This is my 21st payment from FC ------------>> ty FC!!!!!!!
Admin/ again, sorry the pic is so grainy and I am trying to learn new ways to post the pic, please bare with me - you can see the dates and amount if you really look. Sorry, i am still learning.
Please click link:
<a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="Hosted by" /></a>
Do the following steps:
(From the looks of the image you posted you are receiving your payment via PayPal??).....
1. Take a screen shot of the payment screen on PayPal by pressing the "PrtSc" key in the upper right-hand corner of your keyboard (this will copy what is on your screen).
2. Open MS Paint (found in the Accessories folder under All Programs from the Start Menu). "Copy" to the blank canvas that is opened in Paint.
3. Using the "Brush", "Airbrush" or "Rectangle" tool (second rectangle option is a solid rectangle), block out your personal info, such as the transaction ID# and your email address.
4. "Save As" a jpeg file with a file name to your desktop.
5. Start a new post and look under the "posting box" for the link entitled "Additional Options"; click there, click "Browse" to locate the file you just saved to your desktop and insert it into the box; Click "Post".
IF for some reason your image file is too large to attach, you will get an error message and you'll have to resize your image. Just go open it with Paint, and at the top click on the menu option "Image", click on "Stretch/Skew" (or it may say "Resize/Skew" for newer versions of Paint), and change the "Stretch" values to 50% for both. Resave your file and re-attach to your post.
Hope that helps!!