"I don't hate this country." Yes, you do.
Repeating the same untruth doesn't make it so.
"I hate what's been done to her by war-mongering fools." Then why don't you condemn just the war-mongering fools instead of the whole country?
What makes you think I don't?
"For profit." You're against profit? So I guess you work for nothing. Got it.
You speak nonsense. I don't take my profit from the blood of innocents.
"For oil." Really? You're still peddling that canard? In 2001 we imported 795,000 barrels of oil from Iraq. That's right; less than a million. And the number has only decreased since then. Saudi Arabia was and is our biggest Mid East oil supplier. The Middle East, however, was/is NOT our biggest source of foreign oil; that would be the Western Hemisphere, with Canada being our largest supplier. But the biggest source of oil for the US is...THE US! We now produce 60% of the oil we use. There was no need to go to war for oil in 2003 and there's no need to do so now. But I know you're not going to drop a narrative that justifies hating America.
"For land." We went to war for land? Hmmmm, never heard that one. Guess you need something when the "war for oil" line gets unsustainable.
"For the poppy fields for Afghanistan." This is another new one for me. But considering that drugs can be grown/produced anywhere by anyone with the will to do it, I don't see what possible sense it could make to go to war for poppy fields in Afghanistan.
Easily verifiable, with a simple google search. If you care enough to look.
"And I hate the hypocrisy." Most people hate hypocrisy, but leftists hate it only when it doesn't serve their agenda.
And rightwingers only hate it when it serves their purpose. Mostly, they just revel in it, like pigs in a mud puddle.
"And the sheer, utter waste of it all." The only wars you regard as sheer, utter wastes are those fought by America.
Not so. All wars are a waste of humanity.
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron.”
― Dwight D. Eisenhower