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Topic: Tip Jars  (Read 4988 times)


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Tip Jars
« on: August 10, 2014, 05:35:21 am »
I have noticed that almost EVERYWHERE you go these days there is a TIP jar beside the cash register.  Our local Subway has a "Tip Jar".  I do not go in there.  Not been in there in over a year but do know the jar is still there.  The people working there are paid at least Min Wage (which they agreed to work for when they took the job).  It just irritates me to see "Tip Jars" every where.  Gas stations, fast food places, convenience stores, you name it.  You are being paid to do the job you are doing.  So do it and don't expect an extra tip from the customer for doing your job.

I look at it like this - you are being paid to do the job.  If you are unhappy with the wages you are being paid then you need to get a job that pays more.  I realize more than anyone that jobs do not grow on trees and they are extremely hard to come by.  But at the same time, although I may be unhappy with my current job I do not expect customers to pay me extra money via a tip for doing the job I am being paid by my company to do.


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Re: Tip Jars
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2014, 08:41:19 am »
Well I am not certain how all tip jar's work in certain places..and i'm not sure if it's one person's tip jar or if all the employee's actually split it or if it's just the manager's tip jar.. How would they even know which person get's which tips? I actually belive the tip jar is a good way to compliment a person for going above and beyond for the customer.. Which is rare.. But you know i have seen it a couple times.. and have come out impressed a couple times.. and i'm not easily impressed...
      For example.. We went to a whataburger a little farther than usual while we were out doing some shopping so it wasn't out of our way or anything but.. anyways.. There was this woman working the drivethru.. Which is actually a second drivethru so instead of a window she was having to bring the food out.. and not to mention it was triple digit weather... Anyways this woman had a postive attitude.. Her personality was amazing and she just really made you feel like you were pretty important.. On top of that she was juggling two orders at once.. When she brung us our drinks.. She was also taking the next car's order.. and when she brought us our food she actually brung the next car's drinks as well... I don't know about you.. But most fast food places do not juggle order's at the same time.. Infact they usually take their sweet time doing one thing if they aren't short staffed.. We got in and out of there...  and it was great because the whataburger closer to us is slower than smoke off of icewater.. But anyways.. This particular day we called in to the manager.. Because we were pretty impressed.. and i am very hard to impress in the first place..Especially with fast food people..We actually drive a bit further now if we are going to whataburger because of the service.. If there was a tip jar i surely would tip them.. Oh and turns out.. That particular whataburger.. Well it's not just the one lady with the great attitude it's the whole restraunt.. I guess they are either treated really well or that manager really frowns on bad behavior and bad attitudes because that restraunt never misses a beat.. :p


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Re: Tip Jars
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2014, 08:54:31 am »
I guess it depends on the circumstances. I wouldn't tip someone who just hands me my food but if they deliver the food or make special orders that might be different. It's a personal preference.


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Re: Tip Jars
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2014, 09:26:17 am »
I understand your point, but I think a lot of places have realized that customers don't like carrying change, so if there is a tip jar, the customers may drop the change in the jar.  Thus, the customers don't get stuck carrying unnecessary change if they don't want it and the employees get a little boost to their income.

I do agree though that it's strange to see them popping up everywhere.  If it's a food place or something, I may give a dollar but it sorta depends on my mood.


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Re: Tip Jars
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2014, 02:46:02 pm »
even though there are tip jars in alot of places these days, it is still your choice whether to put money in it or not. If I feel like the service was good, I will put money in, but If I don't feel like the situation calls for a tip, I will ignore the tip jar.


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Re: Tip Jars
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2014, 04:13:36 pm »
I agree. I do not like the idea of a tip jar especially since most of the people who are kind enough to put tips in these jars need tips themselves. It is rare that people with money will tip in those types of situations they generally don't. I have in the past worked in those types of jobs.


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Re: Tip Jars
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2014, 05:32:24 pm »
i don't really care for the tip jar sitting at the self serve restaurants, when all they do is take your carry your food to the table, clean up after yourself and so on...but if they carry the food to your table or clean up after you, i can see it as useful


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Re: Tip Jars
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2014, 05:41:23 pm »
Yeah, I know what you're saying.  I guess management should be making sure their employees and working in a fast manner, have a smile on their faces, and act intelligently. That's what they SHOULD be being paid to do.  The others should get fired! It's sad when we are tipping people for doing what they SHOULD be doing to begin with.  Gone are the old days....


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Re: Tip Jars
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2014, 05:51:04 pm »
I completely agree. I don't understand why they have popped up everywhere.


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Re: Tip Jars
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2014, 06:13:39 pm »
By that logic, you can also stop tipping your Pizza Guy delivery. They are expected to be tipped everytime, but they are paid to deliever pizza... Are you kidding me??? They don't need tip at all

Guess what happens to your pizza when you call that place again...

Tip Jars are fine because they offer to support the workers who work there and also provide you to get rid of your change... For me, sometimes I don't want to carry change around because I don't want to hear coins grinding up on my phone/keys (happen way to much when train commuting to college). If they offer good and continual service then why not give them change? It's better to have a tip Jar and earn some money then to not have one and not reap any monetary gain.


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Re: Tip Jars
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2014, 06:33:18 pm »
You have a very good point.  I, too, see tip jars in various places.  I ignore them altogether.  The only time I give a little extra at a check out is if it's for the Humane Society or other reputable animal welfare organizations.  Otherwise the only tip I will give at a check out is this: "Save Your Money".

Now that's a great tip, don't you think?   ;)


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Re: Tip Jars
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2014, 06:41:31 pm »
I frequent a family owned Chinese restaurant by my house that has a tip jar.   I love their food & go there quite often, I always throw whatever change I get into the jar.   They know me & give me tons of food.   It's a win-win situation for us both, a little gratitude goes a long way.  :)


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Re: Tip Jars
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2014, 07:01:42 pm »
I have noticed it and it really bothers me too.  I think they are becoming so popular because...they are so popular.  People don't feel there is anything wrong with putting one because everyone is doing it.  Not a good reason at all.


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Re: Tip Jars
« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2014, 02:14:42 am »
I never see tip jars for employees, but if funds for someone else. Like Someone who has medical expenses or someones house burning down. But I do agree with your theory, but I am okay with donation jars for needy families.


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Re: Tip Jars
« Reply #14 on: August 11, 2014, 04:03:40 am »
Tip jars are completely voluntary. If I have extra I don't mind putting some change into the jar but I don't feel obligated to do so. Sometimes I don't have extra money and I don't put anything in. It's a choice. I don't let it bother me either way.

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