The President of The United States of America is doing fine with this voter because I remember the Regan era and the Bush Dynasty. Most of the people who have complaints bought into the fake media hype that President Obama could singlehandedly change not only the economy but the entire structure of the country. I hate to break it to you but the man can't fly! I think it is naive to think even for a minute that the good ol'boy network was going to let him change anything that would cause them to lose any of their stock value. Frankly I'm surprised he is even alive, being that he is half black. I think it's a miracle he isn't in a box draped with the flag we love so much with Mrs. Obama crying into a hanky. I am so sick of people who are trying to put all of the responsibility for change in this country on his back, expecting him to die on the cross for them while they criticize a man who is the first president who was working as the president before he even took the first oath of office and hasn't stopped since. This country needs change it is true, and one of the changes we should make is to abolish lobbying and no person who holds office in the House of Representatives or the Senate should be able to have stocks in any corporation that trades on Wall Street. It's a conflict of interests. It prevents them from being unbiased in the voting process and they cannot under these conditions have the voters best interests at heart. We are responsible for this country, no one man built this country. No one man can defend or protect it. It begins like this ... We The People of the United States... and it is our responsibility and our constitutional directive to be the caretakers of this country. We have become lazy waiting for Washington to make the decisions that rule our lives. We don't rally or contact our senators or representatives when we don't approve of something. If we are derelict in our duty and have allowed greedy power hungry aristocrats, corporations and banks to hold us and our rights and freedoms for ransom whose fault is that? Think about it!