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Topic: Are you an evolutionist or a creationist and why  (Read 15785 times)


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Re: Are you an evolutionist or a creationist and why
« Reply #60 on: December 11, 2013, 02:35:37 pm »
I thought i would offer more comedy when i said the Bible is divine because of predicting future prophecy.

Jesus warns his followers when you see Roman armies encamped around Jerusalem to flee.In 66ce Cestius Gallus armies surround Jerusalem and then apparently for no reason leave.That was the sign Jesus gave to flee.Those that didnt wished they had.In 70 ce Jerusalem fell as Titus finished his fathers campaign.Over a million dead and many sold into slavery.

Hope you had a good laugh!!


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Re: Are you an evolutionist or a creationist and why
« Reply #61 on: December 11, 2013, 03:13:57 pm »
There is nothing contradictory in the Bible.In fact,pure unbiased science/archaeology is actually consistent with the Bible.If the Bible could be proven to be so unreliable,we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now.We'd all be bowing to the alter of Charles Darwin. :sad1:

But,I guess the Militant Atheists consider roughly three quarters of the Earth's population that actually believe in a deity to be brain dead primates.

Google JediJohnnie and May the Force be with you!


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Re: Are you an evolutionist or a creationist and why
« Reply #62 on: December 11, 2013, 03:53:42 pm »
Jesus said his followers would be ridiculed and objects of hatred because of HIM.In answer to these last few posts lets just say I am not surprised what i have read.

"Predicting" you'll be ridiculed for saying and believing ridiculous things must be a display of divine clairvoyance and not just a matter of DUH  :silly:

There is nothing contradictory in the Bible.

Please stop

In fact,pure unbiased science/archaeology is actually consistent with the Bible.

Yes, the bible has references to people, places, and events that are real... so does Spiderman. He lives in New York... never seen him here though.

If the Bible could be proven to be so unreliable,we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now.

Battered wives convince themselves that their husbands love them all the time. It's not uncommon for people to deny reality in order to hold on to a belief. Fear is powerful in both cases.

We'd all be bowing to the alter of Charles Darwin. :sad1:

Why do you think this is a competition of worship? Why do you desperately need to worship something? Darwin made his contribution to science, we acknowledge it and tip our hat to him, but the torch has been passed. No worship needed.

But,I guess the Militant Atheists consider roughly three quarters of the Earth's population that actually believe in a deity to be brain dead primates.

1st There's nothing militant about me (don't know why you capitalized that). I present facts, you present fantasy, you call me militant. That's all there is to it.

2nd Argumentum ad populum . You think a lot of people believing something means what?

3rd 2/3 being brain dead primates is not an impossibility but that's not being claimed. These people have a special faith logic that they would never apply to any other area of their life. Start with indoctrination as a child, sprinkle in heavy doses of fear and you've got faith logic.


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Re: Are you an evolutionist or a creationist and why
« Reply #63 on: December 11, 2013, 04:24:11 pm »
I have read that scientists are proving creationism more and more.


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Re: Are you an evolutionist or a creationist and why
« Reply #64 on: December 11, 2013, 04:37:51 pm »
A reported conversation between the Hindu leader Mohandas K. Gandhi and the former British Viceroy of India, Lord Irwin:

Lord Irwin asked Gandhi what he thought would solve the problems between Great Britain and India. Gandhi picked up a Bible and opened it to the fifth chapter of Matthew and said: "When your country and mine shall get together on the teachings laid down by Christ in this Sermon on the Mount, we shall have solved the problems not only of our countries but those of the whole world."


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Re: Are you an evolutionist or a creationist and why
« Reply #65 on: December 11, 2013, 11:30:45 pm »
There is nothing contradictory in the Bible.In fact,pure unbiased science/archaeology is actually consistent with the Bible.If the Bible could be proven to be so unreliable,we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now.We'd all be bowing to the alter of Charles Darwin. :sad1:

But,I guess the Militant Atheists consider roughly three quarters of the Earth's population that actually believe in a deity to be brain dead primates.

