this is a joke, right? people didn't relieze call records are stored? record are always kept, att has records of calls going back to the 20's. all cell and data information is kept when it goes though a router. each time you make a call that information is stored in the computer. they keep calling this government data mining, but the data was collected and stored by the phone and internet companies, the government just made themselves a key to go into the data and look when they need to. at least president obama get warrants first, bush said he could do this without a warrant. you agree to allow any law enforcement agency to look at your records if they have reason, it is in the fine print of all cell service contracts. you can't call this an invasion of privacy when you willing put a gps enabled device in your pocket, it can always be tracked. i feel sorry for anyone who didn't know that, people act like we are suddanly living in orwells 1984. like i said at least obama followed the law and get warrants first, keep congress in the loop and most people have know about this for decades, at least smart people
I am a Verizon wireless customer and I am positive that I was never served a warrant by the federal government, so Obama did not follow the law. The phone company having this information is a far cry from the federal government having it. The phone company has a legitimate business purpose for having this info. If I call them up to dispute a bill, of course, they have to keep records. What legitimate purpose does the federal government have to have my phone records?
The phone company cannot threaten me with their power if the don't like who I am calling, but the federal government sure can use my information to make my life miserable now, can't they? Say I call a number that is associated with, oh...I don't know.... let's say, my local Tea Party. All of a sudden the IRS comes back from their lavish vacation where they acted like fools on our dollar, and they come knocking on my door for an audit.
To say that the government having this info is no big deal because the phone companies already have it, would be like saying it's ok for the government to have all your personal medical information just because your doctor has it.
Oh, and The Patriot Act was not to allow the government to have everyone's information and then see if there is anything they want to know, it was to get the records of someone who was communicating with people out of the country considered to be suspicious. Bush never confiscated the records of people who use Google, Facebook, Verizon, A T & T, etc. If you think that is the same, then you are just wrong.