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Topic: Hi 'El'... Me Again !  (Read 881 times)


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Hi 'El'... Me Again !
« on: March 24, 2013, 09:53:40 pm »

Hi 'El'... Yeah; Me Again 'J' with another question...
How Do You Do It  ???

What I mean is; "How are you able to do so many Tasks" ?  I have been trying to do as many as they (CrowdFlower) will let me but I keep getting the messages;

Not qualified
No work available
  You've done all we have for you.
Thanks for your hard work!
You have completed all of the work that you can for this task.
etc. etc. etc......
Always ending with the same thing; Unfortunately, there are no tasks of this type available right now!

Only one I've been able to do-over again & again; "Help us determine if a person's face is clearly visible!"

These are;
Answer a few questions about a website (United States - Monday/Friday ??? task)(USA Only)

Quick Site Review and Feedback

Analyze a Website Page and Provide Snap Judgement

Search google for an article and record information about it!

Quick site feedback

Site Search & Review

Provide feedback on a website description

On & On

Yes, I keep telling myself...

What I'm wondering is there some kinda trick and/or something I can do to be able to do MORE...
I've cleared Cache, Cookies, History, Browsing, Downloads... Re-Booted... ???

I'm sure by now your thinking I'm 

I just didn't know who-else to ask...
Thanks for your time & info.

Even if you have no answer...
Think Good Thoughts & Have Fun !!!


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Re: Hi 'El'... Me Again !
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2013, 09:09:45 pm »
I have no answer for you lol Other then I like your post lol  :bootyshake:
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little.NEED Help? Check out my Beginners Guide pinned in the Support forum :) 


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Re: Hi 'El'... Me Again !
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2013, 09:36:01 pm »
I had one today that told me that there was no more work available, but then when I went back to it from the task listings page I was able to get back into it and do it quite a few more times.

I really don't know why this happens, but I think that they do need to make some improvements. Can't complain too much because those tasks surely do help me to make payout every month.


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Re: Hi 'El'... Me Again !
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2013, 09:17:57 am »
They must put alot of time to do all those surveys and tasks.  I have done a few tasks but it will say it only takes a couple of minutes and it may take me 10 or 15.  which is frustraiting when i only had a couple of minutes before I had to leave and am unable to complete the task after 5 minutes or so.


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Re: Hi 'El'... Me Again !
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2013, 09:10:15 pm »
'El'... Does this make any since to you ?

 Not To Me; 'caz I've been fallin' & fallin' & falling... I just don't seem to bounce ???

You on-the-other-hand, more than anyone here, most likely [by now] know that I go to the Tasks all the time, I spend most of my time [here on FC] trying to do tasks/jobs and I still can't see;
How You Do It ? ? ?

This is driving me crazy !!! Your at $11.00 something and I'm at .40 cents...
I keep getting over & over...

No more work;
Thank you so much for your hard work on this task!
You have done all available work on this task.
Thanks for your hard work!
You have completed all of the work that you can for this task.
Please check back again in the future.
We are always adding new jobs and would love to have your help.
You've done all we have for you.
Thank you so much for your hard work on this task!
No more work;

YES' I go back & forth hoping that the Task will again show-up !!!


I'm feeling like this guy;

Not nearly as good as you are...
All's I can do is keep trying........

I keep thinking over & over

What more can I say than...

So Here I Am...

Wondering ? ? ?

Guess I'd better shut-up... By now your

Keep-Up The Good Work...

All The Best

P.S. Hope you enjoy(ed) this thread/post...
« Last Edit: April 04, 2013, 10:31:02 pm by jsmith96 »


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Re: Hi 'El'... Me Again !
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2013, 01:55:13 pm »
cool sigs you gusy ahve ehre.


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Re: Hi 'El'... Me Again !
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2013, 04:56:46 pm »
Love this thread! El, you are an inspiration to all of us.  It is very discouraging to keep making mistakes with the tasks, but I have a new goal - to show up on the leader board, at least once.  I've been able to complete the fifteen cent one quite a few times.  And, as you say, I'm pouncing while I have the opportunity, or as the old timers say, I'm striking while the iron's hot! It has gotten much easier now that I've got a few under my belt. My question is how often do they update the leader board?  If it is just once every twenty-four hours, then I won't ever know for sure if I've made enough to show up.  It all depends on how much the other leaders have made!  But keep watching!  I'll get there one of these days!


