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Topic: Bad neighbors  (Read 4244 times)


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Bad neighbors
« on: January 09, 2014, 01:12:29 pm »
 :(.  It is sad when you live somewhere for a year and they act funny... And just get worse... Her son is a chauvinist pig and they seem racist as well... Needless to say I'm about to bounce and find a new place as my lease conveniently just ending now


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Re: Bad neighbors
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2014, 05:03:23 pm »
I'm curious as to how or why you think they are racist.  It could be worse.  They could be drug dealing thugs that you have to worry they will break in your house every time you aren't there.


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Re: Bad neighbors
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2014, 05:06:05 pm »
The only problem I have with my neighbors is that he wants to park in my yard right next to the bushes beside my house.  I put an arbor up to keep him off, and either him or his son ran into it and tore it all to pieces.  I don't want to get ugly, but I pay for this property not him.  I can't up and move because I'm buying.


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Re: Bad neighbors
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2014, 05:35:54 pm »
We bought our home 13 years ago and since we have been here we have had bad neighbors come and go. I ignore them and sooner or later they move probably because they don't pay their rent. But we have good neighbors also and that makes up for the bad ones. Don't let them get to you and force you to uproot your family. Just keep to yourself and everything should be fine. I will say a prayer for you.


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Re: Bad neighbors
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2014, 05:51:26 pm »
I have one side neighbor plays music way to loud very late at nite so I cant get to sleep and when I do I can still hear it. ive asked they turn it down but then this just repeats every nite The other side has the trashiest yard I have ever seen They really live on their porch they moved last week they raised dogs inside their house  and doggy do was ankle high it was on the furniture, tables bathroom they had to get shovel to clean this horrible mess  then I have the neighbors across the road they fight loudly every night friends go in  shirts come off and go backon they yell and scream and fisty  fight so the neighbors down the road can hear them so they call the cops every nite police come the girl goes outside talks to them for a brief minute turns and runs into the house and locks the cops out  they are always doing stuff like this and then theres the dogs all the neighbors oen one ot two so there is a15 dogs that bark all night at everything all nite every thingI need to move but I cant afford to


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Re: Bad neighbors
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2014, 09:36:01 pm »
:(.  It is sad when you live somewhere for a year and they act funny... And just get worse... Her son is a chauvinist pig and they seem racist as well... Needless to say I'm about to bounce and find a new place as my lease conveniently just ending now
Yes if you have bad neighbors  >:( and you are able to should do exactly that  :thumbsup:


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Re: Bad neighbors
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2014, 04:20:51 am »
:(.  It is sad when you live somewhere for a year and they act funny... And just get worse... Her son is a chauvinist pig and they seem racist as well... Needless to say I'm about to bounce and find a new place as my lease conveniently just ending now
yes bad people can really suck
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Re: Bad neighbors
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2014, 04:24:46 am »
My neighbors are in-laws.  The only time they are loud is during the summer.  I am thankful to that because I mostly stay to myself. :thumbsup: ??? :rainbow:


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Re: Bad neighbors
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2014, 04:36:13 am »
Bad neighbors can be a hassle. I find that if you be nice to them no matter how rude, negative, or mean they are to you it really ticks them off. Sometimes it even makes them leave you alone.. If you have racists neighbors maybe you should ask them why color matters to them so much because the world is full of color and without color it would be a dull world. I personally hate racism because we are all human and we can't decide the color or our skin. If we could i would not be white i promise you i would be green ^_^. I was lucky enough to have some decent neighbors although i don't think much of the block has a choice in that matter since we have a cop next door a cop behind us and we use to have a parole officer across the street.. LOL nobody can afford to be a bad neighbor not in this neighborhood teeeehee!



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Re: Bad neighbors
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2014, 10:44:46 am »
I don't have any bad neighbors now, but have in the past. Thankfully they didn't live there very long!


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Re: Bad neighbors
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2014, 11:33:23 am »
:(.  It is sad when you live somewhere for a year and they act funny... And just get worse... Her son is a chauvinist pig and they seem racist as well... Needless to say I'm about to bounce and find a new place as my lease conveniently just ending now
Don't you just hate it when you hate going home because of the neighbors you have. I had to deal with it for 2 years. I couldn't even be comfortable inside my own apartment. The lady complained about everything! She lived 1 floor above me and I would catch her standing outside my door listening to what was going on in my house. I finally got so disgusted with it all that I decided to find a house with a yard and moved. Now, I am on a corner lot with no neighbors AND BOY DOES IT FEEL GOOD!!!!! ;D


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Re: Bad neighbors
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2014, 12:02:52 pm »
Bad neighbors can be a hassle. I find that if you be nice to them no matter how rude, negative, or mean they are to you it really ticks them off. Sometimes it even makes them leave you alone.. If you have racists neighbors maybe you should ask them why color matters to them so much because the world is full of color and without color it would be a dull world. I personally hate racism because we are all human and we can't decide the color or our skin. If we could i would not be white i promise you i would be green ^_^. I was lucky enough to have some decent neighbors although i don't think much of the block has a choice in that matter since we have a cop next door a cop behind us and we use to have a parole officer across the street.. LOL nobody can afford to be a bad neighbor not in this neighborhood teeeehee!

I have also noticed if a person is black and a white person doesn't like them they automatically yell you are racist.  Or the other way around.  That is why I asked why they thought the neighbors are racist.  I know a black guy that is the biggest jerk to walk the face of the earth.  He has a huge chip on his shoulder and assumes every white person around him hates him because he is black.  That's not the case.  People don't like him because he has an attitude and is automatically defensive when he is with anybody who isn't black.  This shows and therefore people don't want to be around him.



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Re: Bad neighbors
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2014, 03:48:33 pm »
we used to live in an apartment. We all had a shared washer and dryer in the basement that the landlord charged 10 dollars a month for, except we could never use it because the lady upstairs always had her clothes in it. I would go at different times every day and was never able to get to use it. the neighbors next door outside our bedroom sold drugs, had huge parties every night with blaring music....made it hard to get up at 4 am for work every day. we finally saved enough money to buy a house in the country...closest neighbor is a mile away....peace and quiet!


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Re: Bad neighbors
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2014, 04:04:57 pm »
I'm curious as to how or why you think they are racist.  It could be worse.  They could be drug dealing thugs that you have to worry they will break in your house every time you aren't there.

I actually used to live across from drug dealers and they were actually more pleasant than some of the other neighbors. One house constantly was having parties and would park on their side of their street as well as are along with parking in our grass and blocking our driveway. They really had no consideration for others whatsoever


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Re: Bad neighbors
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2014, 05:00:42 pm »
One of my old neighbors was super annoying. We moved to a smaller house so we used our garage as our storage so we had to part in the front.

We lived in those houses where the garage are in the back and we don't have a drive way. You part in the street.

Anyway, we sometimes end up parking on the street in front of our neighbor (left of our house) and we got reported for parking in front of his house to the community department. So what he did was, he stopped parking his car in his garage and park his car in front of his house so no one can park in front of his house.

Seriously?!! Just for parking in front of his house?! We were forced to rent a storage just so we can park in the garage.

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