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Topic: adult content  (Read 4172 times)


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Re: adult content
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2013, 06:36:08 pm »
LOL!! This thread made my day! It should win an award for being so original and unique!  ;D

Anyhow, just because something 'offends' you, doesn't mean that it 'offends' everyone else on here. FC has ton of different Offers available, so if you find one that hurts your eyes....move along to the next one! It's really that simple. Now, I'm not sure whether you are referring to the Tasks or the Surveys (since you do mention 'adult content surveys' in the second sentence) but if you are referring to the Tasks, you can indeed 'hide adult content'. There's a blue button towards the bottom of the main task page, just above the 'Task Leaderboard'. However, if you are referring to Surveys, you can't 'hide' any. If you come across a survey that discusses a topic you find offensive, just click the [X] and move on. As for what you said about not referring people until this site gets 'cleaned up', the only one who will be missing out.... is you....since you can earn good money with Referrals. And maybe you get 'offended' easily but maybe that's not the case for people in your entourage (family, friends) that you would've liked to refer to FC.

FusionCash is a great site! Take it as it is....or leave it. Completely up to you!  :wave:

I knew this would be controversial when I posted it. I must say I'm surprised at how friendly and encouraging everyone who responded has been. I'm quite impressed with the Fusion Cash survey takers. I must say thanks for all your responses.  :notworthy: I will hang in there.


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Re: adult content
« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2013, 07:15:24 pm »
I knew this would be controversial when I posted it. I must say I'm surprised at how friendly and encouraging everyone who responded has been. I'm quite impressed with the Fusion Cash survey takers. I must say thanks for all your responses.  :notworthy: I will hang in there.

I do some of the Crowdflower tasks and those other HIT things too. ;) I know exactly what you're talking about and no, CF doesn't always clearly label their tasks when adult content is present. Of course on the tasks it tends to show up on, they may not even know it's there. Let me guess, the writing tasks? If you can get past the occasional BS people pull on those, you can make a KILLING doing them you know.  :thumbsup:

If it's on the internet, it will be trolled. 'Nuff said.

I don't mind so much for myself, I'll do adult content HITs when my kids aren't around. But I often do microtasking while watching tv or movies or am otherwise in the room with my kids, because it's so easy to split my timeand attention between doing a few HITs and giving them my attention when needed. I like it when it's clearly labeled so I don't open adult tasks while they're in the house and awake. I just don't open many CF tasks while they're around and stick to HITs and other sources, which is rather unfortunate but not necessarily Crowdflower's fault and certainly not Fusion Cash's fault. All they do is put up the wall and allow us to hide tasks marked adult if we choose, what more can be expected?
« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 07:34:31 pm by goldcatt »


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Re: adult content
« Reply #17 on: April 16, 2013, 09:38:14 am »
I want to tell Fusion Cash how much I appreciate their site. However, I will not refer anyone to this site as long as it has all the adult content surveys. I avoid those because that is my preference.

Yesterday, I chose a HIT that appeared to be something much more innocuous than it turned out to be. There were many objectionable words that I did not expect to see.

I respectfully request that Fusion Cash refrain from using these kinds of HITs. If you feel you must provide that service (which I consider a great mistake), then I would like to know in advance how to refrain from accepting those tasks. Thank you for listening.

I've done "adult content" tasks in the past but I remember them being labeled as "Adult Content" I'm not aware of anything else that hasn't been labeled but then again I don't spend a lot of time on here.  If there is questionable content that was not labeled by FC the best thing to do if it offends you is don't do tasks anymore.  It's as simple as that and it may sound very blunt but I don't see why someone would make a complaint over something that is their choice for doing. 

As an example, with television it's a little bit different because if you pay for cable you don't expect questionable content to be on after a certain time that your kids can have access too which is why for the most part it is monitored but there is still some stuff that slips through the cracks that I wouldn't let my daughter watch.  On the Internet, adult content is all over the place unless you completely filter your browser which sometimes locks you out of websites that don't have questionable content. 

My advice is if there are tasks that offend you maybe it's best to not do them or just tough it out and ignore it.


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Re: adult content
« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2013, 11:05:07 am »
If you don't like the site then leave! FC is a great site! Like others have said above, you CAN hide the adult only tasks at the bottom of the tasks page! There are plenty of other tasks available! FC didn't force you to click on that task!  :-  :- Good luck!


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Re: adult content
« Reply #19 on: April 19, 2013, 07:47:37 pm »
LOL!! This thread made my day! It should win an award for being so original and unique!  ;D

Anyhow, just because something 'offends' you, doesn't mean that it 'offends' everyone else on here. FC has ton of different Offers available, so if you find one that hurts your eyes....move along to the next one! It's really that simple. Now, I'm not sure whether you are referring to the Tasks or the Surveys (since you do mention 'adult content surveys' in the second sentence) but if you are referring to the Tasks, you can indeed 'hide adult content'. There's a blue button towards the bottom of the main task page, just above the 'Task Leaderboard'. However, if you are referring to Surveys, you can't 'hide' any. If you come across a survey that discusses a topic you find offensive, just click the [X] and move on. As for what you said about not referring people until this site gets 'cleaned up', the only one who will be missing out.... is you....since you can earn good money with Referrals. And maybe you get 'offended' easily but maybe that's not the case for people in your entourage (family, friends) that you would've liked to refer to FC.

FusionCash is a great site! Take it as it is....or leave it. Completely up to you!  :wave:

Well said elisajoy, there are so many things to do on FC which you can simply choose the one you want or move on to others if you find it offensive. I love FC and I have only been on for less than a month.


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Re: adult content
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2013, 07:27:44 pm »
That adult content is absolutely our choice to enter, and if we dont want to do this task, we can hide this. and yes, most members post here are encouraging ang helpful. Thats why I love this forum. :wave: :heart:


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Re: adult content
« Reply #21 on: April 23, 2013, 09:15:59 am »
Yeah you have the option to click on it but if you are offended then you don't have to click on it. It tells you it's adult content so it is all up to you and there is a link to hide all adult contents. You might want to check on that link 


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Re: adult content
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2013, 08:52:48 pm »
Its all already been said but I was just wondering how you "accidentally" click on the adult content. It warns you in several places, gives you the option to hide adult content, and the next page even asks you to confirm your birth date with Adult Content in bold letters. But oh well, now you know & can pay attention to that.


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Re: adult content
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2013, 08:59:00 am »
I have never seen anything marked ADULT that is actually all that adult in content. But anyways, they are always marked as mature or adult, so someone who doesn't want that should just not click it

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