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Topic: Referral Details  (Read 4644 times)


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Re: Referral Details
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2016, 04:50:04 pm »
I have probably talked to about four people since I started on survey sites about 20 months ago.  And guess what?  Not a single one of them has the slightest interest.  So if you can even get someone to sign up, in my world you are doing great!
I would find it hard to believe that in any world there are not at least a few people who could use some extra cash each month. Even $12.50 a month will buy a nice lunch out with a friend or loved one. The trick is to present it as a way to solve a problem and being able to take someone out to lunch once in a while can change a life for some people. I know it did for me years ago and I still enjoy it.


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Re: Referral Details
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2016, 04:07:53 pm »
Do you want my honest opinion about referrals here on Fusion Cash and UGETPIAD'S post! I agree it would be nice to see what referrals are doing but why does it matter who is doing what under you. Were not an MLM here. I honestly think that referrals are a great help to getting you paid faster but that's it.

Seeing what a referral is doing can't be handled that way and having certain views of who is popular or not is not it either. Oldbuddy says it best let it be a surprise! Micromanaging referrals is not what were all about here. I know I am only a jr member on the forums but trust me a newbie doesnt need to worry about referrals and those of you who have referrals than why ask fusion cash to help you know what there doing.

Design a simple easy-to-use spreadsheet and create your own filters and way's of organizing your referrals and just let those referrals know your there to help.


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Re: Referral Details
« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2016, 08:48:46 pm »
Micromanaging referrals is not what were all about here. I know I am only a jr member on the forums but trust me a newbie doesnt need to worry about referrals and those of you who have referrals than why ask fusion cash to help you know what there doing.

Design a simple easy-to-use spreadsheet and create your own filters and way's of organizing your referrals and just let those referrals know your there to help.
It really doesn't matter how hard you try to micro-manage them, most are not going to communicate with you anyway. So I have come to the point where I don't even try. If they ask me for anything I gladly respond, but other than that it's not worth the frustration. Those who "Get It" keep right on cashing out (some for many years), but if they fall off the truck I don't chase them.


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Re: Referral Details
« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2016, 12:51:36 pm »

As the OP, I understand and accept oldbuddy's opinion on this topic.  He makes very valid points and is probably right with his attitude and line of thinking.  (That doesn't make me wish any less for this feature  :D )

I don't think it is really about micro-managing referrals but I suppose that depends on your perspective.

It's apples to oranges, but just as an illustration, I have a few hundred referrals on another PTC site.  According to that site's own definitions, I have 35 active referrals and 194 inactive referrals.  The DIFFERENCE between that site and FC (which is one of the factors I believe gives weight to oldbuddy's position) = there I get small amounts of credit each day from active referrals; here I get nothing UNTIL the referral cashes out.  So ultimately, a FC referral's activity means nothing until they hit the magic number.  Meanwhile, the other site has to include referral activity if it is to give an accurate up to date accounting of my earnings.

But on that other site, I had one VERY ACTIVE user who earned me over $25 in direct referral earnings in 2014 and then fell off the face of the earth in January of 2015.  He eventually slipped off my list of active referrals and I was obviously sad to see him go.  For 17 months I had $0 earnings from this guy, but all of a sudden in mid June of this year, he reappeared!  In not quite a month's time, I've earned almost another $4 from him.  He is not daily active, but he is close to it. 

I would like to see a similar progress report on my FC referrals so that I know whether I might eventually earn a bonus from them, but I can live without it.


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Re: Referral Details
« Reply #19 on: July 12, 2016, 05:26:49 pm »

As the OP, I understand and accept oldbuddy's opinion on this topic.  He makes very valid points and is probably right with his attitude and line of thinking.  (That doesn't make me wish any less for this feature  :D )

I don't think it is really about micro-managing referrals but I suppose that depends on your perspective.

