Do you believe in life after death? Do you believe in signs from the after life? I do... I recently encountered something and I do not believe in coincidences, there are no such things. About a year ago I was driving and on this vehicles plate, the beginning was "DTA". I immediately thought of an old friend (1st Internet boyfriend in 1995) and i wondered how he was. The next day, same thing... Driving, saw a bumper sticker "DTA".... this guy used to tell me this and it was part of his email address. So now i felt sick to my stomach and started to cry... I had an awful feeling that he was dead! Years prior I tried searching for him online and did not find anything. Although I found his brother 5 years ago on Facebook, he ignored me. So I let it go until about 3 yrs ago, I looked on the brothers Facebook page and find out his mom died. I felt so bad at the time. I wrote him an old fashion letter and mailed it to his last known address. No response! I even emailed him and nothing. There was a chance he moved out of state because I remember him telling me this. 3 days ago he crossed my mind again... I searched for him online, the 1st thing that came up was his obituary and then his Facebook page that he created in 2012. He died in 2013 at the age of 36, 2 yrs ago this passed January and im still in shock BUT I do believe he was sending me a sign that he was not here any more and that he was OK. What are your thoughts?
I agree with you. I've had things like this happen to me many times. I have my own stories to tell. Here's just one of them. Back in 1996, I was already living in the great state of Arizona. My only niece also decided to come to Arizona. She had a newborn baby boy, my great nephew. After my niece moved out here, her Mom (my sister) decided she was going to, too. I believe at this time, my younger sister and her family were living in Delaware. This left my Mother and brother in NY. Since most everyone was coming out west, my Mom decided it was time to sell her house and come out this way, too. She and my brother put the house up for sale and by mid-1997, she had a buyer.
I was talking to my niece on the phone one day about my Mom's move, and all of a sudden I just broke down crying. I had the most awful feeling of despair and death, I couldn't control it. My niece couldn't believe it and asked me what was wrong. I told her. She told me not to worry, everything was alright and her grandma and uncle would make it to Arizona just fine. While she calmed me down, I just couldn't lose this feeling that someone was going to die. That feeling stayed with me for the longest time.
A few months later, my Mom and brother DID make it to Arizona just fine. They stayed with my oldest sister because she had a big house, and the search began for their own home. My niece was also living with my sister at the time. I was bit more relieved since my family made it safely. When my Mom and brother were living at my sister's home just THREE WEEKS, my NIECE died suddenly. My brother did everything he could while they waited for emergency services. She was 27 years old, so yes, I DO believe that someone was trying to tell me because I knew someone was going to die.
I'll go one further. My daughter was just a couple of years old when my niece passed away. She had a toy phone that she just loved to play with. A few days after my niece passed away, I was in the kitchen putting things away and my daughter was talking on her toy phone. All of a sudden she comes into the kitchen just chatting away! I stop dead. I got such chills it was unbelievable, so I ask my daughter "who are you talking to?" She tells me "I'm talking to Stacy!" Stacy was my niece. I asked my daughter "Well, what is she saying?" My girl says, "She says that she's OK and don't worry about her." Now, no two-year old actually understands the circumstances of death and that they'll never see this person again, but I sure understood! It was my niece telling me that I was right and wanting me to know that she was OK.
Do I believe? Yes, I do. I've had so many experiences like this, no one can convince me otherwise. I knew since I was a kid that my father would die before he ever got to retire. Many years later, he did die just a few months short of retirement. I knew when family members were hurt in accidents. I have to say, too, that my Grandmother had this ability and much more, so my family members are believers, too. It's a gift. Treasure it.