Hi there, thank you for taking the time to read my topic. I have been having a great deal of fun here on FC since joining on the 6th. I have been reading up about offers, support, payments, etc. in the forum. Thank you all for your simple and easy to understand tips and pointers! One of the many helpful things that I have read up on is the offer to download a partners software and to NOT uninstall it. I totally did it. LOL:/ My family and I have only one pc in our home. My husband has been complaining of our pc's speed declining and freezing when he uses internet explorer. I told him what I had completed for offer's and that it might have something to do with that. I see that many of you choose and advise against completing such offer's. The take away message is clear... do NOT do this. LOL:) Typical me, jump first, look later. My question to you is this... will I be penalized for uninstalling the software? Is there a time frame I should leave it on first? Basically, how can I get out of this? If I have to accept being discredited for my lack of proactive self training... then that is a consequence I will have to endure. I am just not sure what my best options are here. If any of you could help me, I would really appreciate your time and effort. I would be really regretful if my naive way's caused my family to be without our greatest source of information. Access to the internet.
Thank you in advance for any and all comments. I am learning a great deal from all of you!
It's quite possible that the software is causing your computer to slow down. Then again, it could be malware or viruses that are causing it, too. Hopefully, you're smart enough to have Antivirus software installed and maybe a software like "Malwarebytes" to take care of any pesky malware you may have picked up. I don't know if you have any kids that use your computer but, I can practically guarantee you that if you do, you've got some kind of malware or virus. Kids are excellent at infecting our computers, LOL. Also, if you're running Windows, it's very helpful to run a Disk Cleanup (to clean up old files on your hard drive), Defrag (to make your programs open quicker) and DskChk (to check and correct any errors on your hard drive). Uninstall any old programs that you don't use anymore - the closer you get to a full hard drive, the slower things become.
As someone else had mentioned prior to me, you usually have to keep the Offer's software installed for a certain period of time in order to keep your credit.