I understand the feeling of being overwhelmed- I'm 31 with 6 kids. But ironically I absolutely love my life and am looking forward to the future and I want you to too. I want you to be happy. I know it's always easier for people who haven't walked in your shoes to see the bright side of things but the one thing I know for sure is that it could always be worse.
Try breaking down your problems and finding solutions to each one:
Have you tried any OTC products to quit smoking (patches, gum, etc)? I don't know much about e cigs, but I figure even that's healthier than nicotine. I don't know anything about them but I'd be willing to do research and gift you a pack if you think that'd help. Seems to me like quitting smoking will help you in two ways: health wise and financially.
Also, call your health care provider to get a listing of other medical providers in your area. Free medical transportation may also be available to you, so ask about that too.
Go on web MD or google and research alternative or homeopathic pain medications.
Analyze your budget to find ways to save money, even if it means downsizing your place or sacrificing a non necessity.
Hope this helps!
I don't understand how this world works. i am so tired of worrying about paying my bills, we don't make enough money and I don't know what to do about it. I am doing several web sites and I am just not making enough to keep us a float.Sometimes I wish I was never born I can't deal with this crap. I can't physically work so where does that leave me, my primary doctor is pissing me off and we just can go anywhere to get treatment sometimes I think they don't understand my condition they don't recognize my medical problems and we don't have any good doctors but a lot of nurse practitioner I am suffering everyday and went to get a prescription filled he said no to the pharmacy and told them I needed to quit smoking well no crap it hard so he is willing to denied medication because I smoke he did the same thing to my mother That is just wrong. He quit but his attitude sucks. I am trying to quit but that shouldn't determine my medical problems Its just easier to disapear and no onw will have to worry about me I can't stand the pain and the medications are not completly helping.