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Re: Hi 'El'... Me Again !
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2013, 12:13:10 pm »
Not to bust anyone bubble. Task completed are those ones which have maybe 4000 or to complete. Nope those you can not complete also unless only once a day from what most have been saying and talking about. So for you to be able to complete more than 300 tasks a day to gain the income you have. There is some who have a program that generates IP addy's. Therefore they can do many tasks. I tried the clear the browser and all that. There is no way you can do that many tasks without having a system. So there is no way to complete tasks without having something else going on. No they will never give that secret up because it will mean that their cheating the system. Yes they will say Im just saying things. Well I have been researching and doing things. Not once can I do what they say to do. It just doesn't work unless there is something else going on I am sure your gonna say wow this is not what is going on. Guess what this is the web. Anything is possible.


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Re: Hi 'El'... Me Again !
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2013, 12:17:02 pm »
If I am wrong how many of you benefit most from tasks a few from what I see. If it so easy for you why have it has not been a big thing for others  to gain and not just certain ones. I have been looking at the most high earners. Same ones every time.


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Re: Hi 'El'... Me Again !
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2013, 12:23:53 pm »
Love this thread! El, you are an inspiration to all of us.  It is very discouraging to keep making mistakes with the tasks, but I have a new goal - to show up on the leader board, at least once.  I've been able to complete the fifteen cent one quite a few times.  And, as you say, I'm pouncing while I have the opportunity, or as the old timers say, I'm striking while the iron's hot! It has gotten much easier now that I've got a few under my belt. My question is how often do they update the leader board?  If it is just once every twenty-four hours, then I won't ever know for sure if I've made enough to show up.  It all depends on how much the other leaders have made!  But keep watching!  I'll get there one of these days!

Hahaha!  :D
Yes, this thread is quite unique. I definitely feel special with my nickname in the title!  :heart:
Thank you for the 'you are an inspiration to all of us' comment. I appreciate it very much! It always surprises me when people ask for MY help with the tasks, since I still think of myself as being a 'newbie'. Only joined FC 5 months ago. Not sure who was on the Task Leaderboard before I arrived or even if the same member was #1 month after I had been (until last month). Anyhow, it was awesome being #1 for 4 consecutive months but it wasn't easy. I am back at #1 this month but I've got some serious competition, so I'll probably get knocked down to #2 or #3 soon....which is still awesome and I'll at least be able to chill a little lol.  ;D
Now, about your 'how often do they update the Leaderboard' question.....ummm, some days they update it twice in a 24 hour period and other times, they don't update it for several days on end. This past week, the Leaderboard was only updated twice and I know that because none of the scores changed for 4 days straight and then my score went from $11 to $17.91 overnight. Hopefully, CrowdFlower will update it again soon because I've earned more money these last 2 days but I don't know how much exactly.
Good luck with the tasks and hopefully we will see you on the Leaderboard soon. Seems like more and more people are completing tasks and I see new people on the Leaderboard each month, which is great!  :)

I like how you say so much of something. Never really answer a certain point of question. Your like an ad that just lead people on and make them think that the things you say is relevant. I do not mean to take away from what your saying. It just seems to me that there is nothing new in your responses.


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Re: Hi 'El'... Me Again !
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2013, 02:30:38 pm »
I have been trying to figure out what the secret to the tasks is as well, and for about 99% of them I guess I am just too stupid to understand the directions. I have attempted different things that would appear to not be difficult only have way too many windows open and get myself lost not knowing where I am in the process so if I have to open additional windows and that say for the google searches, I don't even bother. I used to do fairly well with the ID adult images, but then the quality of the pictures started getting very poor and the discrimination of crowdflower was way off. They kept pulling ones that I either clearly had right or they were clearly wrong on but would  never address any suggestions or responses about why I thought their answers were incorrect. Kind of hard to play a game if the score keeper is either cheating or just not informed well enough to score fairly. so every once In a blue moon I will stumble across something that I can do once or twice and maybe pick up a penny or two. But for the most part the amount of time invested vs. the reward is way out of proportion , at least for me.