It's apples to oranges, but just as an illustration, I have a few hundred referrals on another PTC site.  According to that site's own definitions, I have 35 active referrals and 194 inactive referrals.  The DIFFERENCE between that site and FC (which is one of the factors I believe gives weight to oldbuddy's position) = there I get small amounts of credit each day from active referrals; here I get nothing UNTIL the referral cashes out.  So ultimately, a FC referral's activity means nothing until they hit the magic number.  Meanwhile, the other site has to include referral activity if it is to give an accurate up to date accounting of my earnings.

But on that other site, I had one VERY ACTIVE user who earned me over $25 in direct referral earnings in 2014 and then fell off the face of the earth in January of 2015.  He eventually slipped off my list of active referrals and I was obviously sad to see him go.  For 17 months I had $0 earnings from this guy, but all of a sudden in mid June of this year, he reappeared!  In not quite a month's time, I've earned almost another $4 from him.  He is not daily active, but he is close to it. 

I would like to see a similar progress report on my FC referrals so that I know whether I might eventually earn a bonus from them, but I can live without it.

From my perspective (just so you understand), I have 878 Referrals for Fusioncash and at first I tried to stay in touch with the ones who allowed contact (which was very few), but after a short time I got no response from them. I do however know many who have been cashing out often and comment to them in the Forum when I see them, but I am happy with that since it leads to more cashouts. I have had from 2 to 15 in any given month, but I can't honestly say I have done anything to encourage more activity, except to get more referrals. They either get it, or not and I have seen many of my referrals post in the Forum with assurance that they do get it. With the way the system works here, all I can do is recognize them when I get a chance.


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Re: Referral Details
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2016, 07:29:27 am »

As the OP, I understand and accept oldbuddy's opinion on this topic.  He makes very valid points and is probably right with his attitude and line of thinking.  (That doesn't make me wish any less for this feature  :D )

I don't think it is really about micro-managing referrals but I suppose that depends on your perspective.

It's apples to oranges, but just as an illustration, I have a few hundred referrals on another PTC site.  According to that site's own definitions, I have 35 active referrals and 194 inactive referrals.  The DIFFERENCE between that site and FC (which is one of the factors I believe gives weight to oldbuddy's position) = there I get small amounts of credit each day from active referrals; here I get nothing UNTIL the referral cashes out.  So ultimately, a FC referral's activity means nothing until they hit the magic number.  Meanwhile, the other site has to include referral activity if it is to give an accurate up to date accounting of my earnings.

But on that other site, I had one VERY ACTIVE user who earned me over $25 in direct referral earnings in 2014 and then fell off the face of the earth in January of 2015.  He eventually slipped off my list of active referrals and I was obviously sad to see him go.  For 17 months I had $0 earnings from this guy, but all of a sudden in mid June of this year, he reappeared!  In not quite a month's time, I've earned almost another $4 from him.  He is not daily active, but he is close to it. 

I would like to see a similar progress report on my FC referrals so that I know whether I might eventually earn a bonus from them, but I can live without it.

From my perspective (just so you understand), I have 878 Referrals for Fusioncash and at first I tried to stay in touch with the ones who allowed contact (which was very few), but after a short time I got no response from them. I do however know many who have been cashing out often and comment to them in the Forum when I see them, but I am happy with that since it leads to more cashouts. I have had from 2 to 15 in any given month, but I can't honestly say I have done anything to encourage more activity, except to get more referrals. They either get it, or not and I have seen many of my referrals post in the Forum with assurance that they do get it. With the way the system works here, all I can do is recognize them when I get a chance.

I "get it it" oldbuddy.  I've been cashing out since 2009 when you introduced me to FusionCash. Thanks buddy!!
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Re: Referral Details
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2016, 08:09:24 am »

I "get it it" oldbuddy.  I've been cashing out since 2009 when you introduced me to FusionCash. Thanks buddy!!
You Sure Do and I appreciate you for a lot more reasons than that!!! Now if you could just clone yourself and get all your clones working under yourself.  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:

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