Okay, sense you're putting yourself in the shoes of Zimmerman, try putting yourself in the shoe's of a 17 year old kid, not even a 17 year old black male. But just a 17 year old kid, if you can. I know it's hard, but just imagine...You're a kid walking home from the store and all of a sudden you are pursued in a car by a total stranger. This stranger who NEVER identified himself as Neighborhood Watch inquires you about who you are and where you're going IN YOUR OWN DAMN NEIGHBORHOOD! Just imagine that...Then the stranger gets out of his car WHEN INSTRUCTED NOT TO...and YES, "We don't need you to do that" was instructing him not to get out the car. For example...If someone asked you "Can I cut your lawn" and you say "I don't need you to do that" .Aren't you telling them in a NUANCE way, NOT TO CUT YOUR LAWN? If someone asked you "Can I water your plant" and you tell them "I don't need you to do that" and the person does it anyway and ends up knocking it over and breaking that pot. Didn't you tell them in a NUANCE way NOT to? Can you comprehend that?...Back to what I was saying...This unidentified HOSTILE stranger then GETS OUT OF HIS CAR! Wouldn't that incite fear in you that this person intends to do you harm? The creepy person was already following you in a car, now the person STEPS OUT, initiating a confrontation. Because stepping out of a car IS initiating a confrontation. You say Zimmerman was "defending himself" allegedly, okay. TRAYVON WAS DEFENDING HIMSELF TOO!! HELLLOOOOOO!!!....The point is, if Zimmerman would have stayed in his car LIKE HE WAS INSTRUCTED and just keep tailing Trayvon then he would have seen the kid walk to his house which wasn't that far away. But because of RACIAL profiling an innocent child is dead...Under those circumstances HE SHOULD AT LEAST GOT MANSLAUGHTER. I'm done with this whole conversation...believe what you want.
I am empathetic to your outrage, as the media has told you to be outraged and you complied. However, the evidence does not back up this version of the events.
The media told me to be outraged?!...That's so funny...I understand that you lack empathy for people who don't look like you, therefore you assume people who have genuine outrage over a child being racially profiled and murdered are somehow brainwashed...I get it...I wanna now how does evidence not back up what I say?! Wasn't Trayvon stalked in his own neighborhood? Didn't Zimmerman get out of his car, when he was told not to? Did a struggle ensue? Was Trayvon not killed?...Tell me this, what was the purpose of Zimmerman getting out of his car??...The reality of the situation is a innocent kid was racially profiled in his own neighborhood and killed blocks away from his home. What people like you and others are really saying is that Trayvon has no rights. He didn't have a right to walk the streets of his own neighborhood, didn't have a right to live in the neighborhood, didn't have a right to go to the store, he didn't have the right to assert himself to a complete stranger that was harassing him, didn't have a right to defend himself, didn't have a right to live and now you're saying I don't have a right to complain. Typical!...This story hits home because I have brothers who were racially profiled, but thank God they made it home safe. Trayvon wasn't so lucky. That could have easily been them. But you don't know a damn thing about that, do you?! People pretend it's not racial but imagine if BOTH WERE WHITE. Instead of Trayvon being black, say he was a white kid. I bet you all agree under those same circumstances that George Zimmerman would deserve manslaughter. Am I right? I know I am...I'M OFFICIALLY DONE!! BYE!!