I just received a letter from my disability lawyer who no longer wants to fight my case (not that I have heard anything in a couple of years from him) The good thing is I can find another lawyer to fight for me and one that keeps in contact. I have had that lawyer for 12 years and i have went before a Judge three times. He gave up so he must of heard something from the Social Security Office but I have no so it must not be good. Honestly I worked some during that 12 years but as of 2008 until now I have not and my condition just keeps getting worse. My Doctors don't want to get involved whats up with that all they have to do is write what my conditions are, how the conditions affect me physically and mentally, and describe the diagnois they that they understand them I don't want them to say yeah she can't work I want them to know how it affects me daily and the judge asks me but they want a doctor to say that but the doctor doesn't live with me and doesn't write down all of my problems when I go there. For instance the nurse will ask what is your pain been for the last month (I see them monthly) from 1 - 10 I will say and 8 in the winter or sometimes a 10 the other months it might be 6 or 7 but the paper work they sent to my lawyer says mostly a 5 but my pain even with medication is there every day all day I know they can't completely take it away but crap be honest and write down what I said. I am just depressed and upset my step dad say suck it up get over it well now he has the same arthritis that I have through out my body 75% well he has it in his hips and can't get out of be and he is only 11 years older than me I feel like saying the same thing to him but I understand what he is going through. I like talking on hear because my Fusion Cash Family seems to understand what I am feeling and I enjoy reading your comments and I do read them when I start a post. You guys make me feel better about myself and I want to Thank you my FC Family for being there for me and letting me vent.