Still waiting on my $1 for posting my March payment...
If you mean your March cashout, which was recieved the end of April, noone has gotten credit for that I believe! its only been 2-3 weeks and it takes 2-6 weeks for them to credit it.
If you mean the payment you POSTED in march, well you may have gotten credit for it and thought it was for something else because they credited it right away, there was barely any wait.. normally it wont credit for a few weeks, but they credited it march 26th, along with the febuary payment pic bonuses (if you had posted in febuary too) I think they process all the bonuses at the same time and since they did the febuary ones after most people posted in march, they credited march too. I got 2, and realized one was from febuary that I was waiting on and the other was the one I JUST posted, already crediting.
Payment Pic Bonus 2012-03-26 $1.00 Cashed Out
Payment Pic Bonus 2012-03-26 $1.00 Cashed Out
Check your account and see if you got credit on March 26th.. if you posted the pic right AFTER march 26th, it is possible it somehow got overlooked but you may have gotten credit on march 26th and thought it was for a previous one, since it was so fast after payment.
EDIT: I just looked back and you posted in March on the 21st, you should have have gotten the credit right after on the 26th, check your account history!