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Topic: Why does my cat leave dead birds in my garden?  (Read 1388 times)


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Re: Why does my cat leave dead birds in my garden?
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2013, 02:04:00 pm »
I have heard from several different sources that the reason that cats bring home their kills is because they are trying to teach you how to hunt. This is esp. true a) if they are female (it's a motherly instinct to teach their young how to hunt) b) if they are hungry (they are hunting and bringing back their kills to feed the family) and/or c) if they haven't seen you kill anything (they assume that since you haven't killed anything, you don't know how to hunt or provide for the family). Perhaps the leaving in your garden is that they realize that that is the place you go for food, so they are just bringing their kills and putting it into the mix.

In addition, I will add that dogs bury their kill because they think they will be in trouble.

Actually the reason why dogs bury stuff is that their instinct is to preserve valued items (esp. stuff in excess) in the event that at a later time there is a dearth of that need. So if they have multiple toys or extra food (like that rawhide bone you gave them even though they are still feeling full from their last meal), they will tend to bury said item. Also they pick up on items that are "valuable" to you (and by "valuable", it is items that you tend to use a lot or are always looking for). Thus they will bury your wallet, keys, TV remote, etc. because they assume it is valuable for you and they want to protect their master from lacking said item in the future.


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Re: Why does my cat leave dead birds in my garden?
« Reply #16 on: September 23, 2013, 02:27:26 pm »
Cats, ALL cats, first and foremost are natural born KILLERS, that is a FACT, it is their instinct to hunt and kill and there are no ways around it. Cats kill because that is their nature. To think that they are 'just playing' when they do kill is pretty naïve. These critters are SOMEWHAT domesticated, but in every legal jurisdiction I know something about cats are considered as WILD ANIMALS in a legal sense, unlike dogs that are actually held accountable for their actions. (Owners of dogs as well) A dog bites and after a couple of times it gets executed, a cat claws or bites and nothing is done, it is their nature and they are not expected to behave differently.

Don't be offended cat lovers, that is just the way it is!
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 08:42:03 am by jmccaskill »


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Re: Why does my cat leave dead birds in my garden?
« Reply #17 on: September 23, 2013, 04:36:53 pm »
I agree with the posts saying that cats would like praise from you for their kill.  In addition, I will add that dogs bury their kill because they think they will be in trouble.   Maybe you should have gotten a dog. ??? :o ??? :wave:

Cat's bring their kills to their owners as a gift, to share with their pride (their family). They're hunters and providers.   ;D :cat:

Dogs bury their kills for later, like putting it in the fridge, not out of guilt.  They're scavengers and their digestive systems are able to handle old meat.  ::) :dog:


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Re: Why does my cat leave dead birds in my garden?
« Reply #18 on: September 23, 2013, 04:39:53 pm »
My cat used to bring me her stuffed hamster and put it at the foot of my bed nightly.  Its just one of those things cats do.


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Re: Why does my cat leave dead birds in my garden?
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2013, 05:03:59 pm »
Cats are proud when they catch little animals like birds, rats, hamsters, etc. Your cat is probably trying to tell you how great of a hunter she is  :thumbsup:


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Re: Why does my cat leave dead birds in my garden?
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2013, 05:29:08 pm »
      Your cat believes in the resurrection of those dead birds!


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Re: Why does my cat leave dead birds in my garden?
« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2013, 05:49:12 am »
my cat brings home lots of different animals...sux...

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