Being a person who has contemplated it many times in my life and unsuccessfully attempted it a few years ago, I was very depressed in a wheelchair after being hit by a car, and tried to overdose, but I read the bottle of pills wrong and took the wrong ones, I would of been dead, because oxycotton would of killed me. But I believe God intervened, just like He did when I was hit by the car and left for dead on the side of the road, I shouldn't be alive but He has kept me here. I have been through alot in my life, homeless and you name it, the likes, been there..done that..but God entered and lets just say took me out of a life of drinking and all of that..we want to end it because we see nothing else, we only see what is right in front of us and think it can never get any better, just last year at this very time, I wanted to again, but wow has everything changed,,,I mean I was sleeping behind an apartment building...but God intervened again, He keeps telling me that isn't what He has planned, and I don't believe He has suicide planned for any of us, no I think you got to trust in Him to turn you turn things around and let Him show you your real purpose, sometimes we may be looking in the wrong places for our purpose and that is why we keep hitting brick walls, cuz we aint supposed to be in them places...and then we think there is no where else to go but suicide because all we see is that brick wall, but if you just turn the corner and change some of your thinking and look at the bigger picture..God will show you which way to turn, no suicide isn't the answer, I mean God let me see pictures of what hell would be like because I was that ready to throw in the towel, seriously every where I looked He put things in front of me. Seven months later I am in a house and in my fourth class in college, making good grades, and on my way to something, I am forty years old and its a little late to go back, but I am not going to argue after seeing what the alternative was. Life has bad things that is what makes us strong, but you got to plow through it and know you aren't the only one standing there, I know I didn't believe at one time, until He stepped in and showed me that I was on the wrong path...did He ever!!