I agree with vickysue. Also report him as a deadbeat parent. Here where I live, they put any parent that is delinquent in the newspaper and go after the individual.
i think iWhile I agree the child support should be paid I disagree with calling a man you do not even know a deadbeat. Honestly I don't agree with a man having to pay child support and not being able to see the kids but 2 days a month. Every other weekend for a day and a half. If there are reasons such as abuse then I can see that. But most times there are not. It's just the mother gets custody and the father gets a couple of days a month. That's not right.
Is it right for an idiot to continue having "visitation rights" who put his kids & mother through so much? if a parent is in another state, and not paying childsupport...common sense tells you something is wrong there. Hello?!
You missed the point. People on here and other like sites that make random comments call a man a dead beat when they do not even know the situation. No, "common sense" doesn't tell me anything. We have ONE side of the story here. There are two sides to everything. If a couple gets divorced because the woman cheats on him and takes him to court and gets child support, the house and everything else, and lies and keeps him from getting more than a couple of days a month visitation then no he should not have to pay child support. The same if she immediately shacks up with another man, lies saying how she is a single parent when another man lives there paying the bills, but she lies to get government money.
The real problem is people get married, get divorced, get married again, get divorced again, women have multiple kids with multiple men. The cycle goes on. People need to get married for the long haul. Know someone before you marry them. When things get tough work it out. I know men and women who have kids with 4 or 6 different partners. It's ridiculous. Yes, I think men should pay child support but I can see his side as well. A lot of men are taken for a ride and over half their pay check is given to the women to blow on drugs, new clothes for herself, cigarettes, and whatever else she wants. The money does not go for the kids.
A better option would be for the money to go into an account with an over see(er) not the mother, and that person can see the kid has clothes and other things they need. And the mother can use the government food stamps she gets to buy food.
Sounds harsh but I am to the point that I don't coddle people and I certainly don't feel sorry for people.