Don't be sorry for giving your own opinion. God isn't real for you - that's pretty obvious. So much so that you make a thread speaking of God not being real.
My God is real, whether you say so or not. Just because you say my God is not real, does not make your opinion the law of the land.
If it makes you feel comforted and better to shout to the forum that God is not real, then I hope this thread has made you feel that way. But it does not prove my God is not real to me. Your post was most interesting, though.
I find it quite humorous to think that when an atheist shares his or her opinion to the religious, they automatically assume this person is yelling at them. I'm not implying you're the only one doing this, I have had it come across to me on several occasions. I'm not "shouting' to the the forum, I'm simply expressing my viewpoint in one collectible thread so that I'm not responding to 5 different threads on this very topic.
I also find it strange that you perceive my opinion as an attempt to change the "law of the land" when religion was the law of the land for a long time. The law of the land in modern times is that we are allowed to have varying opinions on the matter of religion. Nothing I said implied I wanted to change that.
I don't want to use the law to change people's view on religion because I don't believe in force and coercion. If someone willingly reads my post and comes to the logical conclusion that religion is made up, then that's great and no force need to be applied. In fact, when I "covert" someone in this manner I am being a lot less forceful than when a christian (or other such similar religion) converts a non-believer because the tactic that is usually applied is coercion ie: "You're going to Hell if you don't believe what I say."
1. I did not say you were "yelling" at me. You do this quite frequently when it's obvious no one is yelling. "Shouting" to the forum is a figure of speech - sorry you didn't realize or chose to not realize the difference.
2. You commented that you were sorry, God is not real. Your opinion. I'm saying back there is no need to apologize for your "opinion," but that to me, God is real. My opinion and belief on the matter, based on things evidenced in my own personal life, others' lives, testimonies, God's Word, amongst other things. You don't have to believe that - I'm not coercing anyone to do so, especially you, at this point and time.
3. You do "appear" to contradict yourself. You say
you "don't want to use the law to change people's view on religion because I don't believe in force and coercion. If someone willingly reads my post and comes to the logical conclusion that religion is made up, then that's great and no force need to be applied." Yet -
you also say, "I'd like to start off by saying that your god isn't real. Sorry.; Praying doesn't solve anything. Praying is simply giving yourself false hope when you should in fact have real hope as a result of actually doing something to help a given situation. Don't pray that we may find a cure for cancer when you can take that same effort and fund raise for charity. Prayer has been shown to cause no affect to the outcome of an event. Prayer's effects, no matter how massive the number of people are involved, has never been scientifically shown to make a significant differences in the outcome of an event. " A. You "seem" to be trying to "coerce" someone away from making their own personal research and decision with stating your opinion as "implied fact." You have no proof of what you were saying to be true, anyway, since you do not claim to know God personally, so you therefore have no "conversation/answers" within your "no prayer" personal life.
B. Those who do pray, have been provided answers, whether a direct "no," a "yes," or a maybe not/maybe later. Usually, with any of these, a believer can determine, if not now, then later, why the answers came to what they were at the time.
C. Regarding your example of prayer as opposed to fund raising efforts/charities to help find a cure for cancer: Believers can, do, and will pray for the cancer victims, families, friends, doctors, nurses - everyone involved, including the scientists working on trying to find a cure. However, while that's all some people may feel they can do to help in whatever way they can, there are many, believers or not, who also get out there and donate time and money, and help raise funds for the hopeful cures, food, clothing, hospital stays, meds, and/or whatever they can do to help. We have at least 3 young children just in our small town who are struggling even now with cancer. It's wonderful and amazing how much support, monetary, prayer, and comfort - are being given and offered by most of the citizens of our town - both believers and disbelievers. The point is, they are all working together to help try and do something; anything at all, to give support, care, concern, and love.
D. My point, is that just because some people pray for needs like cancer, does not mean they sit on their duffs and do nothing. Some may - but most do not; blame for doing "nothing" can actually be applied towards anyone, believer or not, doing nothing to help - yet vocally demanding everyone else needs to be helping.
E. Prayer is powerful - for believers who know this to be true - and becomes a great and personal way of a believer's life. And most believers I know do not and will not try and "coerce" others to pray when it's something others do not wish to do. That point can be made for both sides - everyone willingly chooses what to or what not to believe in their lives, and should not be chided or belittled for doing so.