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Topic: Will America always be free?  (Read 3086 times)


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Re: Will America always be free?
« Reply #15 on: December 26, 2013, 09:56:37 am »
It's not really free now. We pay taxes to pay for other's that don't or wont work and for improvements for roads and other things. Also Government is now telling us that we "have to" buy insurance and other things, so No we are not free!


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Re: Will America always be free?
« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2013, 11:44:31 am »
It's not really free now. We pay taxes to pay for other's that don't or wont work and for improvements for roads and other things. Also Government is now telling us that we "have to" buy insurance and other things, so No we are not free!
I believe that it is up to the people and how we react to bills that are trying to be passed within our government. If we do not remain united then we will fail. This great country was founded on certain principals and if we are not careful then we will loose ALL of our freedoms. Just like the Constitution our forefathers created; now Obama wants to rewrite it to suit his needs. The government is suppose to work for us and not against us. This is the time for all FREE AMERICANS to unite and be of ONE VOICE to reclaim this great country as OURS.


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Re: Will America always be free?
« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2013, 01:05:36 pm »
I certainly hope so!  This is still a good question though.


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Re: Will America always be free?
« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2013, 03:26:18 pm »

as long as obama is the president we are being threatened more and more. Our freedom of speech, freedom of religion are severly threatened. We are broke and he is supporting the muslims more and more. We are not a free socity as of right now.


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Re: Will America always be free?
« Reply #19 on: December 26, 2013, 05:00:44 pm »
I see our freedoms greatly diminishing every day, and it makes me quite sad. I also believe that God is in control of the whole mess.

We should be all right, but we might want to pay more attention to what's happening and be more proactive about our government since it should be all about "of the people, by the people, for the people."

There's way too much government control right now, and it's kind of our fault if we don't do anything about it. Don't ask me how.  :-\ I'm still trying to figure that one out.  :confused1: I vote and I pray and that's a lot. But there's more to be done. Obama is bad for our country, but there have been many other presidents just as bad.


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Re: Will America always be free?
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2013, 05:59:59 pm »
Probably rebel in some way!


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Re: Will America always be free?
« Reply #21 on: January 03, 2014, 08:00:48 am »
Don't forget we are told what light bulbs we can and can't use too! (And that was actually started by Bush, so Reps and Dems really are all the same.) Every day more and more of our freedoms are being destroyed.


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Re: Will America always be free?
« Reply #22 on: January 03, 2014, 11:25:10 am »
r we free now?? last time I checked  it looked like we cant even voice our opinions outloud,no one wants anyone to be an individual, some think that we need rules for absolutely everything  cant even quote the bible without losing your job please someone tell me how we are free, you go to the bank withdraw money to maybe go get a car and they have to know why you r removing your own money

But why would you pay for a car with CASH?  They only ask if it is over $10,000 and you do not have to answer them.  But they will fill out a CTR on you.  (Currency Transaction Report)  Happens on anything over $10,000.  And if it is over $3000 it flags it.


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Re: Will America always be free?
« Reply #23 on: January 03, 2014, 11:27:10 am »
with recent threats and the movie red dawn

I don't think that's a fairly accurate way of looking at our situation realistically. Depending on what version of Red Dawn you're looking at, both are very fictional scenarios. Russia and the US have always been grunting at each other, but the fact that we've avoided a nuclear war says there's competent people on both ends that would rather avoid such a situation.

China also depends a lot on the US for business, so attacking us wouldn't make a lot of sense (there's no reason china attacked the US in the red dawn remake...). That, and the whole "China is going to be the next super power!" aspect seems to be dying down due to all of their recent social problems brought to light.

America hasn't really been free since the military industrial complex got so epically gigantic. With recent things like the NSA coming to light and the TSA going overboard with searches, you are not free. You're definitely a lot more free than the majority of the other countries out there, but there's still a lot to be wished for in this country. We're slowly seeing some good changes though.

The USA is the land of the free

And yet I can get ticketed 50$ for walking my dog in an open park at dusk! AUGH!

I think we will eventually be a communist nation.  Things are being put in place now and have been being set up for the past 6 years.

I would say more socialist than communist. And there's a lot of pros and cons that come with that statement. But it has always been predicted that a capitalist society needs to adapt into a socialist society once they reach certain sizes.

The next time you either sing or hear "god bless america"please remember this...
'God is not partial, but in every nation, the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.' - Acts 10:34, 35

You're really grasping at straws for new Jehovah's Witnesses, aren't ya?

China doesn't have to attack us.  China owns us.  We owe trillions of dollars to them.  And the US would collapse without China.  China does all our work.  The people in the US won't do the manufacturing jobs that are done in China.  People in the US are lazy.


