You also need to have accumulated at least $25.00 in your account of which at least $15.00 must be from offers. On the left side of your account page (about half way down) there is a breakdown of your account balance between offers and bonuses.
You have 3 options for payment:
1: Paypal deposit -- you must have a verified Paypal account to select this option -- if the CO is approved, funds are deposited on/about the 20th of the month following the month you made the CO request.
2. Direct Deposit in your bank account -- you need to provide FC with your bank acct info. Timing is similar to Paypal. Your bank will have it's own rules on how fast you can access the funds.
3. Check -- the check is mailed to you -- delivery by snail mail will add another 4-10 days depending on your mail service.
All of this presupposes that your account is in good order. See the check off list of items under Verification on your account page.
If any of the offers you completed are reversed and reduce your account balance below the $15/$25 minimum, your cash out will be denied and the remaining amount out will be placed back into your FC account. I usually cash out for an amount closer to $30 to avoid this problem with reversals.
Amounts credited to your account expire after 180 days. When the age of a credit exceeds 150 days, there will be a notice near the credit item letting you know that it will expire in X no of days.
When you cash out, all amounts go into a pending cash out status and are not subject to the 180 day rule while they wait to be cashed out.
If the cash out is denied, however, the amounts coming back into your account will be subject to the 180 day rule.