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Topic: What Is The Purpose Of a Debate?  (Read 1247 times)


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What Is The Purpose Of a Debate?
« on: November 20, 2013, 11:03:32 am »

I understand the definition of the word debate.
And i also understand the good and the bad of debating because it can lead to better ideas and improvment or it can lead to bad ideas and  can lead to destruction. Isn't there a point where a debate can go to far? When you are debating a topic and people are ripping into other people and name calling and being offensive isn't that grounds for no longer being a debate? How far is to far on a debate? Or is there no Set Limit?



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Re: What Is The Purpose Of a Debate?
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2013, 11:40:29 am »
debate is  should  a  student loan rates be allowed  to  double  at the  end of  mouth? read more .     debate org is a dynamic  social community were  you  can voice your opiion on todays hoottest issues.  60  debate  topies for  hight school  secondary  education   by melissa  kell in 84 google circles  look  for   high school  debate topice? this  list  of over 60 toppice  has been written  for use   in  class......


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Re: What Is The Purpose Of a Debate?
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2013, 05:07:43 pm »
debate is  should  a  student loan rates be allowed  to  double  at the  end of  mouth? read more .     debate org is a dynamic  social community were  you  can voice your opiion on todays hoottest issues.  60  debate  topies for  hight school  secondary  education   by melissa  kell in 84 google circles  look  for   high school  debate topice? this  list  of over 60 toppice  has been written  for use   in  class......

Was this suppost to be some kind of copy and paste gone wrong because i do not understand your responce..


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Re: What Is The Purpose Of a Debate?
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2013, 06:03:27 pm »
I think you answered our own question.


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Re: What Is The Purpose Of a Debate?
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2013, 09:04:59 am »
As soon as a "debate" turns into name calling or bashing, it is no longer a debate.


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Re: What Is The Purpose Of a Debate?
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2013, 09:23:44 am »
With what I know of debates, when the name calling is a part of it, it is no longer a debate.  It is ugly and can lead to more bad than good. ??? ??? ??? :wave:


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Re: What Is The Purpose Of a Debate?
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2013, 02:12:42 pm »
Debates can turn into arguments real quickly. That's the issue.


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Re: What Is The Purpose Of a Debate?
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2013, 03:05:19 pm »
I think you answered our own question.

I understand the definition of the word debate.
And i also understand the good and the bad of debating because it can lead to better ideas and improvment or it can lead to bad ideas and  can lead to destruction. Isn't there a point where a debate can go to far? When you are debating a topic and people are ripping into other people and name calling and being offensive isn't that grounds for no longer being a debate? How far is to far on a debate? Or is there no Set Limit?


I understand the definition of the word debate.
And i also understand the good and the bad of debating because it can lead to better ideas and improvment or it can lead to bad ideas and  can lead to destruction. Isn't there a point where a debate can go to far? When you are debating a topic and people are ripping into other people and name calling and being offensive isn't that grounds for no longer being a debate? How far is to far on a debate? Or is there no Set Limit?


I understand the definition of the word debate.
And i also understand the good and the bad of debating because it can lead to better ideas and improvment or it can lead to bad ideas and  can lead to destruction. Isn't there a point where a debate can go to far? When you are debating a topic and people are ripping into other people and name calling and being offensive isn't that grounds for no longer being a debate? How far is to far on a debate? Or is there no Set Limit?


I understand the definition of the word debate.
And i also understand the good and the bad of debating because it can lead to better ideas and improvment or it can lead to bad ideas and  can lead to destruction. Isn't there a point where a debate can go to far? When you are debating a topic and people are ripping into other people and name calling and being offensive isn't that grounds for no longer being a debate? How far is to far on a debate? Or is there no Set Limit?


I understand the definition of the word debate.
And i also understand the good and the bad of debating because it can lead to better ideas and improvment or it can lead to bad ideas and  can lead to destruction. Isn't there a point where a debate can go to far? When you are debating a topic and people are ripping into other people and name calling and being offensive isn't that grounds for no longer being a debate? How far is to far on a debate? Or is there no Set Limit?

:monkey:, especla
   is    contention in  argument  dispute. controvesy dis ussion


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Re: What Is The Purpose Of a Debate?
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2013, 03:51:19 pm »
If a teacher is qualified to teach others and they know its their unselfish job to help others want to learn about what they are teaching that is a very good thing.If someone resents what they are doing because they are more interested in only doing it their way they have no humility and you wold be wasting your time trying to teach them.Rather than get into a dispute with them shake the dust offa your feet and walk away if the teacher had good intentions to help them in the 1st place.2 wrongs dont make a right.

Much debate about religeon.Do all religeons lead to God?Well is we use bible as a means of answering that the answer is no.Jesus condemned the Pharisees for their religeon and yet they thought they had truth.

Of course then you will have others that have no regard for bible and then another discussion starts to try and show them that it is Gods word.All you can do is present the evidence and if they still dont listen.....thanx for listening you tell them.If you wanna debate it against them it would serve you no purpose cos then you would be doing it for selfish reasons and thats not the reason to teach them the truth.


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Re: What Is The Purpose Of a Debate?
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2013, 08:51:14 pm »
Debates are good when you are debating important issues, but it can sometimes go to far when it gets personal.


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Re: What Is The Purpose Of a Debate?
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2013, 05:05:45 pm »
Debates are good when they bring up points to be considered, but when it turns to name calling or worse, then it is no longer a debate but becomes an argument or personal attack. Some people are so into their own beliefs that they won't even entertain the idea that any way but theirs is correct. To have a successful debate you have to be able to listen with an open mind and be able to remain calm and collected when your ideas are challenged.

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