I was forced to retire early (not fair!) and wasn't at all ready. I lost most of my retirement funds in the crash, as did hubby and we weren't prepared even then. Problem was not being able to save when younger because of raising kids and all the bills associated with them. Plus our education never included being taught about retirement savings because Social Security was THE retirement idea back then as an "extra."
You worked for a company who provided a profit/pension plan and you were pretty well set even if you didn't contribute. Sadly, those companies or the profit/pension plans are long gone and the younger generation are forced to find their own way to the golden years.
Today, my hubby and I are on Social Security and those earnings put us in the poverty class. Another thing that happened was when I was self-employed, you didn't have to pay into SS for 3 years. I took advantage of that because I wanted to get my business up and running. Well, when SS started sending automatic statements every year, I noticed my SS went had gone from $800/mo. to $200/mo. I called and they told me that they start taking the money AWAY from you if you don't contribute for a couple years. That is definitely NOT fair because I worked hard and paid in for 27 years working in the outside world.
If they wouldn't have taken my SS away, I would be getting around $1200/mo today. It's not much, but better than what I AM receiving. When I was forced to retire from another outside job and my self-employment (paying the 15% myself into SS), my earnings were up to a whole $500 (after another 15 years).
So, young 'uns...take my advice and start your retirement ASAP, even if you can only put $10 a week in a fund...it would make a big different when you retire because who knows if SS will even be around.