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Topic: Hi everyone  (Read 1465 times)


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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2014, 03:40:40 pm »
Sorry to hear about you going to the hospital. BC has so many side effects and you never know. Hang in there!
I will.


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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2014, 03:52:53 pm »
I haven't been online all that much, becuz a couples weeks ago, I was in the hospital because they found a blood clot behind my knee. It was caused by the birth control that I was taking, and mostly from my knee injury. The doctor at the hospital took me off the birth control. I now have to go to the hospital to have my blood drawn regularly, so that the doctor can see if my blood lvl stays stable, I am now taking Coumadin for my blood clot, which my doctor is gonna keep me on them for 6 months. I, for one, be glad when my blood clot goes away and that I don't to take Coumadin anymore. Also, I be glad when I get off my crutches, because I don't like being on them all that much.
hello to you too!! sorry to hear about you having to be in the hospital, I was there a few days ago but nothing serious.  get well soon :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:

I am so happy to know that you will be okay. It is great that the doctors found the clot; that is something that could have become a very serious issue. You know, it seems as though the more meds we take for what-ever ails us the more we have to worry about the dire side-effects. I sometimes wonder if the cure isn't worse than what I have a problem with. I hope that you have a speedy recovery and take great care.


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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2014, 05:31:59 pm »
I'm sorry you had to go to the hospital, but I'm really glad you had the clot discovered and taken care of before it broke off and caused even more problems!  Be sure to stay compliant on the Coumadin and to carefully follow the diet your doctor or pharmacist should have discussed with you - the drug can be affected by all sorts of foods and herbals, so be careful.  You'll be better in no time!


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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2014, 10:12:09 pm »
Hello Hello!

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