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Topic: Confused  (Read 1140 times)


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« on: February 13, 2014, 06:16:57 am »
SO i was Trying to refer someone to Fusion and it was the oddest experience ever o.O

I was talking to someone today who said.. they were short on cash... and they needed a little extra money because by the time their bills came in they had none left for theirself.. So i Proceeded to explain about Fusion.. and the way it works.. So they proceed to ask me.. If they sign up.. can they get their friend who isn't living with them at the time to sign up.. But they don't have a computer.. so they wanna know if they can sign up when they move in to their house..Using the same internet but diffrent computers.. But they don't want to sign up without the referal or if it wouldn't work out for them.. I told them.. It Would probably lead to a ban because it was the same internet.. and the Rules State that You cannot Referal people that of the same household/internet connection.. But..if they wanted to ask the administrator about it they could but i still think it would result in a ban.. They then replied with.I am not understanding what they are trying to say and that they do not trust the site because it sounds fishy...

I am utterly Confused on what i said that makes the site sound Fishy and Untrustworthy.. o.O Do you know what i said wrong? Maybe i should have worded it diffrent? Do you see the Error of my ways? Please let me know what it was!
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 06:24:17 am by minioncookies »


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Re: Confused
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2014, 09:39:32 am »
It's up to them.  You explained the rules and they can either follow them or not.  What's important to you is your own success on the site.


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Re: Confused
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2014, 09:52:52 am »
You can't help people who don't really want to help themselves.

The fact that there can only be one user per household/ip makes it sound more legit. The clicks on the advertising are only counted once per ip, so if you're sharing an ip it wouldn't work for FC to get paid.   Probably why there is no mobile app either, due to hotspots & multiple users potentially using it.   What happens though if you are at StarBucks or at a school & are using the same ips?   What then?

What you said makes perfect sense, BTW.  I don't see why the other person thinks it sounds "fishy".   Maybe they just don't get computers.   Their loss, FC rocks.   :)


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Re: Confused
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2014, 10:19:05 am »
No, I think you worded it perfectly. It is true that only one member of a household can be a member - I can't help but  think that it was something dodgey at their end! I mean, what if there was no friend? I think you did the right thing explaining the situation and if it went down as fishy, I think there is something fishy with the other person. Good luck to you for trying.


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Re: Confused
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2014, 10:25:00 am »
SO i was Trying to refer someone to Fusion and it was the oddest experience ever o.O

I was talking to someone today who said.. they were short on cash... and they needed a little extra money because by the time their bills came in they had none left for theirself.. So i Proceeded to explain about Fusion.. and the way it works.. So they proceed to ask me.. If they sign up.. can they get their friend who isn't living with them at the time to sign up.. But they don't have a computer.. so they wanna know if they can sign up when they move in to their house..Using the same internet but diffrent computers.. But they don't want to sign up without the referal or if it wouldn't work out for them.. I told them.. It Would probably lead to a ban because it was the same internet.. and the Rules State that You cannot Referal people that of the same household/internet connection.. But..if they wanted to ask the administrator about it they could but i still think it would result in a ban.. They then replied with.I am not understanding what they are trying to say and that they do not trust the site because it sounds fishy...

I am utterly Confused on what i said that makes the site sound Fishy and Untrustworthy.. o.O Do you know what i said wrong? Maybe i should have worded it diffrent? Do you see the Error of my ways? Please let me know what it was!

My personal opinion is that the smart thing for this person to do, should they take you up on your Referral, is for THEM to READ the sites RULES and REGULATIONS themselves.  The biggest thing I see here on the forums are people who join up with Fusion Cash but then neglect to read all the rules.  They then turn around and get angry when things start to "expire" in their accounts, or think they're getting paid more than they actually are for something that clearly states how much it pays.  I look at it this way.  Would you sign a contract without reading it?  Would you sign that contract without knowing full-well what's expected of you?  If you answered "yes," then maybe you should be working for the government because they don't READ what they pass, either.

There's nothing confusing or "scammy" about Fusion Cash and there's plenty of us out here who can attest to that.  It's a simple matter of looking around the site, reading what's expected of you and your participation, and if you're still confused in any way, posting a question about whatever it is you need to know.  There are so many people here on the forum that are willing to help in any way they can.  It's a great place to make a little extra cash.  It is NOT a "get rich quick" scheme, or scheme of any kind at all.  Knowledge is power - all you have to do is READ.


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Re: Confused
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2014, 08:49:11 am »
Thanks for all the feedback everyone! (:


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Re: Confused
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2014, 12:10:33 pm »
Apparently they just don't understand how these things work.  Maybe refer them to the pages on the forum that explains things to them?


