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Topic: Madness in Baltimore!!  (Read 8491 times)


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2015, 12:20:24 pm »
i understand taking a stand against police brutality, but not behaving like raging animals.


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2015, 02:10:58 pm »
I was surprised to hear this it reminds me of the Ferguson incident.


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2015, 03:31:45 pm »
From everything I've read, most of the protesters are/were peaceful. 
But watching the news, you'd think the whole town is burning down. The motto for the news is "if it bleeds, it leads."
So it's bad, but nowhere near as bad as it could be. Or as it's portrayed to be on the news.

Not sure where you are getting your information from but the protesting has NOT been peaceful.  They have burned down a Senior Center, a new Community Center that was being built, and a CVS.  They have busted the windows out of multiple businesses and looted what was inside.  Yes, it could be worse, I am sure.  But it most certainly is bad.  I guess it is easy to say they are making it out to be worse than it is when YOU are not the one having to live in the middle of it.


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2015, 03:35:33 pm »
It's deja vu all over again.  People fighting against the police who are hire to serve and protect the people.  The police definitely need to have body cameras.

What good would a body camera do?  In this situation as well as a couple of others where the police killed a person they were arresting there was a bystander who DID have a camera and videoed the arrest/murder.   A body camera would not make a difference.  It would actually just add fuel to the fire.  Of course if it is not in the favor of the police the video would not be released to the public.


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2015, 03:36:13 pm »
Yes its very very sad and I think they really need to prosecute each and everyone of thing


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2015, 03:40:29 pm »
What is sad is what the rioters have done and what the police have not been allowed to do.  When the mayor of the city says that "they must be allowed to destroy" then that's carte blanche and they took advantage of it big time.  In the meantime the politicians decided to pull the police back and let the criminals do their thing.  Now many people that owned businesses have nothing left and the decent people that live there have lost much.  In time, one would hope, the police will tell what happened to Freddie Gray which should have been done much sooner but that is no excuse for how this whole mess has been handled.  The mayor and the superintendent of police both seem to be extremely poor at their jobs.

It's obvious what happened.  There is video taken by a bystander that shows the police dragging the guy by his leg.  This after they take him to the ground.  They put him in the back of the van and do not put a seat belt on him and sling him all over the back of the van.  He was already screaming in pain when they put him in the van.  They severed his spinal cord.  He died from the injuries caused by the police.  No, he should not have ran from them but this as well as other cases that have been in the news clearly show the police going too far.  If it is a case of just abusing power and flat out murder, they may not pay for it here, but they will answer to God for their actions.


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2015, 03:47:59 pm »
Yes, it is quite sad that some people feel the need to RIOT over everything.  I say "riot" because this is NOT "protesting."  Protesting is done peacefully and to make a point of view heard.  This is out-and-out rioting just because THEY CAN.  I've seen plenty of videos coming out of these riots and I can't believe the stupidity of people wanting to be involved in something like this.  I'm not talking about the people rioting, I'm talking about the people who want to SEE what's going on for themselves.  In the end, these are the people that are getting hurt.  One woman was in a wheelchair!  Now, why in the heck would you risk your safety, especially being in a wheelchair, just to see what's going on?

The best thing that came out of these riots is the video of a Mother, who's teenage son was dressed entirely in black and carrying a black backpack.  She saw him going towards the rioting to join the other sickos out there and she literally slapped the ever loving cr@p out of him and told him to get himself home.  In the end, Momma WON.  GOOD FOR YOU, LADY!  Maybe if some of these parents taught their kids to have RESPECT, not only for the rule of law, but for THEMSELVES, things like this wouldn't happen.

Now, I believe it's the Governor of the State who's asking for monetary support from other Americans.  You want to know where I just spent some money to help people?  NEPAL, that's where!  I refuse to spend my hard-earned buck on people who have no respect for life, law, themselves, or anyone or anything else.  They made the mess of their hometown, let THEM spend their OWN money to FIX it.  I will NOT donate until people like this start acting like human beings.

Your money is not going to help the thugs.  There are a lot of innocent people being hurt.  I would hate to think that the same thing happened in MY home town and everybody said oh well you made the mess so screw you.  Help yourself.  Not saying you are wrong to not donate money to them just that I disagree with your attitude as to why.


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2015, 07:35:31 pm »
I can understand the frustration that this is causing on those that are truly victims of these riots, such as those who now have nowhere to work, sleep or means of income.
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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #23 on: April 28, 2015, 07:56:41 pm »
It is out of control and if the LEADERS of the country and city would stand up and do their part~denouncing this and get these people in jail~then maybe there would be some hope!!! It's SHAMEFUL!!!


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #24 on: April 28, 2015, 08:18:53 pm »
Protesting is one thing, but there are people it seems often in these scenarios who want to take advantage of the situation and create chaos. It ceases to amaze me that these people tend to get away with it too. The problem also is when they get them, they don't seem to really penalize them that much.


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #25 on: April 28, 2015, 08:55:39 pm »
It's very sad what is going on...have you heard about the riots and policeman being injured?  Also there are PEACEFUL protesters on the scene but also innocent policeman trying to do their jobs in containing non-peaceful protesters and looters!  I hope this crisis is brought to a close soon!   :peace:
Lawlessness is not acceptable...It is a shame because the family asked well actually begged for the violence to stop...praying for Baltimore <3


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #26 on: April 29, 2015, 07:37:31 am »
I believe that people have the right to protest against injustice. But when people start to loot and burn places down, this has nothing to do with justice. these business owners suffer a lot. They also need justice. that's not fair to them.


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #27 on: April 29, 2015, 08:48:14 am »
From everything I've read, most of the protesters are/were peaceful. 
But watching the news, you'd think the whole town is burning down. The motto for the news is "if it bleeds, it leads."
So it's bad, but nowhere near as bad as it could be. Or as it's portrayed to be on the news.

Not sure where you are getting your information from but the protesting has NOT been peaceful.  They have burned down a Senior Center, a new Community Center that was being built, and a CVS.  They have busted the windows out of multiple businesses and looted what was inside.  Yes, it could be worse, I am sure.  But it most certainly is bad.  I guess it is easy to say they are making it out to be worse than it is when YOU are not the one having to live in the middle of it.

I got my information from the Baltimore news. And from everything I've read, the protest WAS peaceful, for 6 days before anything started burning.

I don't have to live there to know that what's being reported is not the whole story. Nor is it near accurate.


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #28 on: April 29, 2015, 01:06:01 pm »
It is out of control and if the LEADERS of the country and city would stand up and do their part~denouncing this and get these people in jail~then maybe there would be some hope!!! It's SHAMEFUL!!!

Get them in jail?  Have you seen the videos of the riots?  It's not like they can just go in and handcuff them and take them to jail.  First they do not have room for them in the jails and second they are fighting the police, throwing stuff and them, and trying to kill them.  And the more they try to stop it the worse the riots and protests get.  It honestly reminds me of the fighting you see on the world news that goes on in the middle east and I expect before it is over with for this country to be exactly the same way.  There is only so much the police can do.  The people want all these rights and get these laws passed and then want to cry when things don't go their way.  You can't have it both ways. 


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #29 on: April 29, 2015, 04:36:58 pm »
Yes it is just terrible of what's going on in Baltimore, way out of control.
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