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Topic: Hi 'El'... Me Again !  (Read 883 times)


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Re: Hi 'El'... Me Again !
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2013, 05:20:22 pm »
:BangHead:  Being as I am the OP of this thread/post I take offense to what it is YOU 'vp44' imply that 'elisajoy' is somehow "cheating the system"... Don't think that I'm trying to stick-up for her because she's a girl/woman and I'm all gallant, coming to the rescue and all that crap-o... I certainty think she's quite capable and has the ability to do that herself... What I have seen and have read in her post(s) is that she has the skills and/or persistence of completing more tasks at a faster rate than most of us here... I will quote what 'pstovall' had to say "'you (meaning 'elisajoy') are an inspiration to all of us"... Seeing from your (vp44) 1435 posts on here (FC) that YOU have been around for awhile and without-a-doubt you have read many of 'elisajoy' posts and/or reply's to others...
OK...What I really wanted to say is "Think Before You Speak" because the way I read your post(s) were very hurtful !!!
When I started this thread I asked "How Do You Do It" (asking El)... Who Knows 'vp44' one-day we may both find out How It's Done... And I can assure you it's NOT going be by cheating !!!

Thank you 'Jsmith96'. You're always so kind, supportive, and positive. I always look forward to reading your posts.  :)
As for what 'vp44' had to say, I'm not too bothered by it. She has no idea who I am or how I do things on here. She just woke up one morning and decided to attack me out of the blue. I can understand why some FC members may be confused as to how 5 of us make it on the Task Leaderboard month after month, with large sums of money next to our name but there's only one way to make it that far and that's by working....not cheating. I spend some time in the Task section every single day and I've always been upfront about that. Nothing is handed to me. As for the 'relevant' part...all I'm going to say is that 'vp44' is the only rude person I've come across on FC. Everyone else has been nice and most appreciate my posts and my help. I've had several people seek me out specifically because I got the hang of things (including tasks) as soon as I joined and I've been earning good money from the very beginning. I may not be 'relevant' to 'vp44' but she's just one person out of the hundreds I've met on here so far and if she has a problem with me, my posts, or my earnings....that's her problem and not mine. Time is precious and life is too short for me to worry about strangers talking smack behind their comp screens. Unfortunately, there are nasty, jealous, immature people in this world but thankfully, they are in the minority. Since this person clearly has some mental issues (after reading her latest posts to you 'Jsmith96'), I have decided that the best thing to do is just add her to my FC 'ignore' list and she can do the same with me, since my posts apparently bother her. Thank you once again 'Jsmith96'. I am sure I will bump into you again soon. Good luck to you and everyone else with the tasks. Take care!  :wave:

Thanks for thinking you know me. Mental problems yeah right. I said a opinion and you and your henchman thought to call me out. There must be something truth to what I am saying if you had to resort to name calling. Actually you proved my point. People who are not guilty of something do not need to explain themselves.


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Re: Hi 'El'... Me Again !
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2013, 05:55:25 am »
Just to clarify...

Crowdflower provides the entire task system.  They have a complex system for assigning work, which takes into account a lot of factors including your past accuracy.
"Changing IPs" is something that doesn't trick their system (or ours).  For a lot of internet connections, it's customary for you to get multiple different IPs even in the same day.  Regardless, all the tasks are tracked by your FC user ID, which stays the same no matter your IP address.  In short, you have to remember that your experience on FC will depend on your location, personal demographics, and many other factors.  What you see and experience is not necessarily the same as another member.  Top task earners tend to have a high accuracy rate and check the tasks panel for new tasks frequently.  That, and time/attention to detail, are what will make you successful in task earnings.

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