I am so glad that someone mentioned the racism behind the current status of marijuana. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It is deeply offensive to me, as a human being, that we made this plant illegal due to race relations. And then published propaganda to bolster the law. That is an aspect to marijuana history that not many people know about. Opium was another drug that was made illegal, in part due to race relations. Granted, people can still obtain opium-based medications without fear of being sent to jail. As a matter of fact, there is a severe addiction problem within the United States regarding opium-based medications. But no one is screaming for those drugs to be made illegal. No one. No one talks about the deaths caused by opium-based medications. But we sure do blather on about how dangerous marijuana is.
Thank you for this post.
Hey, no problem. Just preaching the truths!
One thing people never seem to address when they advocate legalizing pot is the addition to the already too big problem of DWI. Why do you want to add more stoned drivers to the mix? Even if driving under the influence of pot isn't illegal, it's still dangerous to everyone else on the road.
Then manage the laws to parallel that of drunk driving. Problem solved. You're going to get idiots on the road either way. Besides, most pot smokers just relax at home with the substance.
@Falconer -- I am guessing that the person you responded to did not know that driving while using marijuana is illegal already. A person who is driving while "high" is subject to DWI and DUI laws in every state.
Therefore, these laws are already managed in parallel to drunk driving laws.
That being said, I have known quite a number of people who drive better while stoned than otherwise. I have known college Professors who smoked pot - highly intelligent people. I have met people from all walks of life who smoke pot - the chronically ill, business men and women, teachers, professors, law enforcement, and even a Church youth group leader. (The youth group leader still smokes pot, as far as I know, and has been doing so for at least 30 years. She is also still active in the church. The congregation does not know she smokes.)