God is real and he knows all things, all we have to do is just ask him any question, about anything that we do not understand. Now all that i am saying is not my opinion, but it is revealed to me by Father Gods Spirit. Being born with a Vagina or a *bleep* does not make us male or female. There are people who are born with Both Vagina and *bleep* and some people are born with none of these. This is all naturally seen with the natural eye, but when Father God opens ones eye, they see what other people can not see....Now this is the point. Father God revealed to Jesus that the Bible is written about him, and Jesus Received that Revelation and said it himself......Now Father God says," let us make man in our own image, Male and Female." So the natural mind looks around and believe all that he sees is the truth, But for everyone that is Born from Father God they see the truth. Father god is one, because it is the spirit that is in us that makes us one with Father God, so he being Male and Female made us Male and female. The Sum of all this is, all a person needs, to be A child of God is the spirit of God, that only Father God can give, that is is why Jesus kept it simple and says "ONLY BELIEVE". To Believe, this is given by Father God. When Father God is ready for any of his children to see the truth, no one can stop it from happening. This is why he says, "My sheep HEARS MY VOICE AND ANOTHER THEY WILL NOT FOLLOW." Think about this, when Jesus came into the world he came just like us in an Earthen Vessel, flesh and blood, but the truth was hidden, because it was really Father God walking, talking and doing everything, so because these people was not given Father God's spirit they said, CRUCIFY HIM. They could not see that this was Father God. This was what was given to them, Blindness, because only our spirit knows the truth...... So Let us humble ourselves and be lead by Father God, and do not let Pride blind us, but rather let Humility give us light, that light is Jesus.... Let me say this, i do not debate with people about the Bible because i believe Jesus when he says the Bible is about him. I believe Jesus, so what ever shape or form you come in to get me to take my eyes off Jesus, i see you, Satan and your seed. Just remember i ask my Father God everything. And He answers me. He is my Daddy! Those who are puffed up and believe that Quoting scriptures makes them a christian. Jesus looks at all of us and knows who belongs to him, and we know him because he speaks to us. Again Jesus says the bible is about him. I believe Jesus. Any one that does not believe Jesus will not understand his speech. I do not debate. If it is not given to you to understand the scriptures, then it is not given. Only Jesus can open your eyes to see the truth, believe Jesus. And only Jesus. Ask him questions. Know him for yourself.