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Topic: Do Muslims make good Americans  (Read 2229 times)


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Do Muslims make good Americans
« on: May 05, 2013, 06:36:28 pm »
I was brought up in an environment to tolerate other peoples thoughts, feelings, and religion.  But the more I learn the more I become concerned.   I do not wish to start a crusade but am just curious with recent events like the Boston bombing and a long list of other events linked to a religious minority in your opinion do Muslims make good Americans?


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Re: Do Muslims make good Americans
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2013, 07:04:12 pm »
Christ said to be tolerant of all people and forgive them for not understanding everything is right so Moslems have a chance to be a good people Americans as any other people they atheists and other people aren't don't do any better or worse and Moslems. In the 1800s of people in Ohio and then bought that they name and sports church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints were unpatriotic and terrorists as they would let them come in Steve and I they had different please send me just because he LDS church is the only true church on earth that will mean we can't be tolerant of other people and other people's points point of interest.


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Re: Do Muslims make good Americans
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2013, 07:17:37 pm »
I use to listen to rap music so I know what muslims are, they seem to be the more ruff hostile versions of blacks, I dont know if any ruffians would make good citizens of any nation


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Re: Do Muslims make good Americans
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2013, 07:38:05 pm »
 It's hard to say, I thing in any country there are good and bad people. How many Americans kill, steal and who know what else. Mexicans they also steal and have kill others and this is only some countries. In all countries there are people very bad people who have done very bad stuff. Theses Muslims just got caught.  It's sad too that one of them not to say both came to study here and this was how they repaid the United State for their kindness.  :sad1:


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Re: Do Muslims make good Americans
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2013, 02:56:22 pm »
Wow.  How very discriminatory.  Asking a if a particular religious group can be decent Americans?  Muslims are adherents of the faith Islam.  There have been Muslims living in this country for decades.  Now, because of the bombing, we are suddenly questioning all Muslim behavior?

That is terrible. 

Yes, the vast majority of Muslims in this country are "good Americans".  Lumping everyone into the same category is wrong, and shows a lack of critical thinking skills.  Further, it only adds negativity to a bad situation.

Now, before anyone posts a rebuttal about Muslim crimes against Americans, I might add that most major crimes in the United States are perpetuated by white American males.  Statistics show, however, that minorities are jailed the most and for the longest length of time, usually due to racial prejudices.  Generally speaking, non-militant Muslims are peaceful people. 


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Re: Do Muslims make good Americans
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2013, 03:32:11 pm »
I think there are good and bad people of every race and/or religion.  The problem now I think is the recent bombings by Muslims scare most people.  I think there are Muslims that are terrible people who would kill at a drop of a hat and show no remorse, but there are Muslims that are ashamed of Muslims who do that.  I think you have to look at the individual person, not the entire race or religion.
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Re: Do Muslims make good Americans
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2013, 04:10:41 pm »
Wow.  How very discriminatory.  Asking a if a particular religious group can be decent Americans?  Muslims are adherents of the faith Islam.  There have been Muslims living in this country for decades.  Now, because of the bombing, we are suddenly questioning all Muslim behavior?

That is terrible. 

Yes, the vast majority of Muslims in this country are "good Americans".  Lumping everyone into the same category is wrong, and shows a lack of critical thinking skills.  Further, it only adds negativity to a bad situation.

Now, before anyone posts a rebuttal about Muslim crimes against Americans, I might add that most major crimes in the United States are perpetuated by white American males.  Statistics show, however, that minorities are jailed the most and for the longest length of time, usually due to racial prejudices.  Generally speaking, non-militant Muslims are peaceful people.

Wait a minute.. you have the nerve to use the word "discriminatory" and then a couple of sentences down from that you state:  "I might add that most major crimes in the United States are perpetuated by white American males."  Really???  Show us where you found this plum of wisdom.  "Racial prejudices?"  C'mon, now.  Just because a criminal is BLACK doesn't put that criminal above the law.  Stop living under the pretense that everything is due to "racism."  Black people have just as much opportunity to make themselves successful as the next person, ESPECIALLY in the U.S.  It's up to YOU.  Only YOU are RESPONSIBLE for your OWN HAPPINESS and SUCCESS.

As far as moslems making good Americans, I don't think so.  Of course, this is MY OPINION, which I'm entitled to.  I feel this way simply because they are raised under the false religion of islam.  Islam considers anyone OUTSIDE of that alleged religion an INFIDEL.  If you don't "accept" the islamic faith, you are an INFIDEL.  Take a look at what's going on in all these countries that are mostly of the islamic faith.  They are killing Christians, they are killing Jews.  Why?  Because they won't accept ISLAM, and they want to practice their own faith.  Islam wants to dominate the world.  Islam wants the law of sharia across the world, over any other laws in any other countries.  Islam looks down upon women and enslaves them.  Islam, in the world of the islamic, is not just some woman who thinks it's cute to wear a hijab or niqab or burqa.  If you go against their laws and you are a woman, you will DIE - simple as that.

The other thing is that there have been "American" moslems that have killed Americans on American soil - ALL FOR ISLAM.  No matter what "faith" you claim to profess - do you go out and KILL others because they don't believe what YOU believe?  Hell no, you don't.  ISLAM DOES!


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Re: Do Muslims make good Americans
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2013, 05:21:43 pm »
Wow.  How very discriminatory.  Asking a if a particular religious group can be decent Americans?  Muslims are adherents of the faith Islam.  There have been Muslims living in this country for decades.  Now, because of the bombing, we are suddenly questioning all Muslim behavior?

That is terrible. 

Yes, the vast majority of Muslims in this country are "good Americans".  Lumping everyone into the same category is wrong, and shows a lack of critical thinking skills.  Further, it only adds negativity to a bad situation.