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Re: Confused
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2014, 06:29:59 pm »
SO i was Trying to refer someone to Fusion and it was the oddest experience ever o.O

I was talking to someone today who said.. they were short on cash... and they needed a little extra money because by the time their bills came in they had none left for theirself.. So i Proceeded to explain about Fusion.. and the way it works.. So they proceed to ask me.. If they sign up.. can they get their friend who isn't living with them at the time to sign up.. But they don't have a computer.. so they wanna know if they can sign up when they move in to their house..Using the same internet but diffrent computers.. But they don't want to sign up without the referal or if it wouldn't work out for them.. I told them.. It Would probably lead to a ban because it was the same internet.. and the Rules State that You cannot Referal people that of the same household/internet connection.. But..if they wanted to ask the administrator about it they could but i still think it would result in a ban.. They then replied with.I am not understanding what they are trying to say and that they do not trust the site because it sounds fishy...

I am utterly Confused on what i said that makes the site sound Fishy and Untrustworthy.. o.O Do you know what i said wrong? Maybe i should have worded it diffrent? Do you see the Error of my ways? Please let me know what it was!

A lot of people do not trust sites like this.  It has nothing to do with YOU or how you worded it.  I am not sure why it wouldn't work for them if they could not have a referral.  I don't have one and I am doing okay.
Okay enough to keep coming to the site. lol.  The only thing that sounds fishy is them. :D


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Re: Confused
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2014, 06:32:58 pm »
SO i was Trying to refer someone to Fusion and it was the oddest experience ever o.O

I was talking to someone today who said.. they were short on cash... and they needed a little extra money because by the time their bills came in they had none left for theirself.. So i Proceeded to explain about Fusion.. and the way it works.. So they proceed to ask me.. If they sign up.. can they get their friend who isn't living with them at the time to sign up.. But they don't have a computer.. so they wanna know if they can sign up when they move in to their house..Using the same internet but diffrent computers.. But they don't want to sign up without the referal or if it wouldn't work out for them.. I told them.. It Would probably lead to a ban because it was the same internet.. and the Rules State that You cannot Referal people that of the same household/internet connection.. But..if they wanted to ask the administrator about it they could but i still think it would result in a ban.. They then replied with.I am not understanding what they are trying to say and that they do not trust the site because it sounds fishy...

I am utterly Confused on what i said that makes the site sound Fishy and Untrustworthy.. o.O Do you know what i said wrong? Maybe i should have worded it diffrent? Do you see the Error of my ways? Please let me know what it was!

My personal opinion is that the smart thing for this person to do, should they take you up on your Referral, is for THEM to READ the sites RULES and REGULATIONS themselves.  The biggest thing I see here on the forums are people who join up with Fusion Cash but then neglect to read all the rules.  They then turn around and get angry when things start to "expire" in their accounts, or think they're getting paid more than they actually are for something that clearly states how much it pays.  I look at it this way.  Would you sign a contract without reading it?  Would you sign that contract without knowing full-well what's expected of you?  If you answered "yes," then maybe you should be working for the government because they don't READ what they pass, either.

There's nothing confusing or "scammy" about Fusion Cash and there's plenty of us out here who can attest to that.  It's a simple matter of looking around the site, reading what's expected of you and your participation, and if you're still confused in any way, posting a question about whatever it is you need to know.  There are so many people here on the forum that are willing to help in any way they can.  It's a great place to make a little extra cash.  It is NOT a "get rich quick" scheme, or scheme of any kind at all.  Knowledge is power - all you have to do is READ.

Would you sign that contract without knowing full-well what's expected of you?  If you answered "yes," then maybe you should be working for the government because they don't READ what they pass, either.

Thanks.  This made me LOL.  :D  And the sad thing is ... it's true.


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Re: Confused
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2014, 12:09:08 am »
i have family always saying they are broke but they wont do fusion cash


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Re: Confused
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2014, 09:43:04 am »
Perhaps if you explained why the rules exist, it may make more sense to them. Say that because FC gives out bonuses for referrals, FC doesn't want to be scammed by having a person refer themselves (eg opening multiple accounts). Or also the reason that aflyingmonkey gave about many advertisers only counting once per IP address.

Also you may (if you haven't already) shown them payment proof that you have received yourself.

I also agree that you don't necessarily need a referral to make money on this site, so maybe they are just confused thinking that you do need to get referrals, and if they can't refer their friend because of the IP issue, then they just figure that they won't be able to make any money. Perhaps explain all of the ways that they can earn money on FC without needing to purchase anything or even using a credit card.

But I do think that there is a segment in the population that just thinks that any making-money site on the internet is a scam (after all, there are a lot of scam sites out there). So even were you to provide very convincing evidence to the contrary, they'll always be afraid to join a site like FC.

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