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Re: Will America always be free?
« Reply #24 on: January 03, 2014, 11:28:43 am »
the only way the u.s. would lose it's freedom would be to completely wipe it off the map.  nuclear war is always a threat, but that would be the only way

You keep telling yourself that.  Our current administration are sucking our freedoms away from us every day.
Most people are too stupid to see it.  As long as they keep getting their free stuff every month they don't even care.  I would say we are more socialist that free right now.  And are headed toward communism.


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Re: Will America always be free?
« Reply #25 on: January 03, 2014, 11:39:37 am »
I don't remember what happened in RED DAWN, but I'm guessing it was something where someone rose to become dictator over a formerly-democratic/republican government.

If you recall, the Declaration of Independence did NOT say, 'We hold these truths to be self-evident that all NORTH AMERICAN, WHITE, LAND-OWNING, MALE men are created equal,' but rather "that ALL men are created equal."

THAT is the 'freedom' talked-about; not 'that you have free-reign over all the laws-of-physics & -reality etc.,' but that "no one else is born with MORE free-reign than you are."
------------------------------------------------------------------------------That's what a Pharisee might say today. You now have the chance to respond as my mentor Jesus-of-Joseph would, and I pray that you will!


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Re: Will America always be free?
« Reply #26 on: January 03, 2014, 11:47:20 am »
It's not really free now. We pay taxes to pay for other's that don't or wont work and for improvements for roads and other things. Also Government is now telling us that we "have to" buy insurance and other things, so No we are not free!

I can see paying taxes to help take care of the roads.  If you are going to drive on it then you should help maintain it.  Where else would the money come from?  I do not agree with money being taken out of my check and given to somebody that won't work.  That's not right.  And most of the ones on welfare get a bigger check than I do and I work.  And don't get me started on how it's a violation of privacy for them to be asked to take a drug test to get their free money but yet it's not for me to have to take a drug test to get a job to work for the money that they get.  Grrr


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Re: Will America always be free?
« Reply #27 on: January 03, 2014, 11:48:42 am »
r we free now?? last time I checked  it looked like we cant even voice our opinions outloud,no one wants anyone to be an individual, some think that we need rules for absolutely everything  cant even quote the bible without losing your job please someone tell me how we are free, you go to the bank withdraw money to maybe go get a car and they have to know why you r removing your own money

But why would you pay for a car with CASH?  They only ask if it is over $10,000 and you do not have to answer them.  But they will fill out a CTR on you.  (Currency Transaction Report)  Happens on anything over $10,000.  And if it is over $3000 it flags it.
Nope not true for me I don't like to have to pay interest so I pulled money out for a used van which was over 3000 and was told they have to ask if its over 600 nowadays


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Re: Will America always be free?
« Reply #28 on: January 03, 2014, 11:55:30 am »
We are not a free society....


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Re: Will America always be free?
« Reply #29 on: January 03, 2014, 12:38:43 pm »
Every year, there are more and more rules and regulations that we have to follow. This year,  1/1/2014 ushered in another 40,000 new rules and regulations between the 50 states.  This administration does not believe we can take care of ourselves and that's why they are over-controlling our every day movements. The EPA and DEP are making so many regulations that there may be a day where you may have to have a permit to breathe. After all, there was a bovine methane gas study and cows were blamed for climate change for a while. How stupid is that?

This administration has pushed us closer and closer to socialism with the help of Hollywood and the music industry "brainwashing" our kids both in and out of school, especially college. They are now closing ranks on the elementary and high school students. Harry Reid changed the rules of Congress so he can push through certain legislation. For the past 4 years, he has blocked every piece of legislation from the House. All jobs bills, economic bills, budget bills, and others went into the wastebasket because they were written by the House (who is SUPPOSED to write the bills). He has such a hatred for Republicans that he refuses to allow debate and discussion on any bill from the House.  He has become a dictator in the Senate.

Mandatory health insurance is a disaster and anyone with a brain knew that it was another way to control the public. It is an unconstitutional law being forced on us. The changes Obama has made is also unconstitutional because a President cannot change a law. He is breaking the law. It is up to Congress to change, make, or repeal laws, not the President. He and his cohorts have broken our military strength by firing any and all military officers that knew how to keep our military strong.  ACA started with 2300 pages, but there are 20,000 pages of regulations and half of those regulations are for paying taxes on medical equipment, research and development, prescriptions, etc. Obama really wants to put most insurance companies out of business except those that gave him extra large campaign donations.

As for TSA, IRS, NSA, Fast and Furious, and Benghazi, I know of no other time in our history where the AG and SOS had more power than the President. Especially, the NSA.

Before this scandal broke, when I would answer my phone or make a call, I would hear 'clicks' as if someone was picking up an extension (I'm very outspoken and on quite a few political sites). One day, in a joking manner while talking to my foster son about politics, I said, "Okay, government snoops. Nothing here to hear, so just take your business elsewhere."  Believe it or not, those 'clicks' stopped!

We need smaller government, not larger. We need less regulations, not more. 

Sorry...I watch C-Span every day and my blood pressure goes sky high at times....but I'll stop venting now.  ;)

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