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Topic: Do you believe?  (Read 6098 times)


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #60 on: March 10, 2015, 12:07:34 pm »
I believe in Life after Death but I do not believe your ex boyfriend was sending you a sign thru tags on cars and bumper stickers. 


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #61 on: March 10, 2015, 12:28:08 pm »
Well maybe i was interested in why we die,or why God allows wickedness,or why we are here,or why a god would torment his creatures in a literal hell.

Thru the grace of God he answered those questions <and many more>thru his earthly organization.

Dont knock their preaching work.If your house was on fire while you were sleeping and someone outside noticed youd want them to bang your door in wouldnt you?

2nd Peter 3:9 New International Version
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2015, 12:33:51 pm by hitch0403 »


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #62 on: March 10, 2015, 12:36:08 pm »
Kimber,why dont you ask one of your dead friends to analyze me.Afterall,you did say they know more than us!!!<giggle>


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #63 on: March 10, 2015, 01:07:38 pm »
I do believe in the hereafter.  And situations like yours are proof. 


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #64 on: March 10, 2015, 01:45:38 pm »
Hey Kimber...nexttime you put a topic up be prepared to hear that truth.

Its obvious you cant deal with it so what can i say.My intent was to put the truth up in answer to your topic based on the bible.If you dont agree thats fine but stop being a crybaby!!Those scriptures are in your book too.

You can still use the ignore button or tell everyone to ignore me too and i wont get mad.

I wouldnt be too proud being a catholic either if you wanna rag on religeons!!

And HERE is the REAL PROBLEM today.  Everyone claims to believe in GOD, yet THEIR God is BETTER than YOUR GOD.  Go figure!


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #65 on: March 10, 2015, 02:06:57 pm »
WELL Blacksheep,if its based on the bible,go read KJV Psalms 83:18 for starters......God has a name!!

People claim to follow Jesus.What are they basing it on?The bible or something else?Where else do we find info on him?

Many have beliefs that go against bible teaching in this thread.Then they get annoyed when you show them.You cant serve 2 masters!!You cant support bible and then this world.Jesus made it clear his kingdom is no part of it and satan rules it.

Lots of demonic nonsense is what is believed here................sorry!!


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #66 on: March 11, 2015, 06:57:53 am »
Generally I am a live and let live kinda person. But what I have trouble with is when Jehovah's Witnesses spew information with rather sounds like it is supposed to frighten people into believing. My God, is a God of love. He loved us so much that he allowed the only perfect person that was ever born to die in our place in order that we can have forgiveness of sins which we committed. To me, that sounds like perfect love. What more can you do for someone that give your live for someone that doesn't deserve it! That's love.


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #67 on: March 11, 2015, 08:13:58 am »
Do you believe in life after death? Do you believe in signs from the after life? I do... I recently encountered something and I do not believe in coincidences, there are no such things. About a year ago I was driving and on this vehicles plate, the beginning was "DTA". I immediately thought of an old friend (1st Internet boyfriend in 1995) and i wondered how he was. The next day, same thing... Driving, saw a bumper sticker "DTA".... this guy used to tell me this and it was part of his email address. So now i felt sick to my stomach and started to cry... I had an awful feeling that he was dead! Years prior I tried searching for him online and did not find anything. Although I found his brother 5 years ago on Facebook, he ignored me. So I let it go until about 3 yrs ago, I looked on the brothers Facebook page and find out his mom died. I felt so bad at the time. I wrote him an old fashion letter and mailed it to his last known address. No response! I even emailed him and nothing. There was a chance he moved out of state because I remember him telling me this. 3 days ago he crossed my mind again... I searched for him online, the 1st thing that came up was his obituary and then his Facebook page that he created in 2012. He died in 2013 at the age of 36, 2 yrs ago this passed January and im still in shock BUT I do believe he was sending me a sign that he was not here any more and that he was OK. What are your thoughts?
It is possible. I once had a dream when I dozed off fishing with my hubby. Our dear friend had died unexpectedly at 44. He used to go fishing with us a lot. He woke me from my dream state saying Wake Up. And I suddenly woke up to a storm with heavy wind. We had just enough time to get off the water before the rain really started coming down. I don't think it was coincidence. BMaston12


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #68 on: March 11, 2015, 12:19:09 pm »
WELL Blacksheep,if its based on the bible,go read KJV Psalms 83:18 for starters......God has a name!!

People claim to follow Jesus.What are they basing it on?The bible or something else?Where else do we find info on him?

Many have beliefs that go against bible teaching in this thread.Then they get annoyed when you show them.You cant serve 2 masters!!You cant support bible and then this world.Jesus made it clear his kingdom is no part of it and satan rules it.