Please stop

Johnson- you seem to be educated and skilled in the art of debating. Does it make me a bad person when I literally laughed at his post though? I just showed my friends this on Steam and they're loving it. This has got to be one of the best posts I've read in a long time...I mean...everything here is completely devoid of any intelligent thought. It's off the chart-- this has GOT to be the most face-palm inducing post on Debate and Discussion that you just have to enjoy it. Either JJ is an actual talented internet troll, or he's part of some uneducated scum group like Westboro. Either way, this is an absolutely amazing post highlighting the lack of intelligence in creationists. I'm going to go worship my Charles Darwin statue now to clear my head.

Amazing. Simply amazing.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2013, 11:53:41 pm by Falconer02 »


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Re: Are you an evolutionist or a creationist and why
« Reply #66 on: December 12, 2013, 04:12:56 am »
There is nothing contradictory in the Bible.In fact,pure unbiased science/archaeology is actually consistent with the Bible.If the Bible could be proven to be so unreliable,we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now.We'd all be bowing to the alter of Charles Darwin. :sad1:

But,I guess the Militant Atheists consider roughly three quarters of the Earth's population that actually believe in a deity to be brain dead primates.

Please stop

Johnson- you seem to be educated and skilled in the art of debating. Does it make me a bad person when I literally laughed at his post though? I just showed my friends this on Steam and they're loving it. This has got to be one of the best posts I've read in a long time...I mean...everything here is completely devoid of any intelligent thought. It's off the chart-- this has GOT to be the most face-palm inducing post on Debate and Discussion that you just have to enjoy it. Either JJ is an actual talented internet troll, or he's part of some uneducated scum group like Westboro. Either way, this is an absolutely amazing post highlighting the lack of intelligence in creationists. I'm going to go worship my Charles Darwin statue now to clear my head.

Amazing. Simply amazing.

The arrogance of this response makes me quite relieved to have been brought up to believe in a Higher Power, thus making me a creationist. I will pray for you. People ARE entitled to post what they think and feel without  the backlash of such criticism or name calling.


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Re: Are you an evolutionist or a creationist and why
« Reply #67 on: December 12, 2013, 09:48:55 am »
There is nothing contradictory in the Bible.In fact,pure unbiased science/archaeology is actually consistent with the Bible.If the Bible could be proven to be so unreliable,we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now.We'd all be bowing to the alter of Charles Darwin. :sad1:

But,I guess the Militant Atheists consider roughly three quarters of the Earth's population that actually believe in a deity to be brain dead primates.

Please stop

Johnson- you seem to be educated and skilled in the art of debating. Does it make me a bad person when I literally laughed at his post though? I just showed my friends this on Steam and they're loving it. This has got to be one of the best posts I've read in a long time...I mean...everything here is completely devoid of any intelligent thought. It's off the chart-- this has GOT to be the most face-palm inducing post on Debate and Discussion that you just have to enjoy it. Either JJ is an actual talented internet troll, or he's part of some uneducated scum group like Westboro. Either way, this is an absolutely amazing post highlighting the lack of intelligence in creationists. I'm going to go worship my Charles Darwin statue now to clear my head.

Amazing. Simply amazing.


I'm no debater, this stuff is just too easy and may make it seem that way.  ;)

All you can do is laugh. You're not a bad person at all for doing so. No contradictions in the bible? The bible hasn't been debunked? The bible predicts the future? None of this can be taken seriously. I can't believe these are real people. My current hypothesis is that this is just an ingenious way of reaching thirty posts in no time. I'm way ahead of schedule so, I would tip my hat to them, but, given that the only way to credit someone for their work is to worship them, I'll be creating alters to JediJohnnie and hitch... next to the Darwin one of course.


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Re: Are you an evolutionist or a creationist and why
« Reply #68 on: December 12, 2013, 02:48:38 pm »
The arrogance of this response makes me quite relieved to have been brought up to believe in a Higher Power, thus making me a creationist. I will pray for you. People ARE entitled to post what they think and feel without  the backlash of such criticism or name calling.

