Do you have a PAINT software on your computer?
Are you using PAYPAL to get your FC cash out, direct deposit to your bank or do you receive a check? If you get a check, do you have the facility to scan the check onto your PC (or take a picture of it and put that picture onto your PC)
If you use PAYPAL: go to your PAYPAL account and access your recent transactions. Find the FC payment and click on DETAILS. This will bring a page that will show the FC transaction.
Fill your PC screen with that picture and adjust what you can see on your screen to show the transaction details. Click on the PRINT SCREEN button -- usually in upper right portion of your keyboard (may be abbr PrntScr)
This will put the screenshot onto your PC notebook to be used when you bring up the PAINT software.
At this point, you can close your PAYPAL account.
Bring up the PAINT software: click on START. If you used PAINT recently, you will see it in the list of programs of the START menu. If it's not there, click on ALL PROGRAMS and then ACCESSORIES and then PAINT.
(This is for Windows 7- there are variations depending on which OS you are using XP, or other Windows versions )
When PAINT has loaded, click PASTE (upper left corner). This will bring the screenshot you just created into PAINT.
You can use the CROP button to define the portion you want to save (and keep the final picture small).
You can use the ERASURE to remove the Transaction ID and your email address (and anything you don't want the world to see)
When you have adjusted the picture to your satisfaction -- ie it shows the payment amount, date and that it was from FC to you --
Click on the FILE icon (upper left hand corner) to save the picture.
I use FILE SAVE AS; I create a file name that makes it easy for me to find it later (ie FusionCashPOPmmddyyyy) with a file extension for JPEG.
I save it to my Shared Picture library.
Same procedure for a direct deposit -- just use your online bank account transaction listing to isolate the FC payment.
If you get a check, you need to get a picture of the check onto your PC so you can see it on your screen. (You may be able to actually use that picture if you can block out critical info before you take the picture and it has the right extension)
Hope this helps -- if you've done this before, it may be more than you need.