Now, before anyone posts a rebuttal about Muslim crimes against Americans, I might add that most major crimes in the United States are perpetuated by white American males.  Statistics show, however, that minorities are jailed the most and for the longest length of time, usually due to racial prejudices.  Generally speaking, non-militant Muslims are peaceful people.

Wait a minute.. you have the nerve to use the word "discriminatory" and then a couple of sentences down from that you state:  "I might add that most major crimes in the United States are perpetuated by white American males."  Really???  Show us where you found this plum of wisdom.  "Racial prejudices?"  C'mon, now.  Just because a criminal is BLACK doesn't put that criminal above the law.  Stop living under the pretense that everything is due to "racism."  Black people have just as much opportunity to make themselves successful as the next person, ESPECIALLY in the U.S.  It's up to YOU.  Only YOU are RESPONSIBLE for your OWN HAPPINESS and SUCCESS.

As far as moslems making good Americans, I don't think so.  Of course, this is MY OPINION, which I'm entitled to.  I feel this way simply because they are raised under the false religion of islam.  Islam considers anyone OUTSIDE of that alleged religion an INFIDEL.  If you don't "accept" the islamic faith, you are an INFIDEL.  Take a look at what's going on in all these countries that are mostly of the islamic faith.  They are killing Christians, they are killing Jews.  Why?  Because they won't accept ISLAM, and they want to practice their own faith.  Islam wants to dominate the world.  Islam wants the law of sharia across the world, over any other laws in any other countries.  Islam looks down upon women and enslaves them.  Islam, in the world of the islamic, is not just some woman who thinks it's cute to wear a hijab or niqab or burqa.  If you go against their laws and you are a woman, you will DIE - simple as that.

The other thing is that there have been "American" moslems that have killed Americans on American soil - ALL FOR ISLAM.  No matter what "faith" you claim to profess - do you go out and KILL others because they don't believe what YOU believe?  Hell no, you don't.  ISLAM DOES!

The vast majority of crimes and serial killings are perpetuated by white American male.  These statistics may be found at any honest crime website and in sociology and psychology text books.  The justice system is skewed to favor white male and is skewed to unduly punish minorities.  Go to college.  Take a sociology course.  You will find this out. 

By your logic, I could question if Christians would make good Americans, due to the number of deaths, abuses, and crimes caused by Christians in the United States, such as the beatings and deaths of homosexuals, the abuse of women, the abuse of children, and "reform" schools which systematically abuse children.  I do not blame every Christian, like you blame every Muslim,however.

Sharia law -- that is something only militant Muslims want, which our media has twisted for the War on Terror Propaganda.

I will be blocking you.  I will not talk to or have anything to do with anyone who wishes for the discrimination of whole groups of people. 

The Nazis did just that, and look what wonderful things they accomplished.  (Sarcasm).


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Re: Do Muslims make good Americans
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2013, 05:23:51 pm »
From Wiki:

Who causes the most crime?  White male.

A 2008 FBI Uniform Crime Report on rape and sexual-based crime published by the United States Department of Justice stated that of the crimes surveyed, whites represented 65.2% of persons arrested for rape, blacks represented 32.2%, with American Indians and Asians ranking just above 1%. "Hispanics", "Hispanic-White" or "Hispanic-Black" was not specified into any specific category.[21]

In 2011, law enforcement reported 6,222 bias-motivated incidents, known as hate crimes, for which 5,731 offenders were identified.[22] Of these, 59% were white, 20.9% were black, 7.1% were of various races, 1.4% were Asian or Pacific Islanders, 0.8% were Native American, and 10.8% were of unknown race.[22]


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Re: Do Muslims make good Americans
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2013, 05:31:22 pm »
This info is provided by the government and clearly shows that most offenders are white.

Anyone who wants to believe otherwise lives in la-la land.


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Re: Do Muslims make good Americans
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2013, 09:25:08 pm »
My feelings are that I do not judge people by their race or ethnic origin.  It is what is in inside their minds that counts whether they are good or not.  Any race or ethnic background can commit horrible crimes. 


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Re: Do Muslims make good Americans
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2013, 01:11:11 am »
Love or hate, Judge or don't judge, Its your own option to judge a person by race,color,religion etc. well that's what I think agree to disagree.


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Re: Do Muslims make good Americans
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2013, 05:20:02 am »
The last thing you should do is judge.  There are people who are good or bad, and you cannot be judge, jury and executioner for any case.  Muslims are still human beings. :angel11: :angel12: :angel11:


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Re: Do Muslims make good Americans
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2013, 06:14:07 am »
I think your real question is "do terrorists make good americans?" The answer is no, they just do not have that american spirit going for them.


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Re: Do Muslims make good Americans
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2013, 07:10:41 am »
I know and have known people of well over a dozen cultures, and nationalities; races of every type in their native countries and here in the US. I can honestly say I have known that in every race and origin I have experienced the best and worst of mankind in every variety. There simply is no correlation in regard to their race. Culture is an entirely different matter and that is a LEARNED mindset! Muslims that are raised to believe that it is righteous to be intolerant of other faiths and cultures are not suitable in any society outside of one that thinks the same. This is true of any 'sort' that it raised to believe it is good to disregard the rules and laws of society. Examples would be children raised with parents that teach the doctrines of the KKK or any other fanatical doctrine that touts its superiority over those not part of their belief systems.

I could address the previous stated crime statistics as to their true relevance but I will not, just be mindful of ALL they say, which has not been addressed. Statistics are just that, and can be made to demonstrate/support practically any point that one would like. This is ALL I will say on the topic as I refuse to get drawn into an argument that will benefit no one.

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