Jesus Reveals Himself to all that is his. And only to who belongs to him, so he can show us the way. He has revealed himself to me and tells me the truth. If Jesus does not reveal himself to a person and show them the truth they are still lost. When Jesus talk to Anyone face to face no one can convinced them of any lie, because he will say that is a lie. This is what i have with Jesus. Before my Mom was to leave this earth and go to her real home, he told me and her it is time. And he told me to baptize her, i am so happy because he showed me and her walking in heaven and she just smiling and saying hi to everyone, and told me don't worry, she is in his secret place. about 2 months after she went to Jesus, and the smile was on her face in the casket, and not only that, but she was so very young looking and beautiful in that casket. BOTTOM LINE My mom walked and talked with Jesus, and he told her things to come before it happens. Now i am experiencing the same thing with Jesus. A lot of people walking around saying this and that person is in Heaven, but i am sure because Jesus showed me.....One of my sister says every time some one passes away now, the first thing she asked is if they are SMILING. Jesus really has personal relationship with all that is chosen. This is the whole purpose of Jesus coming, to show the way. So many people walking around repeating that Jesus is Coming Again, When he already said it is FINISHED, and it is not by MIGHT it is not by POWER but by his holy spirit only that he does everything. Only all that really follow him belongs to him, and HEAR his Voice. Just like he says, and he does not lie. He is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE. There is so much that i am experiencing right now with Jesus, Because he chose to reveal the truth to me. REMEMBER how Father God told Peter the truth about who Jesus is, while SATAN kids were guessing who Jesus is? THEN Jesus said to Peter, flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my Father in Heaven, and upon this rock i will BUILD my CHURCH. So this is what me and my Mom experience with Jesus, and the rest of my sisters and brothers that are HEARING Jesus. My sheep knows my voice and another they will not follow. Jesus speaks all the time to who he chose, and give EAR to HEAR......No one will know what i am talking about unless it is given to them. Says Jesus. and he says this because he speaks to his sheep. It has been given to me to understand the kingdom of God. Jesus Says the bible is about him and i believe him. I see Jesus in every page of the bible. I AM 48 years old and i can not wait to complete my assignment and return to where i came from, Just like How Jesus Knew he came from Father God and will return to Father God, like wise my mom, and now me. This is the christian life and it is Awesome. Thank you Jesus.