What did she incially do wrong? She got pulled over for a lane change... She did nothing illegal.. She was answering his questions and asking questiosn.. NOTHING ILLEGAL... She acted just like anyone else would...
She was pulled over for failing to signal when changing lanes. Tickets can run up to $150 for a 1st offense. Did she act like anyone would? No, not really. Most would have just put out the cigarette when asked. Most would have been polite, and just hoped to get off with a warning instead having to pay $150 fine.
She was profiled, either because of her out of state tags, or because she was black.
The cop made a u-turn and chased her down BEFORE she changed lanes without using her turn signal.
She changed lanes because she had a cop coming up fast, and like any rational driver who hadn't done anything wrong, she changed lanes to get out of his way.
There was no reason to put her cigarette out, in her own car. She wasn't under arrest.
And just because a cop asks you to do something, that doesn't mean you have to do it.
He had nothing to charge her with, and no reason to charge her with anything.
The proof of that is that the only thing she was charged with was assault on a public servant.
A minor traffic violation shouldn't be a death sentence.