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Topic: we are no better  (Read 629 times)


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we are no better
« on: July 11, 2009, 09:00:26 pm »
there is this new doctrine that tries to put the "people of God" up on a pedestal and have us thinking that God wants us rich

i belive this is to combat the unfortunate misconception that God wants you poor

paul said, in a most miscontextually used statement, that "i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"

what does that mean

i will tell you what it doesnt mean

we are no better than those who dont know Christ and God makes it to rain on the just and unjust alike

we are not better than but rather we are better off

and the verse i quoted above doesnt say that i can do whatever i want because Christ gives me what i want

the verse says contextually that whatever place i am at in life, whether rich or poor, strong or weak, up or down, that i can go through it because Christ strengthens me

thats what that passage says

we are not better than anyone else but if we know Christ we are better off for more than one reason

the first is the obvious truth that God is real and He is perfect and because His realm is in perfection we can not enter in unless we are perfect so He became a perfect man to die for our imperfection so that we could attain His perfection and dwell in His realm forever

the second thing is that God gives us the strength to go through whatever we are going through

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