Do any chrome users have problems with tasks? I will make a selection (check box, fill in blank) and later it shows that I never checked the box, filled in the blank, etc., even though I did. I end up with very low accuracy because it looks like many things were left blank after I hit submit. Strange.
I used to have this problem in the past, when I did tasks far more frequently, in both Chrome and Firefox.
If my answer to a test question conflicted with what they had marked as the "correct" one, then the task would direct me to a page that would inform me as such. It'd also show me the exact test question that I got "wrong." However, all of the fields and such (where I had put my responses filled in) would be blank, so I wouldn't even be able to see what my responses were.

Also, I found that most of the time, the "reason" they gave would give for why my answer was wrong would be nonsensical. For example, random characters or just blanks between the quotation marks where the reason SHOULD have been, like... " " or "[ ]"
It was awfully frustrating, but on the bright side, CrowdFlower's support would always give me manual credit and fix my accuracy if I submitted a ticket.

If you are unfamiliar with their support:
1. Within the task, click "Help" (towards the top of the task, in the black bar)
2. Create a CrowdFlower account, if you don't have one already. (I personally use the same email address that I use for FC, because they will respond to your ticket via email)
3. Choose the "Reason for contact," then enter the subject, and explain the issue in detail in the "Message" box.
Hope I was helpful and made sense...I need more coffee