Honestly if Biden doesn’t run for the presidency, I’m going to vote for Trump. Trump is the only one out of the bunch who’s a strong enough person to tell off Congress whose job is to do really one thing only and that is to pass a budget because the American people are really only interested in one thing and that is their job. When they wake up in the morning they don’t want to wonder if they will still have a job or will they wind up at home indefinitely with no pay. Trust me, when you’re unemployed you don’t care about who recycles or how much pollution is in air or whose homosexual and should or should they not get married. What you may care about is immigration because a ‘fence hopper’ is being give a job that should belong to you. And why? Because for mere pennies someone can hire an illegal rather than knowing they will get stuck having to pay minimum wage to a citizen of this country. We’d honestly have less people ‘fence hopping’ if a law was passed that you had to prove your citizenship or your ‘legal right’ to be in this country in order to get a job and you had to speak the ‘Mother Language’ English. What really pisses me off the most about that is how everyone is up an arms about slavery. It’s always ‘take down anything some idiot thinks represents slavery.’ How it’s wrong to own someone else. Those people who are so against slavery don’t even blink when they hear a farmer out in California has nothing but illegals working for him. He hires illegals because that’s what he can afford to keep his farm going. It was the same thing for Southern plantation owners. They paid for the worker once, they day they bought them. Then they never had to pay again. It’s cheaper with the one and done rather than every so often having to pay their workers. Even at the cheapest price the amount they had to pay all of their workers they wouldn’t be able to keep their plantation. If you think they could then talk to all the farmers no-a-days who hire illegals then get back to me.
Now I’m not saying I’m for slavery. What I am saying is it was a necessary evil for the plantation owners of the south the same way farmers of today hire illegals. What I am saying is I’m against both, slavery and hiring illegal’s. I know the argument there are crooks in the immigration department and bribes will get you in far easier than the honest way, but the majority of the illegals coming here aren’t even here to be American. They are here to take our jobs away and send the money back home to ‘their country’. No one would want to come here illegally if you couldn’t do that. If a law was passed that you want to work here you can be an automatic citizen but that means you sever all ties with your old country. No ‘sending money back to the old country’. You’re here, that’s it. If you have a family you bring them here to live, but that’s it. Hence, if you’re against Southern slavery you have to be against hiring illegals. It’s the same thing. Trump was honestly the only one brave enough to make that connection and speak out about it, and while he pisses people off, I think he’s the only one who can get Congress off their butts to do what needs to be done.