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Re: Hi 'El'... Me Again !
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2013, 09:24:15 pm »
 :BangHead:  Being as I am the OP of this thread/post I take offense to what it is YOU 'vp44' imply that 'elisajoy' is somehow "cheating the system"... Don't think that I'm trying to stick-up for her because she's a girl/woman and I'm all gallant, coming to the rescue and all that crap-o... I certainty think she's quite capable and has the ability to do that herself... What I have seen and have read in her post(s) is that she has the skills and/or persistence of completing more tasks at a faster rate than most of us here... I will quote what 'pstovall' had to say "'you (meaning 'elisajoy') are an inspiration to all of us"... Seeing from your (vp44) 1435 posts on here (FC) that YOU have been around for awhile and without-a-doubt you have read many of 'elisajoy' posts and/or reply's to others...
OK...What I really wanted to say is "Think Before You Speak" because the way I read your post(s) were very hurtful !!!
When I started this thread I asked "How Do You Do It" (asking El)... Who Knows 'vp44' one-day we may both find out How It's Done... And I can assure you it's NOT going be by cheating !!!


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Re: Hi 'El'... Me Again !
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2013, 08:49:31 am »
:BangHead:  Being as I am the OP of this thread/post I take offense to what it is YOU 'vp44' imply that 'elisajoy' is somehow "cheating the system"... Don't think that I'm trying to stick-up for her because she's a girl/woman and I'm all gallant, coming to the rescue and all that crap-o... I certainty think she's quite capable and has the ability to do that herself... What I have seen and have read in her post(s) is that she has the skills and/or persistence of completing more tasks at a faster rate than most of us here... I will quote what 'pstovall' had to say "'you (meaning 'elisajoy') are an inspiration to all of us"... Seeing from your (vp44) 1435 posts on here (FC) that YOU have been around for awhile and without-a-doubt you have read many of 'elisajoy' posts and/or reply's to others...
OK...What I really wanted to say is "Think Before You Speak" because the way I read your post(s) were very hurtful !!!
When I started this thread I asked "How Do You Do It" (asking El)... Who Knows 'vp44' one-day we may both find out How It's Done... And I can assure you it's NOT going be by cheating !!!

Well excuse me for you taking offense to my opinion. I have a right to that. Simply put like I said. Think before I speak, yes I did or I would not have posted my thoughts. If offended you then that is on you. I am not here pacify. How can you assure of what is not going on. Unless you know this person personally or live in same home.


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Re: Hi 'El'... Me Again !
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2013, 09:25:01 am »
:BangHead:  Being as I am the OP of this thread/post I take offense to what it is YOU 'vp44' imply that 'elisajoy' is somehow "cheating the system"... Don't think that I'm trying to stick-up for her because she's a girl/woman and I'm all gallant, coming to the rescue and all that crap-o... I certainty think she's quite capable and has the ability to do that herself... What I have seen and have read in her post(s) is that she has the skills and/or persistence of completing more tasks at a faster rate than most of us here... I will quote what 'pstovall' had to say "'you (meaning 'elisajoy') are an inspiration to all of us"... Seeing from your (vp44) 1435 posts on here (FC) that YOU have been around for awhile and without-a-doubt you have read many of 'elisajoy' posts and/or reply's to others...
OK...What I really wanted to say is "Think Before You Speak" because the way I read your post(s) were very hurtful !!!
When I started this thread I asked "How Do You Do It" (asking El)... Who Knows 'vp44' one-day we may both find out How It's Done... And I can assure you it's NOT going be by cheating !!!

Oh yeah being the OP of this thread you seem to have likeness of typing in color and things like that of the person you say you not protecting. Most of us on here do not do that. There is certain way people who do typing and color of things. Seem strange that you sound like her but in a different color.


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Re: Hi 'El'... Me Again !
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2013, 10:28:37 am »
I used to envy folks that could complete a large number of tasks as I felt they had to have superior intellect, which in fact they may have. I generally get so confused by the instructions and then get lost with so many windows open to try and complete things like the google searches . I think my PC is allergic to google(lol). But I have been inspired so now I do try them a little more often. So far I have earned $3.70 this month, part of which put me closer to my cash out a few days ago and now if I keep coming back faithfully, I hope it will help me cash out the next time a little sooner. Sometimes though the ones that people have had the most success on are not available by the time Iget there to start looking for ones to try.  I guess for some of us it just takes a little more time and patience. Thanks EI for the encouragement.Keep up the good work. And thanks vp44 for backing up someone who is trying to share and be helpful that is the best way for all of us to learn and improve our activities and successes here. :)

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