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Topic: How do people live?  (Read 7177 times)


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Re: How do people live?
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2013, 02:09:08 pm »
This may be a locational problem.  I am in Colorado and the job situation is pretty good. Almost too good. I have committed to a few corporations thinking that each of them would have down periods.  Not the case! I am working ninety plus hours per week and feel guilty if I take an hour or two to spend with my family.  One project that I was working on finished last May and I was picked up by another corporation the next day and two other corporations within the next week. I guess I am blessed because my family has an expensive lifestyle. Have you thought about trying a temporary agency? No benefits but it allows you to try different companies.


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Re: How do people live?
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2013, 02:18:01 pm »
I have been job hunting lately and can't figure out how people are supposed to live.  First of all there aren't any jobs.  In our local newspaper there are usually only 1-2 legit jobs per day.  If you don't qualify or want those you have to dig deeper.  It seems that all jobs that pay a living wage are for people who already have that job and have been in that job for five years or more.  In other words, they don't want to train anyone to do anything.  Even if you have experience they want you to already be trained on their software, computer systems, etc. 

I guess it is what happens when there are so many people needing jobs.  The employers can cherry pick to get exactly what they want.  Great for them, but sucks for us.  They can also pay $9 per hour or less.  Around here it is rare for a job to pay for than that even with a degree.

I could have written this.  My husband has been trying for a while to find a decent job in our town.  We live in a small town.  He has certifications in Computer Technology and Automotive Technology.  He cannot find work.  I am trying to get on disability because of my health.

Last year, when I was till trying to work, I was applying for jobs that I am qualified for.  However, these same jobs that required a high school diploma now required a Bachelor's.  I have an Associates.  (I had to leave before I could finish my degree because of health.)

Do they pay anymore for more people with Bachelor degrees?  No.  That is the saddest part. 

About a year ago, we moved into a 5th wheel.  (I really do love it.  It is perfectly quiet and small enough that it does not wear me out to clean.  Multiple Sclerosis is a b****.)  We save a lot of money this way.  But, in our town, people are struggling everywhere.  When I was working for Hilton about 6 years ago in town, the company had over 400 employees.  That location closed in 2008 or 2009, I think.  400 people without a job, just like that.

A lot of businesses in town have closed.  Most hotels here now work on minimal staff.

My husband's certifications qualify him for a job making at least 15 an hour.  No one wants to pay more than minimum.  People are so hard up for a job that the companies can do this.  On top of that is the issue that many employers want the applications and resumes to be submitted online.  This is just horrible. 

This is one reason why we are growing a garden.  We have friends with livestock, so we get fresh eggs every week.  We spend our money very wisely.


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Re: How do people live?
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2013, 02:19:54 pm »
Start your own business.

That is an idea I have thought about but what do I live on in the meantime?  Most businesses take 1-2 years before they turn a profit.  I could get a job and start a business on the side, but once again, the job would not pay my bills, let alone provide money to invest into a business. 

My husband and I plan on starting a newsletter.  We just need to fix our desktop and our printer.  We already have mock-ups available.  It will be print only.  I know this is not the best venture, but it is what we want to do.  :D


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Re: How do people live?
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2013, 02:23:17 pm »
There are a few areas where, depending on your field, there seems to be plenty of work. But in most of the country the unemployment rate isn't going down because people are getting jobs and getting back to normal, it's because they are giving up on a living wage and taking whatever might pay some of the bills or are exhausting their benefits without finding anything. I've been there, my layoff lasted over a year, and believe me not being able to find a job in most places isn't for lack of trying!

What's really sad is the young people, since there are so many qualified, experienced professionals out there in many fields desperate for work and taking the entry-level jobs when they can get them. What true entry level recent grad can compete? I know furloughed teachers with 15 years' experience working part-time behind cash registers (considered employed for the statistics) and real estate professionals or former mid-level local bank employees with a decade or more of experience who are delivering papers and driving cabs. Some have lost their homes, cars, everything. :angry7:

There's no shame in taking ANY work that might pay the bills. Flip burgers if you have to, and understand while it really sucks to start out that way the guy standing next to you might well have 20 years of construction experience or a PhD. Hopefully it will get better soon....but the way things are going who knows? Sigh.


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Re: How do people live?
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2013, 02:45:46 pm »
I am retired, wold love to go back to work but my back is so messed up that i can't anymore, but while i was working for a big dept store, they did random drug esting. Alright with me i didn't do drugs. Still don't even for pain. But hen i moved and went to work for home health, had to have a tb test fingerprinted and drug testing. Yep it cost, but the pay was pretty good. Now that i have moved back to my hometown, the jobs are few and far between. Oh well Hubby is still a sub teacher and that helps. He has a b.a. and retired also. But that little extra subbing comes in realy handy.


