Thank you. Yes. I agree that random drug testing would be a better idea. But's let's talk about the truly handicapped who are honestly not able to do an honest day's work. In today's world, the sad fact is that Social Security does not even cover the bills. I believe 100% in what you have said that food stamps should be used as a temporary fix between jobs and a person should get back to work after losing a job as soon as possible. Yes, but in the case of a truly handicapped person, going back to work again may not be an option.
I have just recently had this same argument with a very close family member. I have a family member who is 21 and ADHD and collecting Social Security based on the ADHD. I think this is wrong, wrong, wrong. I have spoken up and said either channel your hyperactivity into a high-paced job or if it is an attention problem work a split shift in the day or something, but ADHD is not a permanent disability to get a check and stamps to live on. On the other hand, I have another family member who in the last few years has lost his vision and is not going back to work. I can't imagine. That would horrify me. Without his vision, yes, he needs to be at home with his check and even after working from age 16 to age 50+ he only qualified for SS at a rate of $780/mo. That does not pay the rent, electric, water, etc. Does a trip to Burger King have to be considered a luxury?
He also qualified for food stamps at a rate of $210/month for a family of two. Okay, $210/month breaks down in a 30 day month to 7 dollars a day or $3.50/person per day. What are you going to get to eat for your day today on your daily $3.50 allotment? I would like to put President Obama in a Kroger with $3.50 and say "Here ya go...go get your day's allotment and I'll give you the same tomorrow". How would that go over? NOT!