If defending an internet troll who spouts laughable stupidity and nonsense is a primary reason you're thankful to believe in such an ancient belief, I must say you really need to open your eyes and be open-minded to reality. You are entitled to believe in whatever ancient mythology you wish (and as crazy as it sounds, I'd die defending your freedom to believe in it), however when people point out the faults of your beliefs or are mocking someone who is making your belief look extremely stupid, it should not strengthen that belief. That is the sign of a delusional person.


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Re: Are you an evolutionist or a creationist and why
« Reply #69 on: December 12, 2013, 03:00:31 pm »
All you can do is laugh. You're not a bad person at all for doing so. No contradictions in the bible? The bible hasn't been debunked? The bible predicts the future? None of this can be taken seriously. I can't believe these are real people. My current hypothesis is that this is just an ingenious way of reaching thirty posts in no time. I'm way ahead of schedule so, I would tip my hat to them, but, given that the only way to credit someone for their work is to worship them, I'll be creating alters to JediJohnnie and hitch... next to the Darwin one of course.

Ha! I withdraw my previous notion that their responses are the most ridiculous posts on the forum. I completely forgot we had this evangelical witch of a women a while back who said faith healing can cure AIDS and was extremely rude to everyone who disagreed with her. And then there was this other dude who linked videos of himself street-preaching/screaming at passing people and literally threatening them with hell if they didn't listen to him. At first you think these people are just trolling, but then you find out they aren't and you can't help but either laugh or shake your head knowing the truth of how psychotic some people are. So the people here now are fairly crazy, but I'm glad it's not back to that level from the past.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2013, 03:05:29 pm by Falconer02 »


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Re: Are you an evolutionist or a creationist and why
« Reply #70 on: December 12, 2013, 03:18:37 pm »
Sharon yo can be assured you are on the right side.20,000,000 attended The Lords Evening meal <Memorial>this past year.It is a command Jesus gave to his disciples "keep doing this in rememberance of me"the night he was about to be arrested and to memorialize it cos of the significance of his death with the human race.

If others here dont wanna show the bible to be a divine writing from God what can i say.Its typical of this world.Satan has blinded the minds of many as well as turn himself even to an angel of light at times too.


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Re: Are you an evolutionist or a creationist and why
« Reply #71 on: December 12, 2013, 03:29:33 pm »
Mr Johnson i cant speak for Jedi but you can save your lifeless alter for yourself.I appreciate the fact that The Living God gave me life and gave me a chance to understand the truth and have a chance to live forever in a world that would be so far removed from the one we live in now.I appreciate what Jesus and His father did to ransom the human race so we would not die or live in sin anymore.

You dont have to answer me anymore to get your 30 posts.If you need the 3 bucks that bad ill send u a check!!


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Re: Are you an evolutionist or a creationist and why
« Reply #72 on: December 12, 2013, 04:21:31 pm »
There is nothing contradictory in the Bible.In fact,pure unbiased science/archaeology is actually consistent with the Bible.If the Bible could be proven to be so unreliable,we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now.We'd all be bowing to the alter of Charles Darwin. :sad1:

But,I guess the Militant Atheists consider roughly three quarters of the Earth's population that actually believe in a deity to be brain dead primates.

Please stop

Johnson- you seem to be educated and skilled in the art of debating. Does it make me a bad person when I literally laughed at his post though? I just showed my friends this on Steam and they're loving it. This has got to be one of the best posts I've read in a long time...I mean...everything here is completely devoid of any intelligent thought. It's off the chart-- this has GOT to be the most face-palm inducing post on Debate and Discussion that you just have to enjoy it. Either JJ is an actual talented internet troll, or he's part of some uneducated scum group like Westboro. Either way, this is an absolutely amazing post highlighting the lack of intelligence in creationists. I'm going to go worship my Charles Darwin statue now to clear my head.

Amazing. Simply amazing.


I'm no debater, this stuff is just too easy and may make it seem that way.  ;)

All you can do is laugh. You're not a bad person at all for doing so. No contradictions in the bible? The bible hasn't been debunked? The bible predicts the future? None of this can be taken seriously. I can't believe these are real people. My current hypothesis is that this is just an ingenious way of reaching thirty posts in no time. I'm way ahead of schedule so, I would tip my hat to them, but, given that the only way to credit someone for their work is to worship them, I'll be creating alters to JediJohnnie and hitch... next to the Darwin one of course.

Soooo,do you high minded intellectuals care to answer the question,or just continue proving me right?Either way will be fine.

Google JediJohnnie and May the Force be with you!


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Re: Are you an evolutionist or a creationist and why
« Reply #73 on: December 12, 2013, 04:26:05 pm »
There is nothing contradictory in the Bible.In fact,pure unbiased science/archaeology is actually consistent with the Bible.If the Bible could be proven to be so unreliable,we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now.We'd all be bowing to the alter of Charles Darwin. :sad1:

But,I guess the Militant Atheists consider roughly three quarters of the Earth's population that actually believe in a deity to be brain dead primates.

Please stop

Johnson- you seem to be educated and skilled in the art of debating. Does it make me a bad person when I literally laughed at his post though? I just showed my friends this on Steam and they're loving it. This has got to be one of the best posts I've read in a long time...I mean...everything here is completely devoid of any intelligent thought. It's off the chart-- this has GOT to be the most face-palm inducing post on Debate and Discussion that you just have to enjoy it. Either JJ is an actual talented internet troll, or he's part of some uneducated scum group like Westboro. Either way, this is an absolutely amazing post highlighting the lack of intelligence in creationists. I'm going to go worship my Charles Darwin statue now to clear my head.

Amazing. Simply amazing.

The arrogance of this response makes me quite relieved to have been brought up to believe in a Higher Power, thus making me a creationist. I will pray for you. People ARE entitled to post what they think and feel without  the backlash of such criticism or name calling.

I don't even concern myself with the militant atheists anymore.When confronted with common sense,you'll find they always resort to mocking and condescending arrogance.

Jesus was mocked by people of higher standing than they will ever be.

Google JediJohnnie and May the Force be with you!


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Re: Are you an evolutionist or a creationist and why
« Reply #74 on: December 12, 2013, 04:38:27 pm »
Jesus said his followers would be ridiculed and objects of hatred because of HIM.In answer to these last few posts lets just say I am not surprised what i have read.

"Predicting" you'll be ridiculed for saying and believing ridiculous things must be a display of divine clairvoyance and not just a matter of DUH  :silly:

There is nothing contradictory in the Bible.

Please stop
Yeah...if you have a contradiction in mind,state it.I'm not going to read a ton of stuff on a website.Conversation don't work like that, son.
In fact,pure unbiased science/archaeology is actually consistent with the Bible.

Yes, the bible has references to people, places, and events that are real... so does Spiderman. He lives in New York... never seen him here though.
Hey,you're very clever!Now, Where's the supposed contradiction?
If the Bible could be proven to be so unreliable,we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now.

Battered wives convince themselves that their husbands love them all the time. It's not uncommon for people to deny reality in order to hold on to a belief. Fear is powerful in both cases.
LOL,so let me get this straight.....The multitude of people who have believed in God (both past and present) are victims of "battered woman syndrome?"
We'd all be bowing to the alter of Charles Darwin. :sad1:

Why do you think this is a competition of worship? Why do you desperately need to worship something? Darwin made his contribution to science, we acknowledge it and tip our hat to him, but the torch has been passed. No worship needed.
It's called being sarcastic.I'm sure you have no experience there...
But,I guess the Militant Atheists consider roughly three quarters of the Earth's population that actually believe in a deity to be brain dead primates.

1st There's nothing militant about me (don't know why you capitalized that). I present facts, you present fantasy, you call me militant. That's all there is to it.
I haven't presented anything,but you sure haven't presented any facts.
2nd Argumentum ad populum . You think a lot of people believing something means what?
I never claimed it meant anything beyond the fact that there is a vast majority of people who believe in a deity.That does not make them mentally incompitent as you would seem to indicate.
3rd 2/3 being brain dead primates is not an impossibility but that's not being claimed. These people have a special faith logic that they would never apply to any other area of their life. Start with indoctrination as a child, sprinkle in heavy doses of fear and you've got faith logic.

Or it could be that some of us have actually studied the Bible and found it to be historically and internally consistent.

Google JediJohnnie and May the Force be with you!

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