Obama will be gone, not soon enough but he can't run again so America will just have to put up with him for the remainder of his elected term. Impeachment is just not ever going to happen for a host of reasons so it is really not worthy of talking about.
As to the ACA, or Obamacare; this thing has been 'in the making' for decades, Obama himself really had little to do with its actual construction. The far left has been writing this 'law' for well over two decades and Obama merely whole heartedly endorsed its implementation. Obama has stated that he is not all that happy with it as it stands and actually wants a 'single payer' system for health care. This thing is NOT about health care or insurance, although that is the means employed to the desired ends. If it were about health care, the funds committed just to the failed Obamacare web site debacle alone would more than be sufficient to pay for all the 'uninsured' or 'pre-existing conditions' through the existing free market insurance carriers. So if you are delusional enough to think this effort is some grand scheme to acutally benefit the populace, then you need to seriously examine your intelligence and knowledge of this crud.
This is all about growing the government and CONTROLLING the citizens. Period! It is proving all that the naysayers said to be reality and not just rabid criticism. This is never going to work, the younger folks will not tolerate the costs they are forced to pay. The dismal enrollment rates show that, and it is not going to get any better. In the not to distant future you will be given two paths, one is to scrap this trash in lieu of a true COMPLETELY run government operated single payer system, or the dismantling of the ACA and trying to reestablish a true free market system.