Lots of demonic nonsense is what is believed here................sorry!!

hitch0403, I don't expect an apology from you or anyone else.  You believe WHAT you believe and HOW you believe it.  There's nothing wrong with that.  The only problem I've got is when others who believe a certain way try to push that belief on others.  Isn't it enough if people believe in God and his existence?  I don't understand religions who say, "it's our way or you're going to Hell."  That's just so stupid.  Moreover, why do some religions have to knock down your door to push those beliefs in someone's face?  You've got a "church."  If someone is interested in wanting to know more about it, they will come of their own free will.


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #69 on: March 11, 2015, 12:36:16 pm »
Generally I am a live and let live kinda person. But what I have trouble with is when Jehovah's Witnesses spew information with rather sounds like it is supposed to frighten people into believing. My God, is a God of love. He loved us so much that he allowed the only perfect person that was ever born to die in our place in order that we can have forgiveness of sins which we committed. To me, that sounds like perfect love. What more can you do for someone that give your live for someone that doesn't deserve it! That's love.

Penwoir you have it all wrong.Christendom by teaching the literal firey hell theory makes God look like a monster.Go to a meeting and see for yourself that love abounds.And also remember we are all imperfect too.Even Jesus apostles argued among themselves.


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #70 on: March 11, 2015, 12:38:55 pm »
...and the plot thickens, lol. I suppose you are the 144,001 person who will make it into heaven and the rest of us will melt away in rapture! lol, oy vey! ::) :highfive:
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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #71 on: March 11, 2015, 12:42:28 pm »
WELL Blacksheep,if its based on the bible,go read KJV Psalms 83:18 for starters......God has a name!!

People claim to follow Jesus.What are they basing it on?The bible or something else?Where else do we find info on him?
WELL Blacksheep,if its based on the bible,go read KJV Psalms 83:18 for starters......God has a name!!

People claim to follow Jesus.What are they basing it on?The bible or something else?Where else do we find info on him?

Many have beliefs that go against bible teaching in this thread.Then they get annoyed when you show them.You cant serve 2 masters!!You cant support bible and then this world.Jesus made it clear his kingdom is no part of it and satan rules it.

Lots of demonic nonsense is what is believed here................sorry!!

hitch0403, I don't expect an apology from you or anyone else.  You believe WHAT you believe and HOW you believe it.  There's nothing wrong with that.  The only problem I've got is when others who believe a certain way try to push that belief on others.  Isn't it enough if people believe in God and his existence?  I don't understand religions who say, "it's our way or you're going to Hell."  That's just so stupid.  Moreover, why do some religions have to knock down your door to push those beliefs in someone's face?  You've got a "church."  If someone is interested in wanting to know more about it, they will come of their own free will.

Many have beliefs that go against bible teaching in this thread.Then they get annoyed when you show them.You cant serve 2 masters!!You cant support bible and then this world.Jesus made it clear his kingdom is no part of it and satan rules it.

Lots of demonic nonsense is what is believed here................sorry!!

hitch0403, I don't expect an apology from you or anyone else.  You believe WHAT you believe and HOW you believe it.  There's nothing wrong with that.  The only problem I've got is when others who believe a certain way try to push that belief on others.  Isn't it enough if people believe in God and his existence?  I don't understand religions who say, "it's our way or you're going to Hell."  That's just so stupid.  Moreover, why do some religions have to knock down your door to push those beliefs in someone's face?  You've got a "church."  If someone is interested in wanting to know more about it, they will come of their own free will.

Blacksheep just lemme ask u this.Shouldnt God decide how he wants to be served,loved etc?You say as long as everyone believes its ok.Well if u support the bible...IT isnt because there is much false doctrine out there that God DOESNT approve of and remember what Jesus said to the Pharisees.......HE didnt agree with the way they worshipped God and also remember Jesus got treated like a criminal and put to death cos he exposed all their BS!!!


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #72 on: March 11, 2015, 12:44:06 pm »
...and the plot thickens, lol. I suppose you are the 144,001 person who will make it into heaven and the rest of us will melt away in rapture! lol, oy vey! ::) :highfive:
...and the plot thickens, lol. I suppose you are the 144,001 person who will make it into heaven and the rest of us will melt away in rapture! lol, oy vey! ::) :highfive:

Kim....i am not sure what is more UNSTABLE......YOU or Obamacare!!!


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #73 on: March 11, 2015, 12:46:55 pm »
...and the plot thickens, lol. I suppose you are the 144,001 person who will make it into heaven and the rest of us will melt away in rapture! lol, oy vey! ::) :highfive:

Kim if you knew anything about the bible God put man on earth to live on it forever in paradise.The 1440000 are the little flock that rule with Jesus.You seem to forget the bible says the earth stands till time indefinite and the righteous will reside on it.

But i dont expect you to understand too much being a catholic.


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #74 on: March 11, 2015, 12:49:39 pm »
Hey Blacksheep....didnt Jesus command his followers to preach Gods kingdom?They also went house to house.

Read Math 24:14.....Gods people obeying that scripture.Good news being preached worldwide about kingdom of God.

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