Jesus said his followers would be ridiculed and objects of hatred because of HIM.In answer to these last few posts lets just say I am not surprised what i have read.
"Predicting" you'll be ridiculed for saying and believing ridiculous things must be a display of divine clairvoyance and not just a matter of DUH

There is nothing contradictory in the Bible.
Please stop fact,pure unbiased science/archaeology is actually consistent with the Bible.
Yes, the bible has references to people, places, and events that are real... so does Spiderman. He lives in New York... never seen him here though.
If the Bible could be proven to be so unreliable,we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now.
Battered wives convince themselves that their husbands love them all the time. It's not uncommon for people to deny reality in order to hold on to a belief. Fear is powerful in both cases.
We'd all be bowing to the alter of Charles Darwin. 
Why do you think this is a competition of worship? Why do you desperately need to worship something? Darwin made his contribution to science, we acknowledge it and tip our hat to him, but the torch has been passed. No worship needed.
But,I guess the Militant Atheists consider roughly three quarters of the Earth's population that actually believe in a deity to be brain dead primates.
1st There's nothing militant about me (don't know why you capitalized that). I present facts, you present fantasy, you call me militant. That's all there is to it.
2nd Argumentum ad populum . You think a lot of people believing something means what?
3rd 2/3 being brain dead primates is not an impossibility but that's not being claimed. These people have a special faith logic that they would never apply to any other area of their life. Start with indoctrination as a child, sprinkle in heavy doses of fear and you've got faith logic.