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Re: How do people live?
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2013, 06:35:24 pm »
I have been job hunting lately and can't figure out how people are supposed to live.  First of all there aren't any jobs.  In our local newspaper there are usually only 1-2 legit jobs per day.  If you don't qualify or want those you have to dig deeper.  It seems that all jobs that pay a living wage are for people who already have that job and have been in that job for five years or more.  In other words, they don't want to train anyone to do anything.  Even if you have experience they want you to already be trained on their software, computer systems, etc. 

I guess it is what happens when there are so many people needing jobs.  The employers can cherry pick to get exactly what they want.  Great for them, but sucks for us.  They can also pay $9 per hour or less.  Around here it is rare for a job to pay for than that even with a degree.
they try to find was to Make money like this


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Re: How do people live?
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2013, 07:56:42 pm »
After I got laid off from my job in 2010, I worked VERY part time (think less than 10 hours a week - which was all I could find and collected unemployment). It took me until April of 2012 to get a job that made about 30% than the job I had been laid off from. I have been there over a year and I still have not gotten a raise.

I hate my job and would love to get a new one, but I agree there isn't much out there.


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Re: How do people live?
« Reply #22 on: April 21, 2013, 10:56:45 pm »
I'm looking for a new job as I need change, but I've been having a battle as I'm competing with so many people for the same thing. I know I qualify for a lot of these jobs, but I also know there are some people who are asking for far less and work elsewhere in cheaper places. I don't want to step down the ladder, so I've been stubborn, but sometimes wonder if I should give in.


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Re: How do people live?
« Reply #23 on: April 22, 2013, 04:27:55 am »
Same here where I live, no jobs and people are running out of hope. I live in a small town and the one big industry hires alot of "Illegals". Don't know how they get by with it.


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Re: How do people live?
« Reply #24 on: April 22, 2013, 05:37:41 am »
sorry to here about your jop problems. I wish their was an easy answer.


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Re: How do people live?
« Reply #25 on: April 22, 2013, 06:29:48 am »
This is why nothing can top a career as a medical professional. People will always get sick and there will always be job openings.


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Re: How do people live?
« Reply #26 on: April 22, 2013, 06:33:18 am »
I'm not sure how people are supposed to live either.  Most of the jobs out there are part-time and not much more than minimum wage.  A lot of people are working two or more jobs and/or living with other people.  And don't even get me started on healthcare. 


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Re: How do people live?
« Reply #27 on: April 22, 2013, 07:15:31 am »
I watched this documentary on Netflix this weekend.  I forget the name, but this guy and his girlfriend left their comfortable lives for 30 days to see what it would be like to live on minimum wage jobs.  It was really interesting.  They were both working right away and struggling.  But the killer was when he hurt his wrist and she got a urinary tract infection.  They could not afford to miss work or to pay for a doctor.  They tried the free clinic, but they were so busy they could not get seen.  They both ended up at the emergency room.  Her bill was over $500 for a UTI and his was over $700 for a sprained wrist.  They said that they don't understand how anyone does it.


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Re: How do people live?
« Reply #28 on: April 22, 2013, 07:15:56 am »
I must say I live in a small town in Texas and we're begging people to come work out here. We need people! Our newspaper posts about 30 jobs a day and a neighboring town posts over 150 jobs daily for all experience levels. Our job market is insane. Companies are trying to steal people from other companies because we don't have enough people. One example is McDonalds is paying $14 hourly straight off the bat in order to compete. Please, if you need a job or two Come to West Texas!


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Re: How do people live?
« Reply #29 on: April 24, 2013, 01:14:47 pm »
I must say I live in a small town in Texas and we're begging people to come work out here. We need people! Our newspaper posts about 30 jobs a day and a neighboring town posts over 150 jobs daily for all experience levels. Our job market is insane. Companies are trying to steal people from other companies because we don't have enough people. One example is McDonalds is paying $14 hourly straight off the bat in order to compete. Please, if you need a job or two Come to West Texas!
I would probably do that but my parents are now in their 80's and really need to make the move to a retirement home.  They refuse to come to grips with reality, so for the time being they depend of me for almost everything.  That is why I am looking for a job so I can slowly wean them off and make them realized that I have my own kid and home and problems to take care of.

I remember hearing about another state where they do fracking that has so many jobs that they don't even have enough housing for the people there who now have jobs.  I think North or South Dakota.  However, I think the weather in Texas would suit me a bit better. 

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