea. My problem is this: I told my parents that I would be applying for jobs around November/December unless a good opportunity came up sooner. Well, a couple of good opportunities have come up. I signed up for a job alert e-mail, and there are 2 potential positions that I really think I should apply for. Of course, that would mean me moving A LOT sooner than expected, which I am fine with, it's my family that I'm worried about. When I had the talk with my parents, my mom kept saying "well, as long as this isn't happening tomorrow" but at this point, I don't want to miss out on a good job opportunity because she isn't "ready" to see me leave yet. Plus, it's getting really harder emotionally to leave my boyfriend to go back home after spending time with him. There are days when I am with him that I just want to say "screw it, I'm not going back to Jersey!". Do you think I should apply for those jobs? And if I am offered the position, how do I break it to my family that I'll be moving much sooner than they thought? Any advice is greatly appreciated, and